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Zum Verhältnis von Puritanern und Theater im England der Frühen Neuzeit

AutorEnno Ruge
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
Seitenanzahl413 Seiten
Preis210,00 EUR

The aim of this study is a revision of the hitherto prevailing conceptions of the relationship between the Puritans and the theater in England during the Early Modern Age in several fields of research. The study focuses on representations of the Puritans in drama and correlates them to other text evidence (such as sermons, pamphlets, petitions, letters and autobiographical documents). Instead of the still current reductive, dichotomous picture of the opposition of players and Puritans, a dynamic process of reciprocal dependencies and exchange becomes visible. The study reveals a historically variable mesh of relationships between two groups which laid claim to rivaling authority in an urban cultural space characterized by increasingly pluralistic tendencies. One main hypothesis of the study is that the direct coexistence of the Puritans and theater people in London was constitutive for the development of the new entertainment medium as well as for the contouring and even the formation of a special Puritan identity.

Enno Ruge, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

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Blick ins Buch
Verzeichnis der Abbildungen14
1. “For if you seeke after the Puritans, these they bee”: Die Family of Love44
1.1 “The name of Puritanes”: Der König trifft eine Unterscheidung46
1.2 “Mortall Enemies”: die Family of Love und die Puritaner53
1.3 “What kind of creatures are these Familists?” The Family of Love76
2. Visible Saints: gemäßigte Puritaner und radikale Separatisten95
2.1 Die Koexistenz der Heiligen und der Unheiligen in der Kirche100
2.2 “Exiled saints” und “precise neighbours” in The Alchemist136
3. In suburbia: Puritaner unter Theater am südlichen Stadtrand163
3.1 Zum Verhältnis zwischen den Liberties und der City164
3.2 “I live by the church”: Twelfth Night181
3.3 “All the houses in the suburbs”: Measure for Measure199
4. Within the Walls: Theater und Puritaner in der City: St Paul’s230
4.1 “What voice is heard in our streetes”: die Szene von St. Paul’s231
4.2 Die Dramatisierung des Nebeneinanders in The Puritan257
5. Within the Walls: Theater und Puritaner in der City: Blackfriars272
5.1 “The Playhouse is so neere the Church”274
5.2 Der Puritanismus als Maske des tricksters: Eastward Ho!294
5.3 Liebe in Blackfriars: The Dutch Courtesan300
5.4 Die Dramatisierung des Nebeneinanders in The Muses’ Looking Glass313
6. Showdown im Theater: Bartholomew Fair323
6.1 Bartholomew Fair: eine Komödie im Dienst des Königs?325
6.2 “[S]ubject to Construction”: Puritaner auf dem Jahrmarkt334
6.3 “Enter the tents of the unclean”: Ein Puritaner im Theater351

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