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Handbook of Dermatology

A Practical Manual

Seitenanzahl416 Seiten
Preis45,99 EUR

The Handbook of Dermatology consolidates the essential information required for best-practice patient care into one pocket-sized volume. This indispensable reference guide enables practicing and prospective dermatologists to easily look up information on a wide range of dermatological diseases and quickly access the algorithms, protocols, guidelines, and staging and scoring systems that are vital to both clinical practice and exam success. Written and edited by former residents and attending physicians, the Handbook contains up-to-date information on general dermatology, surgery, and therapeutics.

Margaret W. Mann is Associate Professor and Director of Aesthetic Dermatology, University Hospitals, Case Western School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA. She is the Co-Founder of Innova Dermatology, Hendersonville, TN, USA.

Daniel L. Popkin is Assistant Chief of Dermatology, Louis Stokes VA Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Dermatology, University Hospitals, Case Western School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA. He is the Co-Founder of Innova Dermatology, Hendersonville, TN, USA.

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Part 2
Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology


Skin cancer

Surgical margin guidelines

Tumor TypeTumor characteristicsExcision Margin
(see melanoma guide pg.)
In‐situ0.5–1 cm
or Slow Mohs
consider SLN Bx for > 0.8 mm or ulceration≤1 mm
1.01–2 mm
>2 mm
1 cm
1–2 cm
2 cm
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)Low risk BCC
  Well‐defined borders
  Small size
    Area L < 20 mm
    Area M < 10 mm
    Area H < 6 mm
  Nodular or superficial subtype
 Primary tumor
3–4 mm
High Risk BCC
  Poorly defined margins
  Larger Size
    Area L > 20 mm
    Area M > 10 mm
    Area H > 6 mm
 High risk tumor or patient features  (see indication for mohs below)
Mohs or 5–10 mm
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)Low risk SCC
  Well‐defined borders
  Small size
    Area L < 20 mm
    Area M < 10 mm
    Area H < 6 mm
  Well differentiated histology
 Primary tumor
4–6 mm
High Risk SCC
  Poorly defined margins
  Larger Size
    Area L > 20 mm
    Area M > 10 mm
    Area H > 6 mm
  High risk tumor location (ear, lip)
 High risk tumor or patient features  (see indication for mohs below)
Mohs or 6–10 mm
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP)NCCN favors Mohs over WLE2–4 cm to level of deep fascia
Merkel Cell CarcinomaNCCN favors WLE. Can do Mohs if it does not interfere with SNLBx1–2 cm to investing fascia layer
Advised SLNBx.

Source: Adapted from Nahhas AF et al. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2017 Apr; 10(4):37–46. Huang C and Boyce SM. Surgical margins of excision for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Semin Cutan Med Surg. 2004; 23:167–173.

Indication for Mohs micrographic surgery

Adapted from Ad Hoc Task Force, et al. AAD/ACMS/ASDSA/ASMS 2012 appropriate use criteria for Mohs micrographic surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol 2012; 67:531.


  • High risk/area “H”: “mask” areas of face (central aspect of face, eyelids [including inner/outer canthi], eyebrows, nose, lips [cutaneous/mucosal/vermillion], chin, ear and periauricular skin/sulci, temple), genitalia (including perineal and perianal), hands, feet, nail units, ankles, and nipples/areola.

    Moderate risk/area “M”: cheeks, forehead, scalp, neck, jawline, and pretibial surface.

  • Low risk/area “L”: trunk and extremities (excluding pretibial surface, hands, feet, nail units, and ankles).

High‐risk tumor features

  • Recurrence/incomplete prior excision
  • Aggressive features (high risk of recurrence):
    • BCC: with morpheaform, fibrosing, sclerosing, infiltrating, micronodular, or metatypical/keratotic type.
      • Size: Area L > 20 mm; Area M > 10 mm; Area H > 6 mm
    • SCC with sclerosing, basosquamous, small cell, poorly/undifferentiated, spindle cell, pageotid, infiltrating, keratoacanthoma on the face, single cell, clear cell, lymphoepithelial, sarcomatoid, Breslow depth 2 mm or greater, and Clark's level IV or greater
    • Perivascular/perineural invasion
    • Other tumors: adenocystic carcinoma, adnexal carcinoma, apocrine/eccrine carcinoma, atypical fibroxanthoma, DFSP, extramammary paget disease, leiomyosarcoma, merkel cell carcinoma, and malignant fibrous histiocytoma

High‐risk patient features

  • Immunocompromised (IC): transplant recipient, HIV, hematologic malignancy, or immunosuppressive medications
  • Genetic syndromes: basal cell nevus, XP, and bazex syndromes
  • Prior radiated skin: tumor arising in site of prior radiation treatment
  • Patient with history of aggressive skin cancer with no known risk factors

Melanoma ‐ AJCC TNM classification

Major changes in AJCC eighth edition
  • Round to 0.1 mm decimal for tumor depth
  • Changes to T1a and T1b to 0.8 mm threshold
  • Removal of mitotic rate for T category (recorded but not impacting T category)
  • N category – “microscopic” vs. “macroscopic” redefined as “clinically occult” and “clinically apparent”.
  • Pregnostic stage III subgroup changed (increased to IIIA–IIID)
  • N subcategories revised based on number of tumor involved lymph nodes
  • M1 categories changed – LDH no longer upstage to M1c, additional of CNS metastases to M1d.


  • 0.8–1.0 mm = T1b or Stage IB
  • Nodal involvement → at least stage III
  • Distant mets → stage IV
T classification
Tx1° tumor cannot be assessed
T0No evidence of 1° tumor
TisMelanoma in situ
T1≤1.0 mma: <0.8 mm with no ulceration
b: 0.8–1.0 mm with no ulceration
or <1.0 mm with ulceration
T21.0–2.0 mma: no ulceration
b: + ulceration
T32.0–4.0 mma: no ulceration
b: + ulceration
T4>4.0 mma: no ulceration
b: + ulceration
N classification
Survival %
5 yr10 yr
NxNodes cannot be assessed/not performed
N0No regional lymphadenopathy/metastases detected
N11 nodea: no MSI, node clinically occult
b: no MSI, node clinically detected
0 nodec: MSI present8175
N22–3 nodesa: no MSI, node clinically occult
b: no MSI, node clinically detected
1 nodec: MSI present, node detectable or occult6959
N34+ nodesa: no MSI, node all clinically occult
b: no MSI, >1 node clinically detected or matted
2+ more nodesc: MSI present, node clinically detectable or occult5243
Microsatellite instability (MSI) = any in‐transit, satellite, locally recurrent, or microsatellite metastases
M classification
MSiteSerum LDH
MxDistant mets cannot be assessedN/A
M0No distant metsN/A
M1aDistant skin, soft tissue including muscle, and/or nonregional lymph node(0) Normal
(1) Elevated
M1bLung mets(0) Normal
(1) Elevated
M1cNon‐CNS visceral mets(0) Normal
(1) Elevated
M1dCNS mets(0) Normal
(1) Elevated

Adapted from AJCC Cancer Staging manual, Eighth Edition (2017). Balch CM et al. Final version of 2009 AJCC melanoma staging and classification. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27:6199–6206. Gershenwald JE et al. Melanoma staging: evidence‐based changes in the American Joint Committee on cancer eighth edition cancer staging manual. CA Cancer J...

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