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From the Mountains to the Table

Cheese in Vorarlberg

AutorKurt Bracharz
VerlagLöwenzahn Verlag
Seitenanzahl220 Seiten
Preis19,99 EUR
Unmistakably good: what has made alpine cheese from Vorarlberg so special for 2000 years are the original method of its production and its distinctive taste, characterized by the grasses and herbs of the alpine meadows. In 'From the Mountains to the Table' Kurt Bracharz vividly describes why cheese and its production are so highly regarded in the west of Austria. He tells of the love of nature and hard work which have shaped the people and their traditions to this day. Sophisticated recipes from starred chefs Mike Schwarzenbacher and Florian Mairitsch as well as impressive photographs of life on the alp, of the cultivation of traditions, and of cheese production, make this book into a beautiful homage to the alpine dairy and its cheese. - Texts by Kurt Bracharz, published by Josef Rupp - Everything you want to know about the various alpine dairy products - Historical facts about cheese making in Vorarlberg - Insights into the alpine dairymen's work throughout the year - Cooking with cheese then and now - Numerous delicious recipes and atmospheric photos

Kurt Bracharz, born 1947, writer, children's author, and columnist, lives in Bregenz. Numerous literary awards, including the Vorarlberg Booksellers Award (2003). His latest book is 'Mein Appetit Lexikon' (Haymon, 2010). Josef J. Rupp III., has been CEO of the Private Cheese Company Rupp, the third-generation family business, since 1986. Food and drink are among his passions; alpine cheese is a matter close to his heart.

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Horizontale Tabs


Milk,Cream, and Sour Cream

There is a confusing abundance of types of milk—fresh milk, organic milk, light milk, ESL-Milk, or UHT-milk—in Vorarlberg’s supermarkets today. Here we are only interested in hay-milk, which, by the way, is the most gently treated milk on the market, quite apart from its other virtues. It arrives daily on the cooling shelves and keeps but six days at the most. Whoever can by hay-milk directly from a farmer or a dairy is of course better off, but must boil this milk like any other raw milk.

Cream, the fat won from the milk by skimming off or centrifugation is the starting point for butter, sour cream, whipping cream and crème fraîche. For sour cream, sweet cream is mixed with sour milk or sour cream as a starter for acidification.



Sour cream


Alp Butter

Clarified butter

Milk Caramel with Dukatenbuchteln (Yeast Pastries)

Milk Caramel with Dukatenbuchteln (Yeast Pastries)

Milk Caramel

1 Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil.

2 Reduce, simmering at the lowest heat for c. 45—60 minutes.

3 Fill into jelly jars and close immediately.

4 Store in a cool place.


Milk Caramel

1 l

whole milk

150 g

granulated sugar a pinch of baking soda



1 Dissolve sugar, butter, and yeast in the lukewarm milk.

2 Add this liquid to the sieved flour and combine well with the egg yolks and lemon rind.

3 Let rise in a warm place.

4 Roll out the dough to 1 cm thickness and cut circles (c. 4 cm). Form these into balls and place closely together in a buttered form.

5 Brush with melted butter and bake for c. 15 min. at 180° C. Brush again and again with butter.

6 Allow the golden Buchteln to cool for a bit, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with milk caramel.



280 g


15 g

fresh yeast

50 g



pinch of salt

35 g



egg yolks

125 g

lukewarm milk


zest of half a lemon


Clotted Cream with Cucumbers and Berries

Clotted Cream

1 Combine milk and crème fraîche or crème double and cook over lowest heat for about 3 hours, until a skin forms.

2 Refrigerate for 12 hours.

3 Skim off “clots” and do not stir until smooth.


Clotted Cream


whole milk

500 g

crème double or crème fraîche



1 Peel the cucumber and cut in half. Remove seeds and cut into pieces as desired.

2 Mix with the other ingredients and arrange in glasses.

3 Garnish with celery leaves.


Marinate berries with powdered sugar and fill into glasses.


Serve the clotted cream with brioche for afternoon tea.




yellow celery leaves
olive oil
lemon juice

250 g

powdered sugar


Sour Cream Ice Cream with Cherries from Fraxern

Sour Cream Ice Creams

1 Combine cream, powdered sugar and sugar and heat to 85° C in a thermo mixer.

2 Stir in the soaked and squeezed out gelatin.

3 Add sour cream, lemon juice and lemon zest.

4 Freeze in an ice cream machine. The full aroma develops after 4 weeks.



250 g

sour cream

50 g

powdered sugar

25 g

liquid cream
juice and zest of an
untreated lemon

25 g



sheet of gelatin


Cherries from Fraxern
Version 1

Serve 500 g fresh cherries with the ice cream.

Version 2

1 Boil sugar and water to a pale caramel.

2 Add port wine and sherry.

3 Add sour cherry pulp and vanilla bean.

4 Boil until reduced by half.

5 Remove vanilla bean.

6 Warm the pitted cherries gently in the marinade.


Cherries from Fraxern
Port Wine Cherries

100 g


33 g


¼ l

red port wine

¼ l

Sherry medium dry


vanilla bean, scraped out

160 g

sour cherry pulp unsweetened

500 g





All recipes serve 4.

Clotted Cream with Cucumbers and Berries

Sour Cream Ice Cream with Cherries from Fraxern

Sour Cream and Beets


1 Melt butter, add shallots and sauté until tender.

2 Add sugar and caramelize to a light color.

3 Add cider vinegar and briefly reduce.

4 Stir in ginger, mustard, coriander, vanilla, star anise, and cloves.

5 Stir in beet juice, apple juice and creamed horseradish and simmer for 5 minutes.

6 Add the beets and bring to a boil.

7 Season with salt, lime juice and zest.

8 While still hot, fill into canning jars, seal, and pasteurize.

9 Store in the refrigerator. The full aroma develops after about 4 weeks.


Preserved Beets

500 g

mini-beets, cooked in salted water until soft, peeled, and quartered

100 g



shallots, chopped

250 g

brown sugar

40 g

cider vinegar


tablespoon ginger, chopped


tablespoon coarse mustard


tablespoon coriander seed, crushed


teaspoon ground caraway seed


cinnamon stick


vanilla bean





¼ l

beet juice

⅛ l

apple juice


teaspoon creamed horseradish juice and zest of an untreated lime salt


Sour Cream Foam

1 Stir sour cream and crème fraîche until smooth.

2 Warm the lemon juice slightly and dissolve the soaked, squeezed out gelatin in it.

3 Stir into the cream.

4 Whip the cream and fold in carefully, along with the spices.

5 Fill into desired forms and chill for 6 hours.


Beet leaves


1 Warm the beets to room...

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