Dallas actor Larry Hagman stars in advertisement for solar panel manufacturer in response to BP Gulf oil spill
Drill, baby, drill‘ could have been JR Ewing’s mantra, but actor Larry Hagman advocates ‚Shine, baby, shine‘.
He was once the world’s most ruthless and notorious oil baron. But now JR Ewing has turned his back on black gold to spend his retirement selling eco-friendly solar panels.
Almost two decades after hanging up his trademark 10-gallon hat when the long-running TV drama Dallas came to an end, the American actor Larry Hagman is reprising his most famous role in an advertisement for a German company. The oil industry, he says in the commercial, became „too dirty“, prompting a search for another money making opportunity.
„In the past it was always about the oil. The oil was flowing and so was the money,“ he says.
„But I’m still in the energy business. There’s always a better alternative,“ he adds, gazing up at the roof of his California mansion covered in solar panels and flashing a grin of perfect sparkling teeth.
The unbelievable prospect of the greenback-worshipping head of Ewing Oil turning green would have caused uproar in the TV show’s fictional Cattleman’s Club, where many of JR’s biggest deals were done, and devious plots hatched, over a glass of bourbon.
Yet in real life Hagman, 78, is a keen advocate of an Earth-friendly lifestyle. His mountaintop home set in a 46-acre estate in Ojai, near Santa Barbara, was fitted with the country’s largest residential solar power system in 2003, cutting the actor’s annual electricity bill from $37,000 (£24,000) to $13.
The panels soak up so much sun that he is frequently able to sell power generated by them back to his local electricity company.
Hagman said he decided to film the 30-second advertisement after becoming angry at the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
„With all that oil gushing away in the Gulf I figured it was time to call for a new direction in where we’re getting our energy,“ he told the New York Times.
„Since Sarah Palin is saying ‚Drill, baby, drill‘ I’m saying ‚Shine, baby, shine‘. It’s a lot cheaper and cleaner.“
The power plants for investors
RIG offers in Germany and worldwide for all requirements of the proposed solar farms from 1MWp from a single source – that is how we create the ideal conditions for financial investors, banks, pension funds or funds. Here, both portfolio holdings and the acquisition of a whole park portfolios are possible. In the structure of these park portfolios RIG offers both pure campaign packages or technology as well as various compilations between countries and / or technology, where our investors will benefit as follows:
– RIG’s expertise in the development of major projects
– From large project volumes with low fixed costs
– Of the possibilities of individual design portfolio
– From the quality and yield stability of RIG Projects
For individual investors: Private Placements
Individual investors can purchase fully developed sites with all permits including a PV system of RIG as a single project. This so-called private placement, equity and, if need be, the debt capital for one or more plants is contributed by the investor. This form of private equity capital is gaining in importance. And for good reason: Plants for energy production from renewable energy sources provide long-term and predictable returns. These benefits for investors are among other things:
– Attractive returns
– Systems with the highest quality standards
– Management by RIG
The funding is the main point of system planning for the investor: RIG provides for each power-plant investment business plan, established according to the specificities of each country the legal and fiscal conditions for the best society, by giving loans and closes on its behalf all contracts of insurance.
Legal and Tax Structure:
In each country, it is necessary to take into account specific features. They relate the details of the feed-in tariff as well as the legal form of companies or the tax legislation. All this is included in the optimal configuration of the operating companies of our solar power plants.
Finance and insurance structure:
RIG has a wealth of partners in the U.S. and international banking and insurance industry. Thus, the project companies with the necessary safeguards are provided.
By our long experience in the development and management of projects and the quality and performance of implemented systems, the cooperation with partners is very well tested.
Commercial Service:
All aspects of management may be taken over by RIG: Settlements with the energy suppliers, payment of invoices for leases, maintenance or repairs, accounting, financial statements, tax returns. For the investor remains very little to do – only the consideration and decision of his commitment for RIG.
Photovoltaics in the U.S.A.
RIG Solar GmbH
Gesellschaften für erneuerbare Energien
Bahnhofstr. 64
35390 Giessen
Tel. 0641-3409949
Fax 06471-61557
Vertreten durch die geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter:
Dipl.-Kfm. Bastian P. Ringsdorf
Dipl.-Ing. Burkhard E. M. Rustige
Person ist Anbieter im Sinne des TDG/MDStV sowie
Verantwortlicher i.S.d, § 6 Abs. 2 MDStV
Bildnachweise 2009
– photocase.com
– Fotolia
– Apple Inc.
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