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Simulation of the Structural Effects of Welded Frame Assemblies in Manufacturing Process Chains

AutorLoucas Papadakis
VerlagHerbert Utz Verlag
Seitenanzahl261 Seiten
Preis39,99 EUR


Die vorliegende Arbeit ist Sommersemester 2008 von der Juristischen Fakultät der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München als Dissertation angenommen worden. Literatur und Rechtsprechung sind bis April 2008 berücksichtigt. In erster Linie habe ich Herrn Professor Dr. Rieble zu danken. Er hat das Thema dieser Dissertation angeregt und mich während deren Anfertigung durch wertvolle Hinweise und Verbesserungsvorschläge unterstützt. Insbesondere war die rasche und unkomplizierte Kommunikation mit Herrn Professor Rieble sowie seine zügige Korrekturarbeit äußerst hilfreich.

Darüber hinaus schätzte ich die Möglichkeit, die bestens ausgestattete Bibliothek am ZAAR (Zentrum für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsziehungen) zu jeder erdenklichen Zeit benutzen zu dürfen.

Herrn Professor Dr. Martin Franzen bin ich wegen des schnell erstellten Zweitgutachtens zum Dank verpflichtet.

Schließlich bedanke ich mich bei meiner Mutter und meinem Lebensgefährten, die mich während des Dissertationsverfahrens unterstützt und begleitet haben.

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3 State of Research and Deduction of Requirements for the Computational Chaining (p. 63-64)

3.1 General

In the previous chapter, the fundamentals of the various processes within the manufacturing process chain of frame structures were introduced regarding the process attributes, the influence on the structure properties of the treated components and, finally, of the finished assemblies after joining. Basic material models are presented, on which computational methods are established. Based on these perceptions, various simulation methods are introduced in order to solve specific problems during the manufacturing process or to predict structural behaviour of parts. In this chapter knowledge and applications of simulation methods concerning the manufacturing processes introduced in Chapter 2 are presented as a part of a holistic manufacturing chain. Moreover, recent developments in the area of computation and interlinking of different simulation steps for supporting manufacturing processes are discussed. Based on the existing methods and tools and on the increasing requirements on behalf of the industry concerning product quality and optimisation of the product development process, the need for further research is deduced. The manufacturing process chain considered in this work includes, sequentially: the manufacturing fields of forming, metal cutting, and welding. The simulation of the structural effects along this manufacturing chain is introduced in this chapter, along with the latest research activities in the area of computational chaining methods during manufacturing. 3.2 Forming simulation

The simulation of forming processes is widely applied for research and industrial purposes. Simulation methods assure product quality and allow the determination of optimal values for the process parameters. Material failure (e.g. cracks or necking) and undesired form characteristics can be virtually predicted in advance and, thus, can be avoided during the real process. This can save time and minimise costs and, at the same time, help to optimise product quality. In recent years, the process simulation in metal forming reached the appropriate level for its practical application for industrial purposes. Simulating the complete forming manufacturing process prior to the real production process is, nowadays, state of the art (ROLL 2004).

The application of the finite element analysis for describing forming processes began thirty years ago. Since that time, a rapid development has been seen. In the last fifteen years, a large number of different studies concerning forming simulation have been performed, so that nowadays the development is at an advanced level with about fifteen commercial software codes worldwide, which enable the FEA of forming processes (ROLL &, LEMKE 2005). In the area of forming simulation a lot of two-dimensional analyses are still performed, since many forming processes can be reduced into two-dimensional models (plane or axis-symmetrical deformation condition). Three-dimensional models are increasingly applied, however, with the disadvantage of difficulties during the automatic mesh regeneration. In addition, long computation times are required, so that three-dimensional practical examples can only be used with a large computational effort. In the case of extrusion moulding of aluminium profiles, different simulation methods may be applied in order to describe the material flow and the structural properties. Moreover, the simulation of the extrusion moulding process of aluminium profiles with reinforcing steel elements has been developed further (SCHIKORRA 2006). Hereby, already established material and contact laws are applied.

Prediction and application capabilities of the forming simulation are shown in Table 3-1. Failure occurrences, such as cracks, wrinkles, and necking can be predicted with a high accuracy along with material flow, resulting sheet thickness, strain allocation, and blankholder pressing. With the aid of the process simulation of the deep drawing operation step the effort for die spotting can be reduced (HOFFMANN et al. 2006).
Geleitwort der Herausgeber8
Index of Contents16
Index of Figures22
Index of Tables30
Index of Symbols32
Capital Latin symbols32
Small type Latin symbols34
Capital Greek symbols36
Small type Greek symbols36
Index of Abbreviations40
1 Introduction42
1.1 Motivation42
1.2 Scope and objectives of this thesis46
1.3 Definition of used terms49
1.4 Organisation of contents51
2 Fundamentals54
2.1 General54
2.2 Manufacturing processes55
2.3 Finite-Element-Method95
3 State of Research and Deduction of Requirements for the Computational Chaining104
3.1 General104
3.2 Forming simulation104
3.3 Metal cutting simulation109
3.4 Welding simulation111
3.5 Simulation chaining methods in manufacturing120
3.6 Evaluation of research state and requirements for the developed chaining methods124
4 Systematic Analysis of Models within Virtual Manufacturing Process Chains128
4.1 General approach for the applied modelling methods128
4.2 Categorisation of simulation models129
4.3 Investigation of thermal process influences and thermal models of welding141
4.4 Investigation of mechanical process influences and mechanical models of welding152
4.5 Summary and need for a holistic virtual manufacturing chain169
5 Virtual Chaining Method of Structural Effects of Sequential Manufacturing Processes172
5.1 General remarks on chaining simulation results172
5.2 Mapping of simulation results174
5.3 Realisation of the simulation chain on complete frame assemblies181
6 Application and Benefit186
6.1 General186
6.2 Welding assembly sill board187
6.3 Welding assembly side crash panel B-pillar191
6.4 Generalised application of the introduced method on composite frame structures196
6.5 Evaluation and benefit199
7 Summary and Outlook204
Appendix A: Applied programmes240
Appendix B: Database for welding groups in body-in-white241
Appendix C: Sub-programmes in SIL and in perl242

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