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Classification and Clustering in Business Cycle Analysis.

VerlagDuncker & Humblot GmbH
ReiheSchriften des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung 79
Seitenanzahl166 Seiten
Preis0,00 EUR
The analysis of cyclical macroeconomic phenomena is an important field of econometric research. In the recent past, research interests have de-emphasized quantitative forecasting exercises and have addressed the qualitative diagnosis of the relative stance of the economy regarding »upswing«, »recession«, or �»boom« periods, i. e. the classification of the state of the economy into a limited number of discrete states. In this context the principal challenge is to reduce the multifaceted and sometimes abundant quantitative information about the business cycle to such qualitative statements in an efficient way. For more than six years this task was the focus of the project »Multivariate determination and analysis of business cycles« within the SFB 475 »Reduction of complexity in multivariate data structures«, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The necessity for complexity reduction is, of course, not unique to business cycle analysis but is studied in many fields and in a number of ways. This broad interest in the reduction of problem dimensionality and in the appropriate combination of data and of theory caused the RWI Essen and the Statistical Department of the University of Dortmund in January 2002 to hold a workshop at the RWI Essen where the findings of this and similar projects were presented and discussed. The present publication collects revised versions of the papers presented at this workshop. Although the workshop took place some five years ago, these papers mark an importent juncture in the development of business cycle research.

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Ullrich Heilemann and Claus Weihs: Introduction11
Victor Zarnowitz: Phases and Stages of Recent U.S. Business Cycles21
1. Introduction21
2. Growth Cycles and Business Cycles22
3. Stages of Expansion and Contraction24
4. Applicability to U.S. Postwar Expansions28
5. Applicability to U.S. Postwar Contractions31
6. An Extension to the Last Recession32
7. Conclusion33
Ullrich Heilemann and Heinz Josef Münch: The U.S. Business Cycle and its Phases 1948–200035
1. Introduction35
2. Re-examining Meyer/Weinberg37
3. Stability of Meyer/Weinberg’s Results44
3.1 A Four-phase Classification for 1973 to 200045
3.2 New Sample Performance of the M/W Scheme45
3.3 Outside Sample Performance47
3.4 Stability of the M/W-Scheme in the New Sample47
4. Summary and Conclusions48
Appendix: Linear Discriminant Analysis51
Claus Weihs and Ursula Garczarek: Stability of Multivariate Representation of Business Cycles over Time57
1. Introduction57
2. Data58
3. Classification of Business Cycle Phases58
4. Classification Methods and Classification Rules59
5. Double Leave-one-cycle-out Cross Validation60
6. Classification Results and Resulting Models61
6.1 Linear Discriminant Analysis61
6.2 Quadratic Discriminant Analysis64
6.3 Continuous RAKE-Method66
6.4 Comparison of Classification Rules68
7. Economic Implications68
8. Conclusion69
Marlene Amstad und Bernd Schips: Wachstumsfluktuationen, Zykluskonzepte und konjunkturelle Wendepunkte71
1. Einleitung71
2. Die Erfassung des latenten Phänomens „Konjunktur“72
2.1 Bemerkungen zur Datenlage72
2.2 Bemerkungen zur Saisonbereinigung74
3. Alternative Zykluskonzepte zur Erfassung von Wachstumsfluktuationen74
3.1 Das klassische Zykluskonzept74
3.2 Das Wachstumszykluskonzept75
4. Aspekte verschiedener Trendbereinigungsverfahren76
5. Beispiele zur unterschiedlichen Wendepunktdatierung78
6. Zykluskonzept und Erklärungsansätze80
7. Fazit81
Anhang: Fragebogen der Monatsumfrage in der Industrie82
Bernd Lucke und Malte Knüppel: Unternehmensgrößenklassen im ifo-Konjunkturtest: eine Burns-Mitchell-Analyse85
1. Einleitung85
2. Burns-Mitchell-Methodologie86
3. Bestimmung der Referenzzyklen89
4. Geschäftsklimadaten nach Unternehmensgrößenklassen96
5. Beschäftigungseffekte103
6. Schlussbemerkungen105
Katharina Morik and Stefan Rüping: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach to the Classification of Phases in Business Cycles109
1. Introduction109
2. Inductive Logic Programming112
2.1 MOBAL114
2.1.1 The Rule Discovery Tool RDT114
2.1.2 Rule Inspection115
2.1.3 Knowledge Revision116
3. Experiments on German Business Cycle Data116
3.1 Discretization117
3.2 Modeling Four Phases Without Time Intervals118
3.3 Modeling Four Phases with Time Intervals120
3.4 Modeling Two Phases123
3.5 Concept Shift124
4. Conclusion and Further Work125
Ursula Garczarek and Claus Weihs: Univariate Characterization of the German Business Cycle 1955–1994129
1. Introduction129
2. Analysis of the Course of the Economic Variables in the Business Cycle130
3. Independence of Economic Variables133
4. Univariate Rule Finding133
5. Ranges Corresponding to Phases137
6. Conclusion138
Claudia Becker and Winfried Theis: Combining Dimension Reduction and Fuzzy-clustering: An Application to Business Cycles139
1. Introduction139
2. Dimension Reduction and Clustering140
2.1 Sliced Inverse Regression140
2.2 Fuzzy-clustering141
3. Results142
4. Conclusion145
Gabriela Guimarães: Self-organizing Maps for Time Series Analysis147
1. Introduction147
2. The Basic SOM-Algorithm148
3. Temporal Sequence Processing without Modifying the Basic SOM-Algorithm149
4. Modifying the Activation/Learning Rule151
5. Modification of the Network Topology153
6. Conclusions155
Victor Zarnowitz: Modern Trends and Their Effects on International Business Cycles159
1. Globalization, New Information Age, and Monetary Regimes159
2. Business Cycles under the Gold Standard before World War I160
3. The Interwar Period: 1919–1939162
4. The Post-World War II Era164
List of Authors167

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