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A study on Effect of Calcium-Magnesium-Phosphorus Fertilizer on Potato Tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) and on Physicochemical Properties of Potato Flour during Storage

AutorErika Pardede
VerlagCuvillier Verlag
Seitenanzahl156 Seiten
Preis16,10 EUR
Growing of interest on application of calcium and magnesium has been responded by number of studies in this area. In general one would expect that calcium and magnesium application will brought to an increase of yield and quality of tubers. However, the results were not always agreeing each other. Some studies did examine the improvement but some other reported that it was only success when related to some conditions, many even reported no response of plant to calcium and magnesium application. This thesis describes the results of a two-years field experiment, in 2000 and 2001, investigating the possibility of calcium application together with magnesium and phosphorus on yield and tuber quality improvement, as well as demonstrating the effect on some physicochemical properties of flour. The investigation was also conducted to see a further effect on tubers during long-term storage at 7 oC and 98% relative humidity as well as on the properties of flour provided from the stored tuber.

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