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eBooks vom Autor: Fredmund Malik
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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Fredmund Malik
Preface to the English Edition
On íts publication in March 2000, the German edition of Managing Performing Living attracted great interest and has continued to do so ever since. People…
Fredmund Malik zeigt, dass die Leistungskraft eines Unternehmens nur sichergestellt werden kann, wenn sich der Aufsichtsrat eines Unternehmens auch mit operativen Fragen wie der Personalauswahl…
Fredmund Malik has become the leading analyst of, and expert on Management in Europe (…). He is a commanding figure - in theory as well as in the practice of Management." Peter Drucker Man-made…
This Malik eReading application comprises the complete Malik Management Systems: Essentials every manager needs to know, from the essence of the craft to strategy, corporate governance and leadership…
This Malik eReading application comprises the complete Malik Management Systems: Essentials every manager needs to know, from the essence of the craft to strategy, corporate governance and leadership…
Management is no matter of ideology, nor is it a question of fashion. Management is a craft - the universal and most important discipline of the 21st century. Fredmund Malik, the leading expert in…
'Fredmund Malik has become the leading analyst of, and expert on Management in Europe (...). He is a commanding figure - in theory as well as in the practice of Management.' Peter Drucker Man-made…
EKS® ist eine höchst einfache und wirksame Methode, mit deren Hilfe jedermann Spitzenleistungen entwickeln und mit entsprechendem Ehrgeiz nationaler oder internationaler Marktführer werden kann. Die…
In a few years, almost everything will be different: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it; how we produce and consume, how we conduct research, how we teach and learn, how we share information…
Das Management der Zukunft Wie der Management-Vordenker Fredmund Malik darlegt, wird systemischevolutionäres Denken in Zukunft immer wichtiger - genauso wie die Anwendung der Kybernetik auf das…
This book describes Malik's strategic solutions for the Revolutions of the New World, which are already underway. They are part of the Great Transformation 21 which the author will address in the…
In a few years, almost everything will be different: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it; how we produce and consume, how we conduct research, how we teach and learn, how we share information…