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Critical Concepts in Foreign Language Teaching. Self-Efficacy, Teacher Burnout and Self-Regulation

The Psycholinguistics Perspective

AutorGhazaleh Payvar
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl48 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis18,99 EUR
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Didaktik für das Fach Englisch - Pädagogik, Sprachwissenschaft, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This thesis will examine several critical concepts in foreign language teaching from the psycholinguistic perspective. Among the topics discussed are effective teaching and self-efficacy, teacher burnout and self-regulation as well as attitude and motivation. Language teaching has been subjected to tremendous changes. The history of foreign language (FL) teaching can be traced back to different teaching methodologies. As learning is a lifelong process and it often takes place in a social context and it is also a highly individualized process, theories on language learning and teaching have changed and developed over many centuries and years and evolved from the fields of psychology, cognitive psychology, and linguistics which focusing on these fields. Whether one agrees with all previous language learning and teaching theories as a FL methodology or not, the important implication in a course of English as FL is that students learn and acquire language without even being aware of the existence of some more crucial elements rather than learning theories. As studying different language and teaching theories and methodologies in line with linguistic knowledge are necessary to become a language teacher, other factors such as teachers' qualifications has a great direct and indirect impact on students' learning process. In other words, as teachers may apply the different theories of learning and teaching methodologies, they need to keep awareness that language teachers have key roles in all teaching methods and generally in teaching and learning process. Teaching is a complex process and is cognitively and emotionally demanding. A qualified language teacher attempts to enrich their linguistic knowledge, cognitive, affective and emotional dispositions to take better actions in response to the demands of their external world like class, students and teaching process.

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