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Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009

16. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009) Kassel, 2. - 6. März 2009

AutorKlaus David, Kurt Geihs
Seitenanzahl326 Seiten
Preis69,99 EUR

Die 16. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009) befasst sich mit einer großen Vielfalt an innovativen und zukunftsorientierten Fragestellungen. Sie spannt dabei einen Bogen von allgegenwärtigen verteilten Anwendungen über Middleware-Konzepte und Protokolltechniken bis hin zu modernen Netztechniken mit ihren Mobilitäts- und Sicherheitsfragen. KiVS ist das wichtigste deutschsprachige Forum für Forschung und Entwicklung auf den Gebieten Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme.

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Vorwort der Tagungsleiter5
I Funknetze13
Practical Rate-Based Congestion Control for Wireless Mesh Networks14
1 Introduction14
2 Related Work15
3 The Leipzig Wireless Mesh Testbed16
4 The Mesh Adaptive Pacing Scheme17
4.1 Network Load Adaptation17
4.2 The Spatial Reuse Constraint18
4.3 Approximating the Out-of-Interference Delay19
4.4 The MAP Pacing Rate22
5 Comparative Performance Study22
5.1 Wireless Chain Topology22
5.2 Concurrent Flows Topology23
5.3 Random Topology24
6 Conclusion25
7 References25
Paving the Way Towards Reactive Planar Spanner Construction in Wireless Networks27
1 Introduction27
2 Concepts and Notations28
3 Related Work30
4 Direct Planarization30
4.1 Angle-Based Direct Planarization31
4.2 Delaunay-Based Direct Planarization32
5 Reactive Link Selection32
6 Simulation Studies35
7 Conclusion37
Preventing Service Discovery Cache Reply Storms in Wireless Mesh Networks39
1 Introduction39
2 Related Work40
3 Message Reply Storm41
4 Message Propagation Strategies41
4.1 Simple Reply Flooding42
4.2 Discarding Duplicates42
4.3 Local Backoff43
4.4 Nearest Nodes Send First (NNSF)44
4.5 Farthest Nodes Send First (FNSF)44
5 Wireless Mesh Testbed44
6 Measurements45
6.1 Detailed Performance Discussion46
7 Conclusion48
II Standardization and Research – How Do These Two Fit Together?51
Bringing ICT Research into Standardisation - What Can Standards Bodies Do?52
1 A Brief Introduction52
2 Improving Standards Through Integration of Research Results53
2.1 Motivations and Barriers53
2.2 What SSBs Can Do – Mechanisms to Bridge the Gap Between Research and Standardisation55
Adaptation of Processes55
Monitoring and Alerting Service55
Education and Promotion56
Some More Specific Suggestions57
3 Some Comments on Current Practice58
4 Brief Summary and Some Additional Advice59
5 References60
III Adaptive Systeme61
Query Processing and System-Level Support for Runtime-Adaptive Sensor Networks62
1 Introduction62
2 Distributed Stream Processing63
2.1 A Scenario for Global Query Management64
2.2 Global Queries64
2.3 Query Partitioning and Distribution of Operators65
2.4 Creation of Operator Assemblies67
3 Reprogramming Support67
3.1 Deployment of an Operator Assembly68
3.2 Target Platform69
3.3 Flash Management70
3.4 Creating Binaries and Flash Management71
3.5 Named Memory71
3.6 Application Programming Interface72
4 Conclusion72
SelfWISE: A Framework for Developing Self-Stabilizing Algorithms74
1 Introduction74
2 Self-Stabilization75
2.1 Definitions and Notations76
2.2 Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for WSNs77
3 Related Work78
4 SelfWISE79
4.1 Overview79
4.2 Language81
4.3 Run-Time Environment83
4.4 First Prototype84
5 Conclusion84
MASDynamics: Toward Systemic Modeling of Decentralized Agent Coordination86
1 Introduction86
2 Self–Organizing MAS Development88
2.1 Engineering Self–Organization by Decentralized Coordination88
2.2 Providing Decentralized Coordination Mechanisms as Services89
3 Modeling and Reuse of Self–Organizing Dynamics90
3.1 Systemic Modeling Self–Organizing MAS Dynamics90
3.2 MASDynamics: A Coordination Language91
4 Case Study: Supplementing an Allocation Strategy94
5 Conclusions96
IV Service-Oriented Computing98
Leveraging the BPEL Event Model to Support QoS-aware Process Execution99
1 Introduction99
2 Basic Concepts100
2.1 Fault Handling in BPEL100
2.2 BPEL Event Model101
2.3 ECA Rules102
3 Approach103
3.1 Detecting QoS Exceptions104
3.2 Recovery Actions106
4 Implementation107
5 Related Work108
6 Summary and Future Work109
Automated Integration of Web Services in BPEL4WS Processes111
1 Introduction111
2 Self-Integration112
3 Automatic Message Transformation for Web Services114
3.1 Semantic Extension of WSDL114
3.2 Semantic Service Discovery116
4 Implementation118
4.1 Performance119
5 Related Work120
6 Conclusions121
Dynamic Message Routing Using Processes123
1 Introduction123
2 Problem Statement and Motivation124
2.1 SOAP Processing Model125
2.2 Open Issues in SOAP Routing126
2.3 BPEL126
3 Dynamic Message Routing Using Processes127
4 SOAP BPEL Routing (SBR)128
4.1 Header Information128
4.2 Protocol Between Intermediary and Process129
4.3 Detailed Routing Protocol129
4.4 Example Scenario for SBR131
5 Discussion and Future Work133
6 Conclusions134
7 References2134
Abstract User Interfaces for Mobile Processes135
1 Introduction135
2 User Interactions for Mobile Processes: Requirement Analysis137
3 Existing Approaches138
4 A CCT-based Interface Model for Mobile Processes139
4.1 Abstract Interaction Components for User Interfaces140
4.2 Control Flow and Data Flow Components141
5 User Interface Development, Integration and Realisation142
5.1 Modelling Abstract User Interfaces with TERESA142
5.2 Integration with the DEMAC Process Management System142
5.3 Example Application Implementation143
5.4 Prototypical Implementation and Usability Evaluation145
6 Conclusion and Future Work145
V Leistungsbewertung147
A New Service Curve Model to Deal with Non-FIFO Systems148
1 Introduction148
1.1 Motivation148
1.2 Related Work149
2 Preliminaries on Network Calculus150
3 Why Conventional Network Calculus Does Not Work Well for Non-FIFO Systems151
3.1 Using Service Curves (SC) for Non-FIFO Systems152
3.2 Using Strict Service Curves (S2C) for Non-FIFO Systems153
4 Introducing a New Service Curve Model: Sufficiently Strict Service Curve154
5 NumericalExperiments157
5.1 Comparison of Different Service Curve Models157
5.2 FIFO vs. Non-FIFO Delay Bounds157
6 Conclusion158
Providing Probabilistic Latency Bounds for Dynamic Publish/Subscribe Systems160
1 Introduction160
2 Probabilistic Latency Bounds in Content-Based Publish/Subscribe161
3 Adaptation to Probabilistic Latency Requirements163
3.1 Reactive and Proactive Adaptations164
3.2 Algorithm Properties165
4 Cluster Management166
5 Evaluation167
5.1 Algorithm Convergence168
5.2 Algorithm Stability169
6 Related Work169
7 Conclusion170
8 Acknowledgment171
Traffic, Structure and Locality Characteristics of the Web’s Most Popular Services’ Home Pages172
1 Introduction172
1.1 Evolution of Web Applications172
1.2 Related Work173
1.3 Overview of the Paper174
2 Measurement Method174
3 Home Page Characteristics175
4 Helper Services180
5 Conclusions181
Seamless Dynamic Reconfiguration of Flow Meters: Requirements and Solutions184
1 Introduction184
2 Overview and Problem Statement185
2.1 Flow Monitoring185
2.2 Requirements in the Security Domain186
2.3 Challenges186
3 Dynamic Reconfiguration187
3.1 Vermont187
3.2 Reconfiguration188
3.3 Situation Awareness189
4 Performance Measurements190
4.1 Test Setup190
4.2 Experiment Description191
4.3 Further Issues191
4.4 Results and Discussion192
5 Conclusion194
VI Sicherheit196
Towards the Design of Unexploitable Construction Mechanisms for Multiple-Tree Based P2P Streaming Systems197
1 Introduction197
2 Attacks Against P2P Streaming Topologies198
3 Requirements for Manipulation-Proof Construction Mechanisms201
3.1 Distribution of Topology Information201
3.2 Locality of Repair Mechanisms201
3.3 Initiative of Repair Actions202
3.4 Decision Process for Node Promotion and Degradation203
3.5 Reliability Estimation Via Long-Term Service203
3.6 Bootstrapping Joining Nodes204
4 A Brief Discussion of Existing Systems204
5 A Push-Based Streaming System Utilizing a Manipulation Resistant Topology Repair Mechanism205
6 Experiments205
7 Conclusions208
Turning the Tables: Using Wireless Communication Against an Attacker209
1 Introduction209
2 Unpredictability of Signal Propagation210
3 Authentication Primitives212
4 WSN Under Attack – A Real-World Analysis213
4.1 AttackerModel and Countermeasures214
4.2 Impact of an Injection Attack215
5 Related Work218
6 Conclusion219
Evaluation of Attack Countermeasures to Improve the DoS Robustness of RSerPool Systems by Simulations and Measurements221
1 Introduction and Scope221
2 The RSerPool Architecture222
3 Quantifying an RSerPool System223
4 SystemSetup224
5 The Impact of an Attacker225
5.1 An Attacker Masquerading as Pool Element225
5.2 An Attacker Masquerading as Pool User226
6 Applying Attack Countermeasures227
6.1 Countermeasures Against Pool Element Attacks227
6.2 Countermeasures Against Pool User Attacks228
7 Conclusions231
Towards a Generic Backup and Recovery Infrastructure for the German D-Grid Initiative233
1 Introduction233
2 Design of a Backup and Recovery Infrastructure for Grid Environments234
2.1 Requirements Analysis235
2.2 Pull- vs. Push-Based Backup and Recovery235
2.3 User- vs. Node-Based Backup and Recovery236
2.4 Incremental, Differential, and Full Backup237
2.5 File Permissions238
2.6 Architectural Blueprint238
2.7 Backup239
3 Implementation Issues240
3.1 Selection of Appropriate Technologies240
3.2 Accessing the Backup and Recovery Service241
3.3 Submission of a Backup Job241
4 Related Work242
5 Conclusions243
From Modelling to Execution of Enterprise Integration Scenarios: The GENIUS Tool245
1 Introduction245
2 Modelling of EAI Scenarios247
2.1 Parameterized EAI Patterns247
2.2 Model-Driven Development of Executable EAI Scenarios248
3 GENIUS – A Tool for Modelling Executable EAI Scenarios249
3.1 Features of GENIUS249
3.2 Architecture and Extension Mechanism250
3.3 Guarantee of Proper Configuration of Parameterized EAI Patterns251
3.4 Generation Algorithm251
4 Scenario: Developing an Integration Solution252
4.1 Loan Broker Scenario with Parameterized EAI Pattern252
4.2 Generated BPEL Code253
5 Conclusion and Future Work255
6 References3256
Pluggable Authorization and Distributed Enforcement with pam_xacml257
1 Introduction257
2 Related Work258
3 Pluggable Authorization with XACML259
3.1 pam_xacml for Unmodified Applications That Support PAM260
3.2 Applications with Authorization Interface261
4 Experiments on Distributed Authorization262
4.1 Reference Scenario with Consecutive Authorization Decisions263
4.2 Measurements264
4.3 Impact of Propagation Delay265
5 Conclusion266
VII Kurzbeiträge269
Enhancing Application Layer Multicast Solutions by Wireless Underlay Support270
1 Introduction270
2 Nice271
3 NICE-WLI Protocol Design271
3.1 Gateway Nodes272
3.2 Protocol Operation272
3.3 Data Dissemination273
4 Evaluation274
5 Conclusion and Outlook275
Strombasierte Struktur-Validierung von simple content in XML-Dokumenten276
1 Einleitung276
2 Validierung277
3 Validierung im Detail278
3.1 Repr¨asentation der Strukturdefinition279
3.2 Kontrollelemente280
3.3 pull-Operationen f¨ur simple content280
4 Evaluation281
5 Ausblick281
CLIO – A Cross-Layer Information Service for Overlay Network Optimization282
1 Introduction282
2 Challenges and State of the Art282
3 CLIO – A Cross-Layer Information Service for Overlays284
3.1 Inner Workings285
3.2 Data Representation and Generic Interface285
4 Discussion and Conclusion286
Improving TCP’s Robustness to Packet Reordering288
1 Motivation288
2 Related Work289
3 Algorithm290
4 Implementation291
5 Conclusion and Future Work292
Banishing Patch-Cables from LAN Parties294
1 Introduction294
2 Ad-hoc P2P Multicast as a Patch-Cable Substitute295
3 Scenario Modelling296
4 Simulation Results297
5 Summary and Conclusion298
A Middleware for the Controlled Information Exchange Between Online Games and Internet Applications300
1. Introduction300
2. Related Work301
3. Virtual Context Based Services302
3.1 Virtual Parameters and Virtual Context302
3.2 VCBS Middleware Architecture302
4. Usage Scenarios304
5. Summary304
6. References305
Re-sequencing Buffer Occupancy of a Concurrent Multipath Transmission Mechanism for Transport System Virtualization306
1 Introduction306
2 Transport System Virtualization307
3 Implementing TSV Using Concurrent Multipath Transfer in Advanced Routing Overlays307
4 Re-sequencing Buffer Occupancy in Concurrent Multipath Transport308
4.1 Impact of Type of Delay Distribution309
4.2 Path Selection Criteria310
5 Conclusion311
Designing a Decentralized Traffic Information System – AutoNomos312
1 Introduction312
2 Related Work313
3 AutoNomos Architecture313
3.1 Hovering Data Clouds314
3.2 Organic Information Complexes314
3.3 Data Dissemination Protocol AutoCast316
3.4 Software Architecture316
4 Conclusion and Future Work317
VIII Preisträger319
UMTS Radio Network Planning: Mastering Cell Coupling for Capacity Optimization320
Stochastic Packet Loss Model to Evaluate QoE Impairments321
Unsynchronized Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks322
Novel Network Architecture for Optical Burst Transport323
Lightweight Authentication for HIP324
Author Index325

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