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Gott und die Bibel

AutorPeter Müller
VerlagKohlhammer Verlag
Seitenanzahl240 Seiten
Preis23,99 EUR
The bible is, to a large extent, an intertextual work. This applies both to the Old Testament and the New Testament respectively, but also especially in regards to the link between the New and Old Testament. For this reason, it is very important to discover crosslinks. These crosslinks are being explored based on text examples & from the Torah, the records, the prophets, the gospel, the Pauline and Deutero-Pauline letters and the Revelation. As well as questions of the historic interpretation of the bible (for example fourfold exegesis, literal interpretation), fundamental biblical didactic problems are explored, and examples of the treatment of biblical texts in lessons are offered.

Prof. Dr. Peter Müller teaches the New Testament and religious pedagogy at PH Karlsruhe.

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