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RFP Rubber Fibres Plastics

RFP Rubber Fibres Plastics

Internationales Fachmagazin für die Polymerindustrie
RFP Rubber Fibres Plastics is the international sister of the well-known GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe. This magazine was created in 1948 and since that time it delivers monthly practical and application orientated information to the German speaking rubber industry as well as to the thermoplast and fibres industry.

Since several years these industries as well as nearly all other industry branches undergo dramatic changes. We have seen that even more than in Germany the rubber and plastics processors in the markets in Asia, the Near and Middle East as well as in Central and Eastern Europe especially require the type of information we provide with GAK. That’s why we decided to launch RFP.

RFP is a technical magazine dedicated to the polymer industry with a main focus on rubber. It stands for practical and application-orientated topics relevant to polymer processors and their suppliers. It contains scientific and technical reports, that deal with raw materials, applications, measuring and controlling and also supplies information regarding machinery, equipment, organisation and quality assurance.

Abo-InfoJahresabonnementReduzierte Abos
4 Mal im Jahr
Spezial-InfoVerlag / Anschriftaktualisiert amSeitenaufrufe
Titel eingestellt28.03.20244056

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