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Umstrittene Vergangenheit

Historische Argumente in der Auseinandersetzung Augustins mit den Donatisten

AutorArne Hogrefe
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheMillennium-Studien / Millennium StudiesISSN 24
Seitenanzahl406 Seiten
Preis0,00 EUR

Millennium transcends boundaries - between epochs and regions, and between disciplines. Like the Millennium-Jahrbuch, the journal Millennium-Studien pursues an international, interdisciplinary approach that cuts across historical eras. Composed of scholars from various disciplines, the editorial and advisory boards welcome submissions from a range of fields, including history, literary studies, art history, theology, and philosophy. Millennium-Studien also accepts manuscripts on Latin, Greek, and Oriental cultures.

In addition to offering a forum for monographs and edited collections on diverse topics, Millennium-Studien publishes commentaries and editions. The journal primary accepts publications in German and English, but also considers submissions in French, Italian, and Spanish.

If you want to submit a manuscript please send it to the editor from the most relevant discipline:

Wolfram Brandes, Frankfurt (Byzantine Studies and Early Middle Ages):

Peter von Möllendorff, Gießen (Greek language and literature):

Dennis Pausch, Dresden (Latin language and literature):

Rene Pfeilschifter, Würzburg (Ancient History):

Karla Pollmann, Bristol (Early Christianity and Patristics):

All manuscript submissions will be reviewed by the editor and one outside specialist (single-blind peer review).

Arne Hogrefe, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
1. Einführung13
2. Der Donatismus zur Zeit Augustins29
3. Die Bücher gegen den Grammatiker Cresconius73
4. Die antidonatistischen Briefe119
5. Augustinus und die Konferenz von Karthago im Jahr 411165
6. Donatistische Geschichtsbilder und Augustins Entgegnung240
7. Die Entstehung des donatistischen Schismas: Historische Argumente zur causa Caeciliani282
8. Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen: Historische Argumente im donatistischen Streit342
Exkurs: Zur Datierung des Konzils von Cirta367

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