Future-Marketing | Zukunftsmarketing
- der Zukunfts-Guide & Knigge für Spezien & Roboter - aller Art Zukunft des Marketings & Managements (ZMM)
Autor | Roman Retzbach |
Verlag | Books on Demand |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2014 |
Seitenanzahl | 124 Seiten |
ISBN | 9783734735714 |
Format | ePUB |
Kopierschutz | DRM |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 9,99 EUR |
Roman Retzbach (50 years | 8.7.1964) founder & director of the FUTURE-UNIVERSITY | FUTURE-INSTITUTE - futurist | science-future (sf) researcher & investor for future-projects mobile: 049 1577 2061903 my skype: Future-Institute profuturist.r.retzbach@future-university.org profuturist.r.retzbach@future-institute.com http://twitter.com/FutureInstitute about me:www.xing.com/go/invite/3185738.c39dc5 http://de.linkedin.com/in/futures my job: www.future-institute.info http://www.facebook.com/futurestudies my Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm9bCyKfV6hXB_OcZ6tLnbA I'm a future(s)-studies reserachers over 25 years, started as trendscout and get a future(s)-scientist, holding many speeches worldwide about Megatrends, Foresights, Forecasts, Scenarios, SciFi, Timelines, Utopia, to Visions.