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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden


E-Book Wahlfälschung

Der erste Band dokumentiert die Wahlfälschungsverfahren. Sie hatten die systematische Fälschung der DDR-Kommunalwahlen im Mai 1989 zum Gegenstand. Strafverfolgungsmaßnahmen wurden noch in der…

'Die fünffingrige Hand'

E-Book 'Die fünffingrige Hand'

Die 'Poetik der Sinne' ist für Rilkes Spätwerk zentral und unterstreicht seine Bedeutung für die Lyrik der Moderne. Ausgehend vom Bild der 'fünffingrigen Hand' der Sinne im Aufsatz 'Ur-Geräusch…

Literatur und Klosterreform

E-Book Literatur und Klosterreform

The South German Benedictine monastery of St. Mang in Füssen (diocese of Augsburg) is examined here with reference to the connections discernible between the monastery's espousal of the reform…


E-Book Syntax-Theorie

This volume is an introduction to the two most influential versions of syntactic theory to have emerged during the last decade - Government and Binding Theory evolving from Chomsky's generative…

Poetik des Exils

E-Book Poetik des Exils

After the Nazis' rise to power, numerous writers left Germany and went into exile. But in the subsequent decades literature in German was not only marked by the political commitment of prominent…

Tiere in der Literatur

E-Book Tiere in der Literatur

The ethnological and anthropological significance of animals is common to all cultures and periods. Given this fact, the book essays a comparative study of the animal figures in the works of a…

Martin Opitz (1597 - 1639)

E-Book Martin Opitz (1597 - 1639)

To mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of Martin Opitz on 23 December 1597, a colloquium took place in Görlitz involving a list of speakers as international as it was interdisciplinary. In…

Ehe, Liebe, Freundschaft

E-Book Ehe, Liebe, Freundschaft

This study of historical semantics and early modern-age literary history delineates the way in which ideas about marriage, love and friendship changed radically from the 15th to the 16th century…


E-Book Radio

At one time, the radio was the sole electronic medium of general relevance. Its programs fulfilled the function of providing non-stop entertainment and information. The challenge posed by…


E-Book Flugschrift

In the first (systematic) section the flysheet as a medium is defined and set off against other media. Information is given on the conditions governing production, distribution and reception,…

Genetisches Prinzip

E-Book Genetisches Prinzip

Drawing on texts of cultural and literary history from the 19th and 20th centuries the study describes the change of our concept of history after the age of historicism. It depicts how the…


E-Book Existentialontologie

Die Frage nach der Seinsweise der realen Welt gehört zu den zentralen und am meisten umstrittenen Themen der europäischen Philosophie. Weder die Argumente des Idealismus noch die des Realismus…


E-Book Sprech-Ton-Kunst

Starting in the late 18th century a development is observable in which a new theatrical aesthetic of dramatic speech exploiting the musical potential of the voice went hand in hand with an…

Euripides Politikos

E-Book Euripides Politikos

Das Buch enthält eine vergleichende Interpretation der beiden Tragödien, die Euripides am Ende seines Lebens (gest. 406 v. Chr.) verfasst hat. Es wird versucht, die Parallelen beider Werke in…


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