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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden


E-Book Actio

From antiquity until the twentieth century, rhetorical training was exclusively concerned with forming male speakers as well as producing an explicitly masculine speaking style and method. This…


E-Book Literaturwissenschaft

The updated and extended edition of this established textbook provides Bachelor students of German philology with the central concepts, processes and working techniques of literary studies.…

Gesprochenes Französisch

E-Book Gesprochenes Französisch

This textbook uses corpus analysis and empirical data to provide a comprehensive overview of spoken hexagonal French. Its eight chapters cover past research, linguistic theory, historical…


E-Book Dogmatik

A textbook for students of theology, exam preparations, and all those seeking a systematic grasp of applied dogmatics in church and school. The discipline of dogmatic theology describes the…


E-Book Maßanalyse

This standard work on analytical chemistry deals with the fundamentals of volumetric analysis. It covers all areas from theory and important apparatus to practical laboratory applications. An…


E-Book Religionswissenschaft

What constitutes the field of religious studies? The 29 chapters in this introductory text offer an incisive look at the key approaches, methods, problems, and subjects that define contemporary…

Fremde Welten

E-Book Fremde Welten

Until recently, scholars were hesitant to take the fantastic seriously. But since the 1990s, the increasing presence of the fantastic in mass media has spurred growing academic interest in the…

Hetz - Hix

E-Book Hetz - Hix

Volume 18 contains articles on Stefan Heym, Wolfgang Hilbig, and Edgar Hilsenrath, among other writers. Taking a broad notion of literature, the work also includes important representatives from…


E-Book Hebräisch

The Grammar is intended as a textbook to support Hebrew classes which gives the teachers the maximum latitude for the selection and application of different teaching methods and for the students…


E-Book Urheberrecht

The textbook on copyright law offers a didactic three-step-model to aid the acquisition and deepening of copyright law knowledge. Significant German Federal Court of Justice decisions are drawn…

Was ein Poëte kan!

E-Book Was ein Poëte kan!

Paul Fleming (1609–1640) was one of the most important poets of the early modern period, and his contemporaries ranked him alongside Martin Opitz. This anthology is from an international…


E-Book H-Q

Es handelt sich um ein umfassendes wissenschaftliches Wörterbuch zum Phänomen des „Gegensinns (= kontrastive Polysemie). Das Werk umfasst 3 Bände. Jeder Artikel bietet neben…


E-Book Ideologie

'Ideology - that is so passé': This widely prevalent underestimation of ideology is unjustified. The cognitive theory of ideology presented in this looks at ideologies in three dimensions: in…

Famas Medium

E-Book Famas Medium

As the new medium of the 17th century, the newspaper helped shape the core structural conditions for modernity: an accelerated pace of circulation, new information pathways, networking, and the…

§§ 263-266b

E-Book §§ 263-266b

Der 'Leipziger Kommentar' bietet als der traditionelle Großkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch die umfassendste Darstellung des geltenden Strafrechts. Sein hohes Ansehen beruht vor allem auf…

§§ 331-342e

E-Book §§ 331-342e

Gerhard Dannecker, Universität Heidelberg; Peter Hommelhoff, KPMG, Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main; Rainer Hüttemann, Universität Bonn; et al.

Ethische Wirklichkeit

E-Book Ethische Wirklichkeit

Doubts regarding the intellectual honesty of everyday ethical discourse primarily relate to two of its fundamental assumptions. First: Ethical judgments are truth-apt. Second: Ethical claims are…

Offenbarung und Episteme

E-Book Offenbarung und Episteme

For the first time, these proceedings from an interdisciplinary and international symposium use a broad foundation of sources to examine the first period (1620–1790) in the history of the…


E-Book Kanzleisprachenforschung

For the first time, this Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the object, the history, the theoretical academic prerequisites and the present state of research into chancery language. The…

Rom und die Regionen

E-Book Rom und die Regionen

From the middle of the 11th century to Pope Innocent III (1198–1216), the Latin Church developed into a European-wide Papal Church, with a strong hierarchy focused on Rome. Retrospectively…

Wille, Willkür, Freiheit

E-Book Wille, Willkür, Freiheit

In 1792, with the aim of defending Kant’s doctrine of freedom, Reinhold redefined freedom of will as the ability to decide for or against the moral law. Thus freedom of will represents a…

Wege in die Moderne

E-Book Wege in die Moderne

In diverse ways, Arcadian utopias led the way toward modernity in European literature. Support for this notion is provided by the studies in this volume, written by Klaus Garber. They provide…

Ein Antipode Kants?

E-Book Ein Antipode Kants?

Johann August Eberhard (1739-1809) was one of the most renowned and controversial proponents of German popular philosophy during the late 18th century. By 1800 at the latest, the triumphal march…


E-Book Gerechtigkeit

Justice has multiple facets. This volume examines retributive justice as well as transactional justice, and places special emphasis on distributive justice. The author establishes that an…


E-Book Selbstachtung

Kant’s rationale for making self-respect an immediately clear precondition for action grounded in freedom is in need of thoroughgoing revision, since it fails to consider the…

Judentum für Christen

E-Book Judentum für Christen

Menasseh ben Israel (1604-1657) was one of the most important Rabbis of the Early Modern Age in Europe. He became known primarily through his leading role in negotiating the readmission of…

Forensische Geburtshilfe

E-Book Forensische Geburtshilfe

Obstetrics and gynaecology are seeing growing numbers of legal disagreements with high levels of damages. Often the insurer, or the patient, reaches an out-of-court settlement with the doctor.…

Rationale Schiiten

E-Book Rationale Schiiten

Rationalism is a cornerstone of the modern Occident's conception of itself. However, as shown by the post-colonial reading of the term found in Max Weber's comparative studies of religion, the…

Situation und Botschaft

E-Book Situation und Botschaft

Salvation is a dramatic event. What form of thought is appropriate for the relationship between God and Man: analogy, dialectics, or paradox?Paul Tillich and Walter Kasper may be regarded as the…


E-Book 1968

The cipher “1968” evokes a remembrance that has a strong impact on the collective memory, especially through its language. After forty years the time has come for an interim status…


E-Book 1.7.-31.12.2008

The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…


E-Book Person

The identity of a person has to be analyzed in terms of three questions: What determines the entity of a person? What has to happen so that a person from yesterday is ‘identical’ to…

Negative Kausalität

E-Book Negative Kausalität

The term “negative causality” denotes a highly controversial problem in metaphysics: Can negative entities such as the absence or the non-occurrence of certain events be causes or…

Europäisches Atomrecht

E-Book Europäisches Atomrecht

This new edition will be of special value in providing timely information about European atomic energy law. The heart of the compendium is a thorough presentation of the Euratom Treaty,…

Handbuch Insolvenzrecht

E-Book Handbuch Insolvenzrecht

This sixth edition of the standard work on insolvency law uses an all-new format. In an attempt to highlight the system and the regulatory framework even more clearly, the volume is structured…

Das Derma-Kurs-Buch

E-Book Das Derma-Kurs-Buch

This textbook specifically aims to meet the requirements with regard to dermatology as an examination subject on medical courses and of general medical practice. Thomas Wiesner,…

Knotenpunkt Byzanz

E-Book Knotenpunkt Byzanz

This volume casts a new light on Byzantium as a geographical and cultural intersection. For nearly a millennium, Byzantium was an important crossroads where cultures, people, and institutions…


E-Book Unternehmensstrafrecht

This volume compiles lectures from the conference on 'Corporate Criminal Law' held at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. It starts with a reflection on the social policy impetus for…

Gottes Haus

E-Book Gottes Haus

Mit der Vorstellung vom Kirchengebäude als heiligem Raum untersucht die vorliegende Studie eine zentrale Denkfigur mittelalterlicher Gesellschaftsdeutung, die 'ecclesia'. Anhand auf das…

Grammatik multimodal

E-Book Grammatik multimodal

We speak not only with our mouths, but also with our hands. And that is not all: this book advances the argument that the gestures which accompany speech are also part of the material to be…

Der Philosoph Melanchthon

E-Book Der Philosoph Melanchthon

Wilhelm Dilthey and Hans-Georg Gadamer were probably the last great scholars who had taken Philipp Melanchthon seriously as a philosopher. In the 20th century interest was almost exclusively…

Die Entdeckung des Körpers

E-Book Die Entdeckung des Körpers

The Athenian discovery of the human body and its roles in images from the 8th and 7th cent. BCE furnishes a central discursive perspective for understanding Athenian society. This work begins by…

Positive Pflichten

E-Book Positive Pflichten

Are there strong positive obligations? We obviously consider it a strong obligation to save a drowning child. The first part of this work investigates the factors that define the strength of…


E-Book Risikoethik

Rationally coping with situations with uncertain consequences is a matter of universal concern in modern societies.Here a critique of current paradigms of dealing with risk is the starting point…

Sinnlichkeit und Verstand

E-Book Sinnlichkeit und Verstand

For Kant, sensibility and reason are the two cornerstones for all knowledge that is possible for us. The question of their mediation has occupied Kant researchers ever since the publication of…


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