Vorwort | 5 |
Contents – Inhaltsverzeichnis | 6 |
1Introduction | 8 |
References | 13 |
I Taking Concepts Seriously – Die Bedeutung von Begriffen | 15 |
2A Conceptual Model of Desire-Based Choice | 16 |
1 Introduction | 16 |
2 The Model | 16 |
3 Non-Feasibility | 18 |
4 Evaluation and Choice | 20 |
5 Conclusion | 24 |
References | 26 |
3 Conceptual Confusion is Not Always a Bad Thing – The Curious Case of European Radical Right Studies | 27 |
1 Introduction | 27 |
2 “European Radical Right Studies” - a messy field | 28 |
3 Data | 29 |
4 Findings | 30 |
5 Conclusion | 41 |
References | 41 |
4 Zum Begriff des „Politischen Extremismus“ – Kritik und Kritik der Kritik | 45 |
1 Zum Begriff des „Politischen Extremismus“ | 45 |
2 Kritik am Extremismuskonzept | 50 |
3 Fazit | 58 |
Literatur | 59 |
5What Is Important? – Some Short Remarks on How to Deal with Relatedness | 62 |
1 Is the question ‘What is important?’ a question like ‘What has Jones eaten this morning?’ | 62 |
2 Is the question ‘What is important?’ elliptical in the same way as the statement ‘O is to the left of P’? | 63 |
3 Is there a frame of reference with respect to the predicate ‘is important’ so that it functions similar to nautical or anatomical language? | 65 |
4 Can one identify another controversial question at a deeper level of analysis of ‘What is important’? | 66 |
References | 66 |
6Does Non-Domination Imply Freedom? A Discussion of the Neorepublican Conception of Freedom | 68 |
1 Introduction | 68 |
2 Freedom as Non-Domination | 70 |
3 A Conceptual Discussion of Freedom as Non-domination | 72 |
4 Conclusion | 82 |
References | 82 |
II Normative Political Theory – Normative Politische Theorie | 84 |
7Okzidentalismus – Die „östliche“ Kritik an politischen Prinzipien des Westens | 85 |
1 Orientalismus in Edward Saids Studie | 86 |
2 Orientalismus in der modernen politischen Philosophie? Montesquieu, Kant, Burke und Mill | 89 |
3 Burumas und Margalits Okzidentalismus-These | 94 |
4 Okzidentalismus im Westen: Anne Norton (2013) | 101 |
5 Fazit | 104 |
Literatur | 106 |
8Private and Political Exchange – Nozick’s Club vs. Buchanan’s Communitarian Contractarianism | 109 |
1 Introduction and overview | 109 |
2 Background | 110 |
3 Nozick’s exchange based politics | 114 |
4 The political creation of private exchange in CoC | 122 |
5 The ultimately political nature of private exchange | 127 |
References | 130 |
9Menschenwürde, Menschenrechte und Demokratie | 132 |
1 Annahme | 132 |
2 Thesen | 133 |
3 Schlussfolgerungen | 144 |
Literatur | 146 |
10 Legitime Expertokratie? Zur Stellung nicht-majoritärer Expertengremien in einem deliberativ-demokratischen System | 148 |
1 Einleitung | 148 |
2 Legitimation im deliberativen System | 149 |
3 Delegation, Unabhängigkeit und Verfahrensgerechtigkeit | 152 |
4 Demokratisches Institutionendesign | 157 |
5 Die Mainzer Bürgerkonferenz 2013 | 162 |
6 Fazit | 166 |
Literatur | 167 |
11 Democratic Dirty Hands | 170 |
1 Introduction | 170 |
2 Duplicity and Democracy | 173 |
3 Duplicity and Politicians | 174 |
4 Democratic Dirty Hands | 175 |
References | 179 |
12Politische Bildung braucht Politische Theorie | 181 |
1 Politische Bildung bedarf einer politiktheoretischen Legitimation | 181 |
2 Gesellschaftstheoretische Legitimation politischer Bildung in den 1970er Jahren | 183 |
3 Legitimation politischer Bildung in der nachkonzeptionellen Phase der Politikdidaktik | 184 |
4 Aktuelle Entwicklungen | 185 |
5 Warum werden welche Theorien wie rezipiert? | 187 |
6 Fazit | 189 |
Literatur | 190 |
13Theories on Global Poverty – Normative Disclosure and Consistency | 193 |
1 Introduction | 193 |
2 Preliminaries | 194 |
3 Poverty Eradication Theories | 195 |
4 Normative Elements of a Poverty Eradication Theory | 197 |
5 Normative disclosure and consistency as methodological requirements | 203 |
6 Poverty Eradication, Human Rights, and Rights to Compensation | 207 |
7 Conclusion | 210 |
References | 211 |
14Dirty Hands? No (Moral) Problem! | 214 |
1 What kind of problem is it? | 215 |
2 Dirty hands as a moral problem? | 215 |
3 Dirty hands-problems as a metaethical problem | 223 |
4 Dirty hands-problems as psychological problems | 224 |
5 Conclusion | 227 |
References | 227 |
15Why making no difference makes no moral difference | 230 |
1 Introduction | 230 |
2 Clarifying the problem: collective action and the ‘no difference’ argument | 231 |
3 Alternative responses | 233 |
4 Why making no difference makes no moral difference | 236 |
5 Conclusion | 242 |
References | 242 |
16Just Inequalities of Power? | 244 |
1 Introduction | 244 |
2 Impartiality and Mutual Advantage | 245 |
3 Just Inequalities? | 250 |
4 Giving up on Constructivism? | 252 |
5 Denying Virtue? | 253 |
6 Beyond the Virtues of Justice? | 254 |
7 Joint Action | 256 |
References | 256 |
III Positive Political Theory – Positive Politische Theorie | 259 |
17 Demokratie aus Gewohnheit? Ein Essay über die stabilisierende Wirkung des Nichtwissens | 260 |
1 Die Macht der Gewohnheit | 260 |
2 Von Akzeptanz zur Duldung | 262 |
3 Von Duldung zur Anpassung | 266 |
4 Von Anpassung zur Gewohnheit | 268 |
Literatur | 271 |
18 Rational Choice and Asymmetric Learning in Iterated Social Interactions – Some Lessons from Agent-Based Modeling | 273 |
1 Introduction | 273 |
2 Two Agent-Based Simulations on Informational Side Effects | 274 |
3 How Social Epistemology can Help Towards a Better Understanding of Rationality for Actions and Beliefs | 284 |
4 Exploration-Exploitation-Trade-Off, Asymmetric Learning and Rationality | 285 |
5 Conclusion | 288 |
Literature | 288 |
19Echte und unechte Wahlversprechen | 291 |
1 Einleitung | 291 |
2 Echte Wahlversprechen | 293 |
3 Unechte Wahlversprechen | 306 |
4 Folgen und Probleme einer Unterscheidung | 317 |
5 Fazit | 328 |
Literatur | 329 |
20Ruth Zimmerling’s Globalization and Democracy, fifteen years on | 335 |
1 ‘Globalization and Democracy’ in 2003 | 336 |
2 Globalization and democracy in the last 15 years: the facts | 338 |
3 New trends in the study of globalization and democracy | 344 |
4 Conclusion | 347 |
References | 347 |
21 Das Prinzipal-Agenten-Modell und EU-Konfliktbearbeitung – Strukturelle Erklärungen für Agenten-Autonomie | 355 |
1 Einleitung | 355 |
2 Das Prinzipal-Agenten-Modell | 358 |
3 Discretion im Feld der EU-Konfliktbearbeitung | 362 |
4 Implikationen für das Prinzipal-Agenten-Verhältnis | 372 |
5 Fazit | 373 |
Literatur | 374 |