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eBooks vom Autor: Erwin Riedel
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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Erwin Riedel
This tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to the textbooks Riedel/…
'Riedel' - a student favorite - is now available in the revised 8th edition. The textbook addresses students with a major in chemistry and all who require a solid basic knowledge of inorganic…
The revised 10th edition contains the theoretical foundations, a concise overview of material chemistry and discusses current environmental problems. With its clear illustrations and concise…
The 2nd edition of this tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to…
The revised 9th edition presents the theoretical foundations of general chemistry, a brief overview of the elements and touches on current environmental problems.…
The revised 11th edition contains the theoretical foundations, a concise overview of material chemistry and discusses current environmental problems. With its clear illustrations and concise…
Hundreds of challenging and varied exercises and solutions in organic chemistry provide undergraduate chemistry students and students with chemistry as a minor field with comprehensive exam…
This is the perfect textbook for anyone who needs to develop a solid basic understanding of organic chemistry. It provides extensive information about the theoretical principles of inorganic…
Die überarbeitete 12. Auflage dieses klassischen Lehrbuchs enthält die theoretischen Grundlagen der allgemeinen und anorganischen Chemie, eine Einführung in die anorganische Stoffchemie sowie eine…
Die überarbeitete 12. Auflage dieses klassischen Lehrbuchs enthält die theoretischen Grundlagen der allgemeinen und anorganischen Chemie, eine Einführung in die anorganische Stoffchemie sowie eine…