Preface | 7 |
Contents | 9 |
Ullrich Heilemann and Claus Weihs: Introduction | 11 |
References | 19 |
Victor Zarnowitz: Phases and Stages of Recent U.S. Business Cycles | 21 |
1. Introduction | 21 |
2. Growth Cycles and Business Cycles | 22 |
3. Stages of Expansion and Contraction | 24 |
4. Applicability to U.S. Postwar Expansions | 28 |
5. Applicability to U.S. Postwar Contractions | 31 |
6. An Extension to the Last Recession | 32 |
7. Conclusion | 33 |
References | 33 |
Ullrich Heilemann and Heinz Josef Münch: The U.S. Business Cycle and its Phases 1948–2000 | 35 |
1. Introduction | 35 |
2. Re-examining Meyer/Weinberg | 37 |
3. Stability of Meyer/Weinberg’s Results | 44 |
3.1 A Four-phase Classification for 1973 to 2000 | 45 |
3.2 New Sample Performance of the M/W Scheme | 45 |
3.3 Outside Sample Performance | 47 |
3.4 Stability of the M/W-Scheme in the New Sample | 47 |
4. Summary and Conclusions | 48 |
References | 50 |
Appendix: Linear Discriminant Analysis | 51 |
Claus Weihs and Ursula Garczarek: Stability of Multivariate Representation of Business Cycles over Time | 57 |
1. Introduction | 57 |
2. Data | 58 |
3. Classification of Business Cycle Phases | 58 |
4. Classification Methods and Classification Rules | 59 |
5. Double Leave-one-cycle-out Cross Validation | 60 |
6. Classification Results and Resulting Models | 61 |
6.1 Linear Discriminant Analysis | 61 |
6.2 Quadratic Discriminant Analysis | 64 |
6.3 Continuous RAKE-Method | 66 |
6.4 Comparison of Classification Rules | 68 |
7. Economic Implications | 68 |
8. Conclusion | 69 |
References | 69 |
Marlene Amstad und Bernd Schips: Wachstumsfluktuationen, Zykluskonzepte und konjunkturelle Wendepunkte | 71 |
1. Einleitung | 71 |
2. Die Erfassung des latenten Phänomens „Konjunktur“ | 72 |
2.1 Bemerkungen zur Datenlage | 72 |
2.2 Bemerkungen zur Saisonbereinigung | 74 |
3. Alternative Zykluskonzepte zur Erfassung von Wachstumsfluktuationen | 74 |
3.1 Das klassische Zykluskonzept | 74 |
3.2 Das Wachstumszykluskonzept | 75 |
4. Aspekte verschiedener Trendbereinigungsverfahren | 76 |
5. Beispiele zur unterschiedlichen Wendepunktdatierung | 78 |
6. Zykluskonzept und Erklärungsansätze | 80 |
7. Fazit | 81 |
Literatur | 81 |
Anhang: Fragebogen der Monatsumfrage in der Industrie | 82 |
Bernd Lucke und Malte Knüppel: Unternehmensgrößenklassen im ifo-Konjunkturtest: eine Burns-Mitchell-Analyse | 85 |
1. Einleitung | 85 |
2. Burns-Mitchell-Methodologie | 86 |
3. Bestimmung der Referenzzyklen | 89 |
4. Geschäftsklimadaten nach Unternehmensgrößenklassen | 96 |
5. Beschäftigungseffekte | 103 |
6. Schlussbemerkungen | 105 |
Literatur | 106 |
Anhang | 106 |
Katharina Morik and Stefan Rüping: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach to the Classification of Phases in Business Cycles | 109 |
1. Introduction | 109 |
2. Inductive Logic Programming | 112 |
2.1 MOBAL | 114 |
2.1.1 The Rule Discovery Tool RDT | 114 |
2.1.2 Rule Inspection | 115 |
2.1.3 Knowledge Revision | 116 |
3. Experiments on German Business Cycle Data | 116 |
3.1 Discretization | 117 |
3.2 Modeling Four Phases Without Time Intervals | 118 |
3.3 Modeling Four Phases with Time Intervals | 120 |
3.4 Modeling Two Phases | 123 |
3.5 Concept Shift | 124 |
4. Conclusion and Further Work | 125 |
References | 126 |
Ursula Garczarek and Claus Weihs: Univariate Characterization of the German Business Cycle 1955–1994 | 129 |
1. Introduction | 129 |
2. Analysis of the Course of the Economic Variables in the Business Cycle | 130 |
3. Independence of Economic Variables | 133 |
4. Univariate Rule Finding | 133 |
5. Ranges Corresponding to Phases | 137 |
6. Conclusion | 138 |
References | 138 |
Claudia Becker and Winfried Theis: Combining Dimension Reduction and Fuzzy-clustering: An Application to Business Cycles | 139 |
1. Introduction | 139 |
2. Dimension Reduction and Clustering | 140 |
2.1 Sliced Inverse Regression | 140 |
2.2 Fuzzy-clustering | 141 |
3. Results | 142 |
4. Conclusion | 145 |
References | 145 |
Gabriela Guimarães: Self-organizing Maps for Time Series Analysis | 147 |
1. Introduction | 147 |
2. The Basic SOM-Algorithm | 148 |
3. Temporal Sequence Processing without Modifying the Basic SOM-Algorithm | 149 |
4. Modifying the Activation/Learning Rule | 151 |
5. Modification of the Network Topology | 153 |
6. Conclusions | 155 |
References | 155 |
Victor Zarnowitz: Modern Trends and Their Effects on International Business Cycles | 159 |
1. Globalization, New Information Age, and Monetary Regimes | 159 |
2. Business Cycles under the Gold Standard before World War I | 160 |
3. The Interwar Period: 1919–1939 | 162 |
4. The Post-World War II Era | 164 |
References | 166 |
List of Authors | 167 |