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Wine and Architecture

AutorDenis Duhme, Katrin Friederichs
ReiheDETAIL Special 
Seitenanzahl144 Seiten
Preis19,90 EUR
'Several wineries and vineyards have captured the public's eye in recent years thanks to their distinctive architecture, which thoroughly conveys the atmosphere of their surroundings while reflecting the tradition of the winemaker. Through selected vineyards, this book traces the path of winemaking from grape harvest to tasting - all through the eyes of architects and winemakers: Based on numerous conversations with them, the authors are able to tell the personal stories behind the origins of each building and how it relates to its special place, all while expressing the sensual experience that is part of the world of wine. Besides information about the various wine-growing regions and the history of ''wine architecture'', the book familiarises the reader with the winemaking process and wine itself, making the book a handy wine and travel guide from the architect's perspective.'

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
History of wine architecture10
Winemaking and facility design20
Adega Mayor in Campo Maior, Portugal26
Bodegas Portia in Gumiel de Izán, Spain30
Weingut Claus Preisinger in Gols, Austria34
Tenuta Peter Zemmer in Cortina sulla Strada del Vino, Italy38
Château Thuerry in Villecroze, France40
Quinta do Vallado in Peso da Régua, Portugal44
Domaine Perraudin in Vauvert, France50
Cantina Colterenzio in Cornaiano, Italy52
Weingut Leo Hillinger in Jois, Austria56
Cantina Tramin in Termeno, Italy60
Weingut Heid in Fellbach, Germany64
Quinta do Napoles in Santo Adrião, Portugal68
Winzer Sommerach in Sommerach, Germany72
Domaine Les Aurelles in Nizas, France76
Quinta do Portal in Celeirós do Douro, Portugal80
Rocca di Frassinello in Gavorrano, Italy86
Weingut Erich Sattler in Tadten, Austria90
Cantina San Michele-Appiano in Appiano, Italy94
Weingut Gantenbein in Fläsch, Switzerland98
Bodegas Ysios in Laguardia, Spain104
Bodega Brugarol in Palamós, Spain106
Weingut Heinrich in Gols, Austria110
Country guide to wine and architecture in Europe114
Index of names140
Index of wine regions142
Picture credits142
Author bios143

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