Book Cover / Buchtitel | 1 |
Imprint / Impressum | 4 |
Preface / Vorwort | 7 |
Contents / Inhalt | 9 |
Introduction/Einleitung (Jana Esther Fries, Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann, Jo Zalea Matias, Ulrike Rambuscheck) | 11 |
The Representation of Gallic and Celtic Women. An Iconography Fixed in the Ungendered Approach to Archaeological and Historical Data (Chloé Belard) | 23 |
Abstract | 23 |
Zusammenfassung | 23 |
Femininity required for Iron Age women in modern pictures | 24 |
The traditional correlation between women and the domestic sphere | 27 |
The representations of the “good wife” and the “Gallic family” | 30 |
Challenging the traditional representations of women with the archaeological and ethnographic records | 34 |
Iron Age artistic representations of women in Western and Central European areas | 37 |
Conclusion | 42 |
Bibliography | 43 |
How to Make Prehistory Attractive. Women’s Representation of the Bronze and Iron Age (Caroline Trémeaud) | 47 |
Abstract | 47 |
Zusammenfassung | 47 |
Define images | 49 |
Deconstruct images | 52 |
Graphic solutions: a link between techniques and aim? | 54 |
Reconstructing the human figure: a necessary reflection on gender | 59 |
Conclusion | 61 |
Bibliography | 62 |
“It has always been like that …” How Televised Prehistory Explains what is Natural (Georg Koch) | 65 |
Abstract | 65 |
Zusammenfassung | 65 |
Gender relations in popular prehistory | 66 |
An analysis of prehistory on television | 68 |
‘Man, the Hunter’ in television documentaries – 1980s and 1990s | 68 |
The diffusion of docu-dramas in the 2000s | 73 |
Explanations from the past – the 2010s | 75 |
Natural behaviour from prehistory | 78 |
Prehistory as an experience | 79 |
A brief conclusion: gender topics as an example for changing science communication | 81 |
Sources | 82 |
Filmography (chronological) | 82 |
Bibliography | 82 |
Is it all Warfare and Treasure Hunting? Gender Roles and Representations in Video Games (Rachael Sycamore) | 85 |
Abstract | 85 |
Zusammenfassung | 85 |
Introduction | 86 |
The importance of video games | 87 |
The types of video games related to archaeology | 88 |
Roles and representations of female characters | 90 |
The roles and representation of men | 93 |
Discussion | 95 |
Conclusion | 97 |
Acknowledgements | 98 |
Video Games References | 98 |
Bibliography | 98 |
Armour Fetishism, Homosociality and Masculine Display. The Representations of Medieval Knights and Viking Men in Illustrated Non-fictional Books for Young Readers (Katja Fält) | 103 |
Abstract | 103 |
Zusammenfassung | 103 |
Introduction | 104 |
Representations, fabrications and non-fiction | 105 |
Examining masculinities | 107 |
Assembling masculinity – metal warriors and chivalric subjects | 109 |
Down-to-earth masculinity of Viking men and occasional bulging muscles | 115 |
To conclude | 120 |
Sources | 121 |
Bibliography | 121 |
The Image of Women in Spanish Archaeological Museums during the last Decade. A Gender Perspective (Lourdes Prados Torreira and Clara López Ruiz) | 127 |
Abstract | 127 |
Zusammenfassung | 127 |
Introduction | 127 |
Incorporating the gender perspective to archaeology museums in Spain | 129 |
How can images help to integrate women in history? | 130 |
The importance of a gender perspective-oriented museum discourse | 138 |
Bibliography | 140 |
„Archäologie und Geschlecht“ im Germanischen Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg. Eine Bestandsaufnahme (Claudia Merthen) | 145 |
Zusammenfassung | 145 |
Summary | 145 |
Die Dauerausstellung – Geschlechter und Rollen | 146 |
Zur Vermittlung der Vor- und Frühgeschichte am Museum | 154 |
Geschlecht und Karriere | 160 |
Fazit | 162 |
Nachwort | 165 |
Dank | 166 |
Literatur | 167 |
Frau – Mann, Jung – Alt, Arm – Reich. Museale Darstellung und Visualisierung frühmittelalterlicher Gesellschafts- und Gender(re)konstruktionen im Landesmuseum Württemberg (Kirsten Eppler) | 171 |
Zusammenfassung | 171 |
Abstract | 171 |
Die Ausstellung | 173 |
Die Präsentation | 174 |
Biologisches und soziales Geschlecht | 180 |
Fazit | 181 |
Literatur | 182 |
Horkheim, Klingenberg, Talheim. Geschlechterrollen in der Archäologischen Sammlung der Städtischen Museen Heilbronn (Christina Jacob) | 185 |
Zusammenfassung | 185 |
Abstract | 185 |
Neuzeit/Mittelalter | 186 |
Franken/Alamannen | 186 |
Römer | 187 |
Eisenzeit/Bronzezeit | 189 |
Steinzeit | 190 |
Fazit | 193 |
Literatur | 194 |
Man the Hunter?Zur Konzeption von Geschlechterrollen im paläon, Forschungs- und Erlebniszentrum Schöninger Speere (Gabriele Zipf) | 197 |
Zusammenfassung | 197 |
Abstract | 197 |
Bilder in Ausstellungen | 197 |
Die Schöninger Speere und das paläon | 199 |
Geschlechterrollen in der Ethnografie | 201 |
Beispiele der Umsetzung | 203 |
Die Collage | 203 |
Plastik eines Homo heidelbergensis | 206 |
Das Diorama | 207 |
Die Illustrationen | 209 |
Die „kleinen“ Bilder | 212 |
Schluss | 214 |
Literatur | 214 |
List of Contributors / Die Autorinnen, Autoren und Herausgeberinnen | 217 |