Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Kultur und Landeskunde, Note: 2,7, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'Never in the course of human events have we lived in a time where tools to communicate ... have been handed to us in such volumes, and for free.' (Klososky dedication) By this Klososky made a statement about the current situation of our instruments of communication. But not only have the numbers of instruments impact on our communicative behavior. Also the style, the background and the way of use of such instruments changes and influences our communication. With the rise of the term Web 2.0 Tim O`Reilly and John Batelle coined the new way how the Internet is used and how it appears to its users. At the beginning the Internet was a collaborative tool for scientists to work together. It should be a simpler medium to exchange ideas and knowledge. So it appears to the broader audience as the so called Web 1.0. With this first step of the Internet humanity was confronted with such exciting new communication features as the e-mail, the chat or even the forum. This new ways of communication breached borders. They were able to ignore time and location of the communicators and connect people of different cultures from different countries. It stimulated the matter of communication in a way humanity never had seen before. Communication was seen as borderless.
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