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This is the first book worldwide about extrusion in ceramics to cover the complete subject. For the first time, readers find the principles of extrusion of ceramics, the history of extrusion in the ceramic industry, rheology of ceramic bodies, simulation for ceramic extrusion, wear and contamination in extrusion, additives for extrusion and more in 20 chapters, each chapter written by well known experts. Extrusion in Ceramics is written for advanced students in Material Sciences as well as for scientists, for experienced managers in the ceramic industry, as well as for newcomers who want to broaden their knowledge about the possibilities of this technology. The essential literature is cited for each chapter as well as for the whole field. Extrusion in Ceramics is a must for everybody who is involved in the extrusion of structural ceramics like bricks and tiles as well as in the extrusion of honeycombs and catalysts in advanced ceramics.

Abo-InfoJahresabonnementReduzierte Abos
15.02.;22.03.;12.04.; 22.05.;
Spezial-InfoVerlag / Anschriftaktualisiert amSeitenaufrufe
.Kein Verlag bekannt08.01.20095110

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