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Fundamentals in Nutrition Health

AutorMukasa Aziz Hawards
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl34 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis15,99 EUR
Skript aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Gesundheit - Ernährungswissenschaft, ( Atlantic International University ), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Nutrition and health are coherent when it comes to maintaining or supporting the living human systems (lindlahr 1940). The health related complications in humans if we are to consider proximate estimations arising from different clinical analyses show a shocking percentage of about 80% of these arising from matters to do with nutrition. Though our study in nutrition and health is not mainly based on this shocking trend it is an international aim to pursue health and if the methods undertaken are to be realistic then there is a crucial need to extend our observations and strategies towards the nutrition factors that are characteristic to all human societies. The further shocking issue in the global nutrition trend is the serious attention towards nutrition in the old aged, infants and nursing mothers than in the youth and the ages between 25 to 50 years. As the study will show from the various world surveys, that these are not the only nutrition issues causing tension but there still exist more far reaching factors that grievously shift the basic nutrition patterns of humans to the non-healthy patterns. Among these factors are; levels of education, economic status, cultural and ethnic influence, religious influence, the food industry plus policy and regulations as controlled by the regional governments. Perhaps one of the chief factor or goal that was supposedly to be addressed in the millennial world campaign by the world states in some of their conventions had to be the nutrition though as our we know few or completely no convention was aimed at addressing this problem but instead politics and world economics have always dominated these conventions. The science of nutrition shows that our body systems are dependent of the daily nutrients ingested and these substances act as the building blocks for our living systems, energy producing factors and great contributors towards body maintenance and repair. The study of the fundamentals in human nutrition and health therefore, opens us to wide range of topics that address most of the key issues in the nutrition detailing the body metabolism and the socioeconomic factors in this criterion.

Hawards is a Professional Public Health Policy analyst and Health economic consultant with various text books in the health sciences. He is currently a health practitioner and a health education promoter with various honor code certificates from the Harvard Initiative that is under the school of public health of Harvard University.. He has done most of his studies from Uganda and the research on the health systems in the European countries mostly in the OECD States.

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