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Konzeption eines Vorgehensmodells zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung von Mitarbeiterportalen

Am Beispiel eines IT-Dienstleisters

AutorChristian Struck
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl134 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis24,99 EUR
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Informatik - Wirtschaftsinformatik, Note: 1,3, Universität Duisburg-Essen (VAWi), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The concept of enterprise portals, and employee portals in particular, offers a promising approach to providing a centralized platform that integrates multiple in-house applications and processes in a user friendly way. The existing literature suggests a number of models of procedure for introducing enterprise portals, but only very few address the issue of improving already established portals in companies. The company Finanz Informatik already uses a portal for its internal reporting which is based on SAP NetWeaver Portal. The benefits of this product are not being fully exploited given the fact that the internal business system landscape primarily uses other SAP products which could easily be integrated. For this reason, the current portal named 'MIS-Portal' should be extended to become a new employee portal 'POINT' for all business SAP applications, which can be used by all employees. Against this background, this master thesis designs a model of procedure for the continuous development of employee portals, which is derived from the theoretical fields of 'continuous improvement processes', 'general procedure models' and 'procedure models for introduction of corporate portals'. The design of the procedure model consists of the five phases 'strategy', 'analysis', 'design', 'implementation' and 'introduction', which depend on each other and ensure a continuous improvement due two PDCA-cycles. In order to test the practical applicability of the procedure model for the continuous development of employee portals, the planned activities within the corresponding phases are applied to the context of Finanz Informatik. The transition from 'MIS-Portal' to 'POINT' is exemplified as one selected iteration to evaluate the quality of the model. In this practical section it is demonstrated that the procedure model can be successfully applied to Finanz Informatik. Whether the model can also be used in other scenarios in generic company contexts cannot be answered definitively. But the experience with previous uses of the model suggests that it has a high degree of applicability for generic scenarios. For this reason, we can confidently put forward the hypothesis that this design of the procedure model can be used in other contexts, too.

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