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Seigneurial Jurisdiction.

VerlagDuncker & Humblot GmbH
ReiheComparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History 21
Seitenanzahl237 Seiten
Preis74,90 EUR
It is the aim of this collection of reports to establish a basis for comparing various seigneurial courts in pre-modern Europe. The contributors are largely medievalists. To come to terms with the subject, a defintion of courts which were seigneurial, given the variety of legal heritages, had to be set up. One of the first observations made was that on the Continent, where central courts were less prominent, there appears to be a more flexible notion of seigneurial jurisdiction. The contributors then look at the variety of jurisdictions in which lords in medieval and early modern Europe governed the legal relations of their vassals. Also the seigneurial jurisdiction is placed within its national context as one variety of courts which co-existed with other forums. Next the authors observe the origin and nature of substantive law which was implemented in the courts. Finally, focus is put on procedure. In England the medieval period witnessed considerable developments in the way in which cases came before the manorial court and how proof of the compainant's claim was ascertained. The reports provide a framework for further study. They demonstrate similarities and differences between seigneurial jurisdictions in England and on the Continent. One significant observation is that seigneurial jurisdictions seemed to have survived longer on the Continent than in England. Moreover, Continental seigneurial courts seemed to have serviced a broader strata of society. Yet, what is perhaps most striking are the similarities in procedure and in the process of custom making which the collected reports uncover.

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Table of Contents6
Lloyd Bonfield8
The Continent12
Jean-François Poudret: La composition des cours de justice dans les pays romands et son influence sur la formation de la coutume (1250-1500)42
I. Composition des cours de justice44
1. Genève44
2. Lausanne45
3. Pays de Vaud48
4. Chablais55
5. Valais épiscopal57
6. Neuchâtel et Jura62
7. Fribourg et Morat65
II. Le recrutement des coutumiers68
III. Formation et mentalité72
Jean Coudert: Les justices seigneuriales en Lorraine avant 160014
Theodor Bühler: Seignorial Jurisdictions in the territories of the diocese of Basle according to sources of the 13th to the 15th centuries78
I. Generalities78
1. The diocese of Basle78
2. The seignorie78
3. The manor (Dinghof) as center of the seignorie79
II. The sources80
III. The seignorial jurisdictions in Basle and its surroundings81
1. The cathedral of Basle82
2. The abbey of St. Alban84
3. The monastery of Einsiedeln84
4. The monastery of St. Blasien84
5. The provosty and the canonical convent of Moutier-Grandval85
6. The provosty and canonical convent of Saint Ursanne85
7. The monastery of Bellelay86
8. The monastery of Lucelle86
9. The secular seignories86
IV. The different categories of tenants88
V. The jurisdiction and its limits89
1. Personnel89
2. Demarcation between the lower justice and the criminal justice90
3. Jurisdictions91
4. Demarcation of other holders of jurisdictional rights92
VI. The procedure93
1. Place of the pleads93
2. Time94
3. Summons94
4. The chairman95
5. The members of the jury95
6. The ritual of the opening95
7. The pleadings before the court96
8. The sentences and the exhibits97
VII. The appeal97
VIII. Other jurisdictions in Basle and around Basle98
1. The city-court98
2. The building court99
3. The "Schultheissen"-court of Little-Basle99
4. The criminal justice in the city of Basle99
5. The Official of the bishop of Basle100
IX. Comparision with the procedure of seignorial courts in other countries of Switzerland101
Abbreviations and abbreviated quoted Literature102
Francesco Panero: La giurisdizione signorile sui rustici della „Langobardia" nei secoli X–XII104
I. „Districtio" e „iurisdictio"104
II. La giurisdizione della „signoria territoriale di banno"112
III. Giurisdizione, territorialità e residenza dei rustici119
1. Il principio di territorialità e oneri pubblici nella dipendenza dalla signoria di banno119
2. Giurisdizione e residenza dei rustici122
3. Diritti signorili di tipo pubblico e diritti fondiari125
4. Territorialità e frazionamento dei diritti signorili129
5. La mobilità dei contadini131
IV. Osservazioni conclusive134
Dietmar Willoweit: Gerichtsherrschaft und Schöffenrecht am Mittelrhein im 15. Jahrhundert: Beobachtungen anhand der Urteile des Ingelheimer Oberhofes146
I. Strukturen des ländlichen Gerichtswesens im Raum des fränkischen Rechts146
II. Die örtliche Gerichtsbarkeit im Bereich des Ingelheimer Oberhofe150
III. Fallstudie: Die Stellung des Gerichtsherrn und der Schöffen in den Orten des Ingelheimer Rechts154
IV. Ausblick159
Friedrich Ebel: Ursprünge und Entwicklungen adeliger Gerichtsbarkeit (Patrimonialgerichtsbarkeit) in Nord- und Ostdeutschland162
I. Thema162
II. Die Entstehung der Patrimonialgerichtsbarkeit in norddeutschen Landschaften164
IIII. Das östliche Deutschland168
IV. Insbesondere die Lokation170
V. Der Kampf des Staates gegen die Patrimonialgerichtsbarkeit172
VI. Das Ende der Patrimonialgerichtsbarkeit174
Lloyd Bonfield: The role of seigneurial jurisdiction after the Norman Conquest and the nature of customary law in medieval England178
The jurisdictional puzzle179
The nature of custom183
L. R. Poos: Medieval English manorial courts: Their records and their jurisdiction196
R. H. Helmholz: Independence and uniformity in England’s manorial courts216
I. Introduction216
II. Control from without218
1. The criminal law218
2. Personal actions : debt and trespass221
3. Procedural rules223
III. Direction from within225
1. Land transfer and succession225
2. Pleading and the forms of action227
3. Defamation229
IV. Jurisdictional conflicts231
1. Appellate review of manorial court decisions232
2. Conflicts with the courts of other lords232
3. Conflicts with the ecclesiastical courts234
V. Conclusion237
List of Authors238

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