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How to Explore Your Life Purpose

With the 7-7-7 Principle: 7 Days - 7 Questions - 7 Minutes

AutorDr. Dorothea Kress
Verlagneobooks Self-Publishing
Seitenanzahl59 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis7,99 EUR
What am I really living for? What is my duty? What shall I do? What is the true meaning of my life? Do you ask yourself questions like that? Then you are in the right place! Most people know exactly what they don't want. What their 'own thing' is remains a question mark. Only you can find out for yourself what makes your life meaningful and joyful. Often, your buried dreams and hearts's desires show up in transitional phases. Then, they want to be heard. The book 'How to Explore Your Life Purpose' invites you to find the meaning of life in a playful way. Through learning methods of self-discovery, you will take a close look at your talents, passions and values. Let yourself be inspired by questions and be guided by your inner voice. The methods are easy and quickly applicable. Your will receive powerful instruments to realign your life. Dr. Dorothea Kress is sociologist and expert in qualitative methods in empirical research. She works at the intersection of soft skills, consulting and business creation.

Sociologist, expert in qualitative methods in empirical research; working in scientific research, project-evaluation, entrepreneurship education and consulting. As a sociologist, I observe the social and cultural changes in many fields and the impact of these processes on people's lives. I am especially interested in the development of soft skills and enhanced competencies. In my studies, I have learned to formulate questions that uncover hidden patterns of thinking and behavior. With my

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