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Sehen und Begreifen

Wahrnehmungstheorien in der frühen Neuzeit

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheDe Gruyter Studienbuch 
Seitenanzahl370 Seiten
Preis24,95 EUR

It seems to be self-evident that through perception we gain access to the material world. That visual perception takes an important role seems self-evident as well. But what exactly do we see? The objects themselves or just their perceptible properties? How do we manage to see something at all? Are we capable of seeing solely through optical and physiological processes or does viewing something asks for presupposed terms in order to help us to see something as something?
These questions, currently discussed at great length within the framework of cognitive and epistemological theory, were already cause for intensive debate in the early modern times. In many aspects, those discussions in the 17th and 18th century laid the groundwork for today’s theories: on one hand, they identified the problems with great clarity and on the other, they provided strategies for possible solutions which are still of value today.
This volume will provide new access to those debates (from Descartes to Reid) and will present these debates to an audience interested in philosophical questions. The book shows that the early modern times is not just a respectable museum in the history of philosophy, but on the contrary, a very productive and stimulating philosophical epoch which invites further discussion.

Dominik Perler und Markus Wild, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

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