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Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapie für Klinik und Praxis

AutorFriedhelm Brassel, Karsten Papke, Peter-Douglas Klassen, Wilhelm Nacimiento
VerlagKohlhammer Verlag
Seitenanzahl202 Seiten
Preis54,99 EUR
Spinal cord diseases play an important role in regards to neurologic and neurosurgical practices. Advances in regards to the diagnostics and laboratory research have improved the recognition of these clinical pictures. This book emphasises the significance of thorough medical history enquiries and clinical examinations. It unlocks the use of technical and laboratory-diagnostic additional examinations, which results in differential-diagnostic and therapeutic concepts for clinical pictures. Case histories are used to describe problems and possible solutions.

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Nacimiento (Clinic for Neurology and Early Neurologic Rehabilitation) & Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Brassel (Clinic for Neuroradiology and Radiology), Hospital in Duisburg Dr. Karsten Papke (Clinic for Radiology and Neuroradiology) & Dr. Peter Douglas Klassen (Clinic for Spinal Surgery and Neurotraumatology), St. Bonifatius-Hospital Lingen.

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