Industrial management is facing many challenges, one need is to adopt sustainable practices. As climate change is becoming an increasingly urgent problem, industrial management must find ways to reduce waste and pollution, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment and employees. Industrial management also needs to embrace new technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. These challenges are becoming more prevalent, managers and decision makers must find ways to adopt these new technologies in order to remain competitive. Furthermore, with the workforce becoming more diverse and globalized organisations have to attract and retain top talent. For industrial management it is important to create an inclusive work environment. Current research approaches from the members of the Scientific Society for Work and Business Organisation (WGAB) are presented in this book.
Ihre Vorteile
- Wissenserweiterung um neuartige Ansätze des Industrial Managements
- Vertiefung des Verständnisses bei der Verknüpfung von bestehenden Ansätzen mit neuen Methoden und Technologien
- Beleuchtung der Integrationsmöglichkeiten von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in wirtschaftlich geprägte Zielstellungen
Wissenschaftler und Entscheidungsträger in Unternehmen