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Der Mensch in der Karolinger Zeit

AutorMarlena Biadala
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl20 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis3,99 EUR
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and. Länder - Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 2,3, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In following essay, concept 'a man of Caroling's times' is understood as people who lived on the grounds conquered by Karol the Great and who dwelled this lands between eighth and tenth century. The society of that times was divided with regard for property on poor and rich, moreover it was divided with regard for legal situation on free people and slaves. Being a free man, didn't mean that you were rich. It happened, that poor people were nobles and rich ones were hosts. In that days also feudalism was developing. Feudalism is a social form based on human relations, namely segneur gave to vassal secure and land in exchange for land cultivation and tribute. In following elaboration, there is no talk about the way of nobilities' or king's life but usual, simple people. This social group was majority in Caroling's country. In the main part of essay, series of factors, which had tremendous impact on simple man life, were presented. The biggest impact had nature. Quite often the statement, that life in that time was 'continous fight with nature', is met. Uncontrollable forest was as well a salvation as a curse. Peasant life, in Caroling's times, mainly consisted of work in the fields and this was very hard because of deficiency in harvest. The crop from field given from his feud master, had to suffice all his and his masters' family. Trade was also well developed, which allowed to supply in food and other kind of stuff. Big influence on inhabitants number had also wars and diseases. Peasant's children didn't participate at school activities, their childhood ended when they were seven years old. After that they had to work to earn their living. Admittedly people of that period were christened and they become Chris-tians, however the pagan rituals didn't die out. A man's life of Caroling's times was very hard and depended on hard work in the fields. Every day he had to fight with nature, but he didn't feel lonely in this fight. He had family and neighbours, who supported him and he could rely on them in every moment.

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