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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden


E-Book 1905-1906

The printed life’s work of the founding father of German sociology is being made available in a complete edition for international teaching and research. This volume is the seventh of…

Sezession und Demokratie

E-Book Sezession und Demokratie

Separatism has become an important issue in international politics, as events like the fall of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have demonstrated. This book investigates whether the secession of…

Jenseits der Grenzen

E-Book Jenseits der Grenzen

Zu den interessantesten und aufschlussreichsten Themen der historischen Forschung gehört der Transformationsprozess, in dessen Verlauf sich aus dem spätantiken Imperium Romanum das Byzantinische…

Im Nebenraum des Textes

E-Book Im Nebenraum des Textes

This study opposes the widely-held opinion that stage directions in 18th century German dramas are of minor importance.Apart from canonical dramas by Lessing, Lenz, Goethe and Schiller, it also…


E-Book Personen

The Handbuch des Antisemitismus (Handbook of Anti-Semitism) compiles existing knowledge on the phenomenon of Judaeophobia throughout the ages and across the world. The second volume contains more…

Historia archaeologica

E-Book Historia archaeologica

The 70th birthday of Heiko Steuer, Professor of Pre- and Protohistory at Freiburg University from 1984 to 2005, and for many years one of the editors of the Reallexikon der Germanischen…

Operative Hysteroskopie

E-Book Operative Hysteroskopie

Operative hysteroscopy represents an important extension of operative gynecology. The benefits of this endoscopic technique, however, are balanced by its high demands on the operator. It requires…

Gewalt und Opfer

E-Book Gewalt und Opfer

The volume presented here is a collection of the contributions to an author’s colloquium with Walter Burkert, which was held in November 2007 in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at…


E-Book 2010

The yearbook focuses on Jean Paul and his work as well as on the literature, arts, culture and aesthetics of his age. At regular intervals, the yearbooks also present excerpts from hitherto…

Macht aus Liebe

E-Book Macht aus Liebe

The relationship between religion and politics has received increased attention in recent time. For religious traditions, this increased attention has been cause to reflect on their position…


E-Book 1805-1809

The second volume of letters to Pestalozzi covers the years between 1805 and 1809 and contains almost 400 letters. In the Napoleonic era in Europe 'education of the people' became an important…

Die 'Leopoldina'

E-Book Die 'Leopoldina'

This book is a response to a desolate and insufferable state of research. The German academic study of historical criminal law practically ignored the criminal code “Riforma della…


E-Book Blutungsstörungen

A real companion, this book deals with menstrual disorders in women and divides them appropriately into various life stages, from the neonatal period to post menopause. Gunther Gö…

Homo agens

E-Book Homo agens

The author reconstructs the development and particular structure of early humanist moral philosophy. The humanists overcame scholastic philosophy through the development of a new style of…

Der Kaiser und sein Gott

E-Book Der Kaiser und sein Gott

Die Einstellung Konstantins des Großen zum Christengott und die Motive und Ziele der Politik des Kaisers gegenüber den Christen und ihrem Klerus sind bis heute umstritten. In Auseinandersetzung…

Das Recht der OHG

E-Book Das Recht der OHG

The commentary is a special edition of the commentary on §§ 105-160 of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch) from Staub's Großkommentar zum Handelsgesetzbuch (…


E-Book Anthropologien

The formation of anthropological knowledge in the Early Modern Age arose from the interaction of the disciplines of psychology, anatomy, physiology and natural law which set up a fundamental…


E-Book Maßregelvollzugsrecht

With the newly revised 3rd edition, this standard work on measures of enforcement law has been brought up to date. The commentary deals in depth with such topics as voluntary and compulsory…

Toponimia de España

E-Book Toponimia de España

Written by renowned experts in the field, this book provides a systematic survey of the current research situation and the need for further research on the place names of the different regions…

Boethius Christianus?

E-Book Boethius Christianus?

In the Middle Ages, Boethius’ “Consolatio Philosophiae” is one of the most influential philosophical works from Late Antiquity. It was frequently commented on and translated.…

Das Fräulein von Scuderi

E-Book Das Fräulein von Scuderi

Who isn't familiar with the fascinating events surrounding E.T.A. Hoffmann's famous Mademoiselle de Scuderi? The historical incidents portrayed in the novella were once famously recounted by…

Bildung als Kunst

E-Book Bildung als Kunst

This collection illuminates the concept of  “Bildung” in the works of Fichte, Schiller, Humboldt, and Nietzsche. Besides seeking to work out the theoretical contour of aesthetic…

Auswandern in die Moderne

E-Book Auswandern in die Moderne

Goethe wrote Faust II and Wilhelm Meister’s Journeyman Years over a period of decades. Both works thematize the beginning of the 19th century as an epochal shift marking the end of century…

Kierkegaard und Fichte

E-Book Kierkegaard und Fichte

This collection of essays analyzes a systematic question: To what extent does Kierkegaard fall back upon positions of Fichte in his dispute with Hegel? The contributions explore this question,…

Friedrich Loofs in Halle

E-Book Friedrich Loofs in Halle

Friedrich Loofs was professor of church history at the University of Halle from 1888 to 1927. Alongside his work as a scholar and teacher, he was very active as a pastor and in the political and…

Das Originale der Kopie

E-Book Das Originale der Kopie

The intention of this volume is to investigate into the dimensions of the cultural practice of the copying of ancient art. Copies as the primary ‒ the original? ‒ that claims to…

Das gelingende Gutsein

E-Book Das gelingende Gutsein

A detailed reconstruction of Kierkegaard's concept of recognition has been lacking until now in Kierkegaard research. This book attempts to derive Kierkegaard's implicit concept of recognition…

Normative Ethik

E-Book Normative Ethik

Normative ethics concerns the criticism and justification of morality, law, and other systems of norms. This book develops a normative ethical theory based on individuals and offers a “…

Lockes Sprachkonzeption

E-Book Lockes Sprachkonzeption

What constitutes the meaning of a linguistic expression: the mental states of the language user or external factors? Locke appears to assume the simple thesis that words primarily signify…

Der Kranz des Kaisers

E-Book Der Kranz des Kaisers

Although the emperor’s wreath is omnipresent in Roman art, little attention has been paid to it in classical scholarship, a gap filled by the present work. With recourse to archaeological…

Von Arius zum Athanasianum

E-Book Von Arius zum Athanasianum

This volume consists of collected individual studies occurring in context of the Athanasius Werke (the works of Athanasius of Alexandria), dealing with the 'Pseudo-Athanasiana', the reception of…

§§ 242-262

E-Book §§ 242-262

Joachim Vogel, Universität Tübingen; Tonio Walter, Universität Regensburg; Wilhelm Schmidt, Bundesgerichtshof, Leipzig; Juliane Krause, Staatsanwaltschaft Hof.

Vestigia Vergiliana

E-Book Vestigia Vergiliana

In this volume of papers 19 authors demonstrate on the basis of selected examples how Virgil’s works, and above all his Aeneid, have been received by modern authors. The examples span six…


E-Book Text

Auftakt und Kernstück des Bandes ist Wielands wohl beliebtester satirischer Roman, Die Geschichte der Abderiten (1774-1776). Das Werk erscheint hier erstmals wieder in seiner ursprü…

Die literarische Landschaft

E-Book Die literarische Landschaft

Nature, on its own, does not reveal itself as landscape. Rather, the concept of landscape develops in the perspective of the beholder, who assigns it expressiveness and significance. The visual…

Ulrich von Liechtenstein

E-Book Ulrich von Liechtenstein

Ulrich von Liechtenstein is the composer and author of numerous minne songs, writings on the theory of courtly love and a fictitious autobiography (as a servant of women). He is best known for…

Wissen in (Inter-)Aktion

E-Book Wissen in (Inter-)Aktion

This book examines how knowledge is created in key areas of day-to-day practice with the aid of linguistic means. Using examples from medicine, law, teaching/learning interactions and mass media…

Der Begriff der Literatur

E-Book Der Begriff der Literatur

The contributions presented here discuss the possibilities and conditions of finding a consensus about the meaning of literature. First, the existing diversity of approaches to literary theory,…

Der zweite Blick

E-Book Der zweite Blick

Wax anatomical models, pathological specimens, obstetrical instruments, art objects, manuscripts: Since 2002 scientists and curators of the collection of the Medical History Museum of the…

Gesellige Ordnung

E-Book Gesellige Ordnung

This literary study examines representations of social communication in the European literature of the 12th to the 16th centuries. It describes the social constellations and communicative…

Disputatio 1200-1800

E-Book Disputatio 1200-1800

A disputation is an academic debate with fixed rules. Both in oral and written form it was a characteristic feature of university life of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. As genre and…

E.T.A. Hoffmann

E-Book E.T.A. Hoffmann

E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) was a universally gifted artist, musician, lawyer and writer whose fantastic tales and romantic fairy stories have had a decisive influence on world literature. This…


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