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Neo world psychological Negagivity and its antidote

Ancient Yogic Methods

AutorJagadeesh Krishnan
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl229 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis19,99 EUR
Skript aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Klinische u. Gesundheitspsychologie, Psychopathologie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Benefit of the practices : Also this practices will mainly deals with all Psychological and Biological problems like Stress disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Alcoholic, Drugs Addiction, personality disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Bipolar disorders, Schizophrenia, Cognitive disorders, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Phobia, Identity disorder , Insomnia, Somnambulism, social Anxiety disorders, Sexual disorders, Heart disease, blood pressure, Sexual orientation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Gay sexuality, Suicidal mentality, Cancer Obesity etc., This book contains Practical Methods or Techniques, explain very simple and scientifically ways, to activate your inner potentiality, and Your Body Chakras, and Intuitive, Psychic power, Hypnosis, Telepathic power, Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, and also described how to get Enlightenment, this is not only cure psychological and Biological problems it's described how to move higher level of human.

SHORT AUTHOR BIO: K.Jagadeesh is perusing the LLBlaw, PhD Psychology,M.Phil psychology, M.A.Psychology ,M.A. Hindi, B.A.Tamil literature, (,and FCT( Fashion and Clothing Technology) in NIFT Chennai, and also finished praveenuttrath(Hindi). Trainer of yoga and meditation, tantra more than 31 years. I am also successfully running my own psychological counseling center past several years, name: Knight Dragon Tantra Galaxy. I am already published 70 psychological books Internationally, through Lap Academic Publishing Germany. And 15 books in Peecho Netherland, and 14 books in Issus, and 8 eBook in Wide book

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WHAT IS MIND It’s Inner or Outer or Beyond


Human lives in mind, but what is the mind, and how it works, that is the biggest puzzle, to know this mind they try long time but its unsolved one now also , because human living with this mind factor then how can they concluded that or define, if they come out of mind then it’s possible otherwise this is not possible, because if you are living in mind than how can possible to understand the mind, therefore the ancestor try to understand the mind, first if you see it in outer side you can understand the mind phenomenon. Therefore I am designed all the practice how human come out of the mind and understand the mind, my whole effort is this, therefore my practices mainly concern with this and designed all the practices. Because if you come outside the mind than you can concluded or understand your mind otherwise it’s impossible, if you come out of your mind and see then you find lot of things about the mind, because mind is not alone works its works with the instrument of body, if body does not exist then you cannot understand this mind, therefore all the ancestor always consider this body is the base point or origin, if you control or synchronized your body then you will find the mind phenomenon, how can we control our body, therefore they arranged all system about or understanding body nature, if you understanding your body nature you will overcome or understanding your mind. Therefore they systematically arranged all the practices with start with body exercise that we called yoga asana then they control next part or next phenomenon which is breath and then they come to meditation.


This three is important things in every human being but unfortunately we missed, because we living in the world is not concern about all these things, because every human urgently go somewhere, where he/she goes that is not known factor, the factor is we don’t aware about our innate or our consciousness, if you aware about this then we can understand every things which is we think that, this is puzzle, really this universe or this body or mind is not an puzzle but we make it this is puzzle, if you aware about this then everything in this human world or universal is simple and understandable. Therefore I am here explaining all the things which is very simple but its solved all this above said puzzles, because my every effort is simple thing because these all methods are very very simple things if you really practice this than, if you just lazy or cowardice or fanatic religion follower then you never understanding this all practices, because I am not here explaining any biggest things or very secret things or unknown things, because my ways is simple, it’s not unknown to known, its known to unknown. Therefore these all things are designed by our ancestor, they all very genius because they understanding everything in this body, mind and universe. Therefore they designed all the things which is easily practicable. Therefore I am here taken all the methods or techniques are instrument of our ancestors it’s all methods or techniques not designed by one person it’s all lot of persons credit, because every nook and corner of this world there are some genius people who lives and they given the solution of all this is not an credit of one country or one nation or one person or one religion or anything this is credit of all the nation all the genius who flourished this world ,they don’t have any particular religion, particular nation, particular sect or anything this is beyond the nation. Because any genius person is not personal thing or commodity of any nation or religion or sect they are all natures’ gifts. They live for humanity not for any nation any religion or any sect. they are all living with their own world which is not our world also, because they all are something beyond the nation religion sect etc., also they are not lives in time factor. Some time I am amazing to know this genius, because every genius is unique and separate from this humanity, how they survival that is also the biggest wonder. Because every genius is make its own path and own root and own identity but that all things not matched any world or any nation or any sect. In this world I am living in India here particularly south India here found lot of the genius people in every time but unfortunately they don’t mingle with any one or any nation because this people never come to market or marketing any products of its own, but unfortunately the markedly available all sathguru’s or shree shree, poojaya sri, parmamsadevs, bagahavans sankaracharyas, avatars, or messengers of god , incarnation, prophet all are very fake, there for all the world did not really understand original genius they follows lot of fake guru’s, they teach everything is fake, and they all are seared nonsense because every human need grow itself time to time otherwise they does not developed and go beyond the mind they all are says that my religious book is great thing because this not changed its given by god directly I am the messenger of god I am only the messenger of god or last massager of god or this is unchangeable it’s not change any camas pull stop for centuries these all sear nonsense because human wanted to change anything for their will and also go further more step growing if you stuck then you are, or human race are gone to the asses because human wanted to go further and further more than one day they reach the highest peak of the race otherwise they destroyed they self therefore don’t bother about these nonsense people. Because changing everything is life factor stuck anything is death, everything in this universe is change time to time but these foolish and nonsense prophet or messengers given the guarantee to innocent people and make unchangeable for everything to keep therefore every prophet or messenger live for century to century because of ignorant people respected these people then how can they accept any one who can stand for truth that is impossible therefore I am always against all religious creator or prophet or messenger, because I need human go further and further more and more go and find the truth itself then they one day find the truth himself/herself. But they all are spiritual businessmen, they never show any original ways or any enlightenment to any one because they himself not touched this enlightenment then how can they show the ways, and also their followers destroyed lot of libraries and old treasures like Alexandria libraries, but unfortunately the western people blindly believe this fake people therefore they surrounded this type of the people the western people are very intelligent in their outer world but unfortunately they did not know about inner world, this is the situation this fake guru’s always used and manipulated lot of western people. Therefore I am always think that why these things happen how can eradicate this, there for I am decide to make whole yoga sastara, yoga methods easily available then this type of the fake guru’s vanished and find out the original one, this is the small try I am explaining all the methods which is available in all secret books and other recourses. Because my aim is simple who is really searching for the truth they want to know some secret which is not easily available in this world there fore I am 24 years try and find almost all secret methods, easily available to any one who is trying to find the truth easily. My aim is always one every secret is open to everyone then they find itself truth no guru’s need or any avatar any paramamsadeve, any sankaracharyas, any bahavans any messenger of god, any prophets, needs for truth. Truth itself sufficient it’s not need any fundamental or anything, every one try and get it these things, this is my only aim to explore all these techniques and methods. My first book also explaining these things that name is “Silicon World Psychological Problems and the Antidote” by Ancient Yogic Techniques.” Now also I am explaining some simple methods which is not explaining any one in simple ways but I am explaining simplest ways.


I am here taken the subject is “NEGATIVITY” because this is the factor is mostly two type one is physiological and another is psychological, I am not well versed in physiological but psychologically am in some deep. negativity if you don’t find health then this negativity comes this is changeable therefore I am not consider about this factor, I am mainly consider here for psychological factor because this mind is the biggest problems to the universal human being, because human living with this mind factor this is always given the ways to anything but unfortunately we don’t have control or understanding these things therefore we missed, if you understand this mind factor than we always be happy to lead our life. But unfortunately lot of psychological books and other resources available they show the way is always surface but did not indicated to the origin or deep-rooted, therefore first place its show some ways but end it not happy ending. Because they all are missed something which is called innate, because they did not know about what is innate or our consciousnesses, because if you find you own innate or consciousnesses then you solve all the problems, otherwise you miss something. Therefore I am always design a methods is mainly consider this factor and given the solution. But always human think that negative and negativity is the same thing, but its not an same thing. Negative is the thing which is indicate positive because in this universal without negative positive does not exist. Because this negative and positive is balanced for human life. If you neglect negative then you also missed positive, like wise if...

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