Apophthegmata teutsch
Julius Wilhelm Zincgref (1591‑1635), the Heidelberg jurist, is considered in his century to have been a master of the short literary form intended for edification purposes…
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Julius Wilhelm Zincgref (1591‑1635), the Heidelberg jurist, is considered in his century to have been a master of the short literary form intended for edification purposes…
The present volume contains Schleiermacher’s correspondence from April 1806 up to the end of 1807, the date of his final move to Berlin. Of the total of 425 letters in this volume, 240 are…
This volume documents and describes the important role that Gauss played for science in Russia, as well as the great significance of Russia in Gauss' scientific work. The authors profile 17…
This handbook provides a documentation of art quotations in modern literary texts. An ‘art quotation’ is defined as a reference to a real art work, either by naming, description or…
The history of aesthetics portrays the relationship between ‘high’ and ‘low’, i.e. between high and popular culture, as being strongly antagonistic. On the other hand…
Der Verlag De Gruyter blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück: Seit mehr als 260 Jahren fördert er die Wissenschaften und publiziert hochwertige Standardwerke für alle Bereiche der Geistes- und…
Faith-based universities as educational facilities not under state sponsorship are subject to Church and State regulations. Theological faculties at state-run universities must also adhere to…
Nietzsche’s philosophical analysis of our culture has had more consequences than most others. In these writings Nietzsche focused his attention particularly on the validity and effect of…
In this work, the short epos Orpheus’ Argonautica that dates from Late Antiquity is subjected to a comprehensive re-examination. It reveals a work in which the poetic structure is much…
This text provides an overview of the regulations and other applications which refer to the legal term: the nationality of works of art. In this context, criteria relevant for determining…
Dieser Band zeigt das große Pensum, das Wieland bei seiner Arbeit als Herausgeber des 'Teutschen Merkur' zu bewältigen hatte. Neben kleineren Aufsätze und Miszellen verfasst er…
A new edition of this work was made necessary by the numerous changes to the law of costs related to contentious jurisdiction since the Reform Act on Proceedings in Family Matters and Matters of…
This study is dedicated to the comprehensive explanation of what is probably Walter Benjamin’s most difficult text, the Erkenntniskritische Vorrede (critical foreword) to his Ursprung des…
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834) had a remarkable ability to inspire his contemporaries from the pulpit. This volume is an edition of 107 sermons delivered on 100…
The new edition is designed to be used as an exercise book and for systematic study. It includes cases on data protection, the reliability of online newspaper archives and the commercial use of…
European company law has been significantly further developed in the past few years: regulations on the European company (SE) and the European cooperative society (SCE) have been in effect for…
Der vorliegende Band vereint zwei späte Stücke Horváths, das Schauspiel Der jüngste Tag und das Lustspiel Ein Dorf ohne Männer, beide 1937 erschienen und als Teile einer vom Autor geplanten Komödie…
die vom Institut für Kirchenrecht und rheinische Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln betreute Sammlung 'Entscheidungen in…
2007 saw the completion of the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. This volume takes stock of developments and brings together the fields of archeology, history, philology and numerous…
Each year in Germany, some 200,000 people undergo hip replacement surgery. Clear and concisely written, this book provides a comprehensive discussion of endoprosthetics and its future. Special…
This work addresses the criminal prosecution of Nazi criminals by West German courts, focusing specifically on the trial of former members of the German security police in Bialystok, Poland.…
The 2011 Banking Law Day in Munich was devoted to increasing investor protection and the creation of a new legal framework for the financial restructuring of firms. Academics and professionals…
In October 1936, Leonidas - a director at Austria's Department of Education - received a private letter in a woman's pale blue handwriting. In it, Vera Wormser, a Jew with whom he had a love…
Kunstreligion [art religion] has been an established term since Schleiermacher's Speeches on Religion (1799). However, the origin of the concept is not to be found in the theology of…
2008 marked the 150th birthday of Nobel Laureate Ludwig Quidde, who led the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome from 1890 to 1892. During his time there, he initiated the Repertorium…
In this book the motet lyrics of Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1165-1236) are subjected to critical editing, translation and comment. While the lyrics treated in the first part can certainly…
This study brings linguistic history and contemporary history together. Using the tools of discourse analysis it examines the linguistic quality of upheaval in the critical discourse of the late…
Whoever wants to philosophize must do three things: analyze for himself, argue for himself, and interpret for himself. This book enables one to learn the methods of philosophy through exercises…
This introduction deals with questions and problems of foreign language acquisition in schools, universities, and institutions (French, Italian, and Spanish). The objective is a critical…
In the counseling field, a type of consultation is increasingly being offered that focuses on spiritual topics, generally known as “spiritual guidance”. This study explores various…
Ever since the Enlightenment, hermeneutics have been of critical importance as one of the fundamental principles of the arts and humanities. Their incorporation into the field of historical…
This volume contains hitherto unknown lectures held by the Protestant philosopher and theologian Paul Tillich (1886–1965) during the first years of his exile at several universities. The…
Usually we try to objectivize our knowledge of language by using terminology. In the process we easily forget that language can also be concretized revealingly by means of images or symbols.…
The process of European integration is presenting the churches of Europe with new challenges. Applying a combination of social-scientific, historical and theological methods, the author…
The “European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages” of the Council of Europe now applies in 25 states. The articles in this volume examine the basic concept and the language…
This volume provides an updated, concise, and overall complete or thorough presentation of word formation in the German language from the 20th and the early 21st century, incorporating the…
This 'corpus-driven?' work contributes to the investigation of grammatical phenomena in the linguistic period of New High German (17th to 21st centuries) with a focus on pronominal adverbs (e.g…
This volume presents Wieland's work at the journal Der Teutsche Merkur. He wrote tirelessly for the magazine, ensuring it remained a quality publication. His contributions included Fragmente von…
As a result of its almost total displacement from the everyday life environment death threatens to become a target for the projection of various fears. This volume takes an interdisciplinary…
The Book of Proverbs plays almost no role at all in the current discussion on the status of the Torah in the post-exile era. This study casts light on traditional background of Prov 2 and, on…
The standard work on modern inorganic chemistry for students in chemistry master programs, this book presents well-founded information on the different areas of inorganic chemistry in a unique…
This study contributes both to research on the literary presentation of love and to research on the writer Arnim. The study presents pioneering work by developing, on a systematic basis, a…
Während es eine Vielzahl an Studien über die Kindheit im antiken Griechenland, im römischen Altertum und im westlichen Mittelalter gibt, fehlt eine derartige Arbeit für Byzanz. Das vorliegende…
It is only through communication that physical activity becomes sport. Sport as an activity becomes a meaningful event through the interplay of dramaturgical rules and rhetorical patterns.…
In German, composition is an especially productive pattern of word formation. This volume fills a gap in scholarship by providing a comprehensive description and discussion of composition in…
This work defends an anti-realist two-world interpretation of Kant’s transcendental idealism against prevailing realist views. Kant’s anti-realism is made more precise using concepts…
Volume two of the series IVS SAXONICO-MAIDEBVRGENSE IN ORIENTE presents the results of investigation into the dissemination of the law book Sachsenspiegel, Magdeburg city law, and related legal…
Cross-language comparison can show where German structures diverge from and converge with those of other languages. The essays in the 2011 Yearbook of the Institute for German Language compare…
This book enters and surveys new territory. It describes the 'oratio historica' as a specific form of expression used in the political rhetoric of the early modern period. The speeches talk…
This study analyzes the attitude of the state church in Schleswig and Holstein to the issue of revolution in the historical context of the period 1789 to 1848. Taking a regional…
This work presents the first comprehensive monograph on the gallant poet Christian Hunold alias Menantes (1680-1721). On the basis of the conjuncture of the gallant interaction and communication…
The study originates from the Erlangen research project on word formation in the Middle High German language of documents from the 13th century. It examines in detail the adjective derivation in…
The articles in this volume provide historical records, etymological explanations and bibliographical references in alphabetical order for approximately 3,000 names of places where the population…
The close relationship between scholarship, politics and religious denomination is currently one of the major issues in research devoted to the Early Modern Age. This volume presents new routes…
Is there a fundamental difference between practical and theoretical knowledge? The thesis, going back to Gilbert Ryle, that “knowing-how” is an independent form of knowledge…
Science and scientific development are increasingly subject to differentiations and specializations that are ever harder to communicate to the general public. This is reflected in doubts about…
Hardly anything has been more influential in forming the modern era's definition of itself than its relation to the “pre-modern”. That is why medieval reception constitutes a central…
In the tradition of reformatory theology 'freedom' is a leitmotiv for the evolvement of the importance of Christianfaith for salvation. Christoph Herbst studies the understanding of 'freedom…
In the sixth volume of the Germania Sacra on the Bishopric of Constance, Wilfried Schöntag tells the story of the Premonstratensian monastery of Obermarchtal from its foundation in 1171 to…
Today, the subject of Christianity and Judaism can only be explored interdisciplinarily, with the participation of researchers from the disciplines of theology, religious studies, Jewish studies…
The volume offers a unique overview of key rulings by Germany’s Supreme and Constitutional Courts regarding criminal cases in 2011. This makes it the ideal tool for quickly and easily…
As a ‘rhetoric of the mean’ (mesotes ideal), sensibility provides a positive catalog of emotionalization. This is because ethos as an emotional level is viewed as being able, through…
Studying parts of speech always demands definition of the criteria for their determination. Non-inflecting parts of speech are of special interest here, because their form provides little…
The anthology makes an important contribution to the research topic ‘Literature and Knowledge’ and picks up on the current narratological discussion on literary characters. The key…
The analysis of legal texts in the context of legislation is a previously unexplored field of research. Consequently, this study examines the formation of legal norms using the example of the…
This diachronously and synchronously oriented study focuses not only on the creation of the “dass” sentence but also on non-canonical subordinate-clause constructions such as…
The term ‘narrativity’ has gained considerable currency. But what does it actually mean? This is the question considered in the articles by linguists, media scholars, psychologists…
This work, containing more than a thousand maps and commentaries, is the first to document the surname stock of Germany by statistical occurrence and geographical distribution. There is a…
The articles in this volume provide an insight into the richness of narrative. In the process they focus on two main areas: oral narrative as part of everyday interaction and the acquisition of…
Heribert Hirte, Universität Hamburg.
Das Große Sängerlexikon ist das anerkannte Nachschlagewerk über Sängerinnen und Sänger und umfasst in seiner 4. Auflage 18.760 Sänger-Biographien. Bemerkenswert am Großen Sängerlexikon ist nicht…
Aurora, das Jahrbuch der Eichendorff-Gesellschaft erschien als Fortsetzung des Almanachs Aurora (1929-1943) nach dem Kriege erstmals wieder 1953. Seitdem ist das Jahrbuch durch eine zunehmende…
The Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur [History of Chinese Literature] in ten volumes is thus far the most comprehensive representation of the approximately 3000-year history of Chinese…
The work is the only dictionary of synonyms for German idiomatic expressions. The idioms are accessible in a twofold way, either via a systematic section of semantic fields or an alphabetical…
In the years 1786 to 1790, Friedrich Maximilian Klinger wrote his three tragedies that adapt and modify classical stories. In particular the two 'Medea' dramas, the originality of which was stressed…
This book is the first German-language study of the complete works of Max Aub (1903-1972). It aims to analyze a representative selection of his works and make it accessible to a broad academic…
Since the 1970s Rolf Dieter Brinkmann (1940–1975) has been considered to be one of the most innovative German poets. In recognition of his importance as a modern classic, many of his poems…
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834) had a remarkable ability to inspire his contemporaries from the pulpit. This volume of the critical complete edition contains sermons…
This publication provides the first comparison and commentary on two critical editions of the same sermon. Few texts have been preservedboth in the original language and in the language of the…
With this critical edition of the Miller-Voß correspondence, one of the most important documents for the history of the 'Göttinger Hain' is published here in its entirety for the first time. The…
This new volume of letters to Pestalozzi covers the period between 1814 andJuly 1817. It thus encompasses the fall of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna, and the great European economic crisis of…
Peter Heyman’s large tapestry of 1554 depicts members of the Saxon princely and ducal houses and the Pomeranian ducal house as well as Luther, Melanchthon and Bugenhagen. This study…
Robert Esser, Universität Passau.
Because of the great success of the hardcover edition, this work is now being released in paperback format.Over the last few years, emotions have been rediscovered as a central object of ethics…
The transcendental dialectic, which is the destructive part of the Critique of Pure Reason that critizises traditional metaphysics, is typically treated in systematic perspective…
'Germany is the land of foreign word dictionaries,' Peter von Polenz wrote in 1967, commenting on the German tendency to use borrowed expressions. This investigation considers the foreign word…
This book presents the historical lexicography of German, Dutch, and English with a focus on factors related to ideological history, professional lexicography, and cultural education. In the…
Using the example of “nonfinite verbal construction” (“Me give up?”), this book tries to move from the everyday use of grammatical construction to its representation in…
This volume contains essays and discussions from the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Instructors held October, 5 - 8, 2011 in Münster. Marion Albers,…
Drawing on the Collection of Classical Antiquities in Berlin as an example, Astrid Fendt examines the collection, restoration and presentation of Greek and Roman sculptures in the 19th…
This book presents an in-depth comparison of two Romance languages. The authors analyze Spanish and Portuguese at every linguistic level – phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon …
This volume offers a panorama of the entire field of practical theology. The primary concern of this field, it is argued, is the “present-day communication of the Gospel” …
The volume begins with a review of the methods of modern language acquisition research, and then presents the basic stages in the acquisition of phonological, lexical, grammatical, and pragmatic…
The rapid legal development in the fields of international private law and procedural law as well as the modifications to uniform law and in national legal systems require a steadfast commitment to…
This introductory work is designed to help readers understand and categorize the basic axiomatic positions adopted by texts in the fields of language philosophy and theory. As a method of…
This volume is the first study of the influence of Roman law on the first written law of Iceland. Starting with a presentation of the legislation during the period of the Icelandic free state,…
This reader’s edition of Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône (The Crown) in carefully normalized Middle High German presents the complete text of the romance in a newly…
This up-to-date text book is entirely different from most standard textbooks in its approach to the fascinating subject of inorganic chemistry. It teaches chemistry in a structured way with…
Dieses Buch dient der Vorbereitung für den Teil der Staatsprüfung, der von vielen Kandidaten als besonders angsterregend angesehen wird. Einige allgemeine Bemerkungen über die m…
Bergmann/Schaefer Compact - a new edition designed to meet the needs of bachelor students in physics. The first volume covers the content of the first year of the bachelor course - mechanics and…