eBooks vom Autor: Ansgar Beckermann

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Ansgar Beckermann
3 E-Book vorhanden

Einführung in die Logik

E-Book Einführung in die Logik

The successful Introduction to Logic, now appearing in its third edition, has retained its tried-and-tested textbook concept. The work is designed both for beginning students as well as for…

Einführung in die Logik

E-Book Einführung in die Logik

This successful textbook on logic, now in its fourth edition, features a time-tested design. The work can be profitably read by beginning students of logic as well as students of other fields…


E-Book Glaube

Is it rational to believe in God or other supernatural powers? Are there good epistemic reasons for holding religious convictions? In searching for an answer to one of religion’s most…