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Ralph Cudworth - System aus Transformation

Zur Naturphilosophie der Cambridge Platonists und ihrer Methode

AutorLutz Bergemann
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheTransformationen der AntikeISSN 23
Seitenanzahl545 Seiten
Preis169,95 EUR

Ralph Cudworth’s (1617-1688) True Intellectual System of the Universe is considered the high point of philosophical production by the Cambridge Platonists. In this work, Cudworth compresses all of his era’s core problems in natural philosophy and theology and attempts to find a comprehensive solution to broadly explain how God acts in nature. For the first time, the present work presents the complete story of how Cudworth developed his Neoplatonic system using a compatible combination of text form and content, and along the way, it also unfolds a panoramic view of ancient classical philosophy.

Lutz Bergemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

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