Bastian Yotta went from homeless to Hollywood. A rollercoaster life with happy-end guarantee. Known as a hard-talking playboy, few know the real story behind his success. Only 10 years ago he stood about 6 inches from death. Suffering from depression, he tried to kill himself. In an amazing turnaround, he pulled himself out of the depths of despair. As an international tv-star, today he is financially independent and living the American dream. For the first time ever, he opens up to tell his personal and extraordinarily unusual life story, allowing readers to take a closer look at his most private experiences and his lowest lows. But there is much more inside: He opens up about the tools he needed to get from rock bottom to the very top. He explains simply and clearly how anyone can manage to overcome their fears and live the life of their dreams. This is the book of a person who has had many failures, but got back up and never stopped dreaming of a better life. He is now passing on his true experiences to his fans. 'Why should you read this book? To begin with, you've got it in your hand, now. That means, you - you and this book - have managed to find each other. Why else? Because it will help you. How do I know this? Because I've been there, where you are now. I know how you're feeling and what you need to get to a much better place. I have written this book for all those who don't know what they want in their life. But also for those who do know, but don't know how to get there or know how but are afraid to take that important first step. Let me help you.'
Bastian Yotta (born in 1976 in Bavaria, Germany) is a business management graduate and sports scientist as well as an entrepreneur, a lifeguard and a philosopher with a classical education in Greek and Latin. As a young boy he tried to escape his painful childhood watching Baywatch and creating his own personal dreamworld: years later it would become his American dream. But before he could get there, he had to go through bankruptcy, depression and an attempted suicide. Since 2014 he has lived in Los Angeles. The story of his rise to fame has fascinated the media in over 52 countries around the world. His social media postings reach over 2 million followers a day. Bastian Yotta was married and has two daughters. He is also engaged in many social projects to help the homeless get off the streets.
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