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Schopenhauer - Kierkegaard

Von der Metaphysik des Willens zur Philosophie der Existenz

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheKierkegaard Studies. Monograph SeriesISSN 26
Seitenanzahl425 Seiten
Preis124,95 EUR

This book undertakes an extensive study of the constellation of two eminent thinkers of post-idealism for the first time. The contributions in this volume analyze the relationship between Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard systematically and historically from a number of thematic perspectives: metaphysics and ethics, freedom and original sin, existential philosophy and the theory of suffering, art and aesthetics, religion and science. The book also goes into Kierkegaard’s explicit disagreement with Schopenhauer and – last but not least – discusses the conflicting poles of idealism and modernity. The volume is rounded off by a first complete and annotated German translation of the notes on Schopenhauer, which Kierkegaard wrote in his late journals.

Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark; Lore Hühn, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Søren R. Fauth, Universität Århus, Dänemark; Philipp Schwab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

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