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Der jüdische Messianismus im Zeitalter der Emanzipation

Reinterpretationen zwischen davidischem Königtum und endzeitlichem Sozialismus

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheMarotISSN 2
Seitenanzahl326 Seiten
Preis179,95 EUR

During the first half of the 19th century, traditional Jewish conceptions of the Messiah underwent a profound reinterpretation. In place of the vision of a messianic king, new ideas arose about an ideal world. G. Kohler demonstrates that this new reading of Jewish messianism did not originate from the works of the philosopher Hermann Cohen, but instead, had already arisen during the 1840s.

George Y. Kohler, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/M.

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