Der Trust im chinesischen Recht
The central aim of this work is to examine the applicable trust law in the People's Republic of China. This examination takes place against the backdrop of Anglo-Saxon trust regulations. In…
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The central aim of this work is to examine the applicable trust law in the People's Republic of China. This examination takes place against the backdrop of Anglo-Saxon trust regulations. In…
Die Prolegomena führen in das bessere Verständnis des Homertextes selbst und in die Art der Kommentierung ein. Inhalt: Zur Geschichte der Ilias-Kommentierung (Latacz) - Textgeschichte (West) -…
Die zweite, durchgesehene Auflage zum Kommentar des Ersten Gesanges (Band I,2002) war für einige Monate vergriffen. Nunmehrsteht den Benutzerndie dritte, durchgesehene Auflagezur Verfügung.
The papers in this collected volume analyse Kant’s nature philosophy against the background of the history of its development and of its continuation in the opus postumum, in Hegel’s…
Der Sammelband enthält insgesamt 17 Beiträge von Archäologen, Historikern und Sprachwissenschaftlern, die sich im Oktober 2006 an der Universität Jena zu einem interdisziplinären Kolloquium…
This festschrift contains some two dozen papers on variegated topics from the field of papyrology and epigraphy in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The studies deal with aspects of regional administration,…
According to an estimate issued by the Institute of Employment Market and Occupational Research, 50% of the employees in Germany are currently working outside the scope of a collective wage…
Human destruction of the natural environment and recent technical advances in the life sciences raise urgent questions about our relationship to nature. In light of these questions, developing an…
Contributions by respected European and American scholars from the field of classical and religious studies are collected in this volume. It is a representative selection of contemporary research…
This reference work treats the basic chemistry of high energy materials and offers an overview of current research. Both civilian and military uses of high-energy compounds are presented.…
The book provides a quick and comprehensive view of the state of scientific progress of clinical liquor diagnosis for the every day practice of clinicians, laboratory technicians and physicians…
In emergency situations appropriate surgical procedures are critical, as life-threatening complications can otherwise arise post-operatively. Every physician, therefore, should be well-versed in…
Kant’s definition of substance is the focus of this philosophical study. The analysis shows that an adequate understanding of the term and the “critical” metaphysics of the…
This handbook on the new bond law provides a legal comparison to the UK covered bond. While offering a deeper understanding of structured covered bonds and the further development of national…
Humans are creatures of articulation: an essential part of our form of life is the expression of what appears to us significant in what we experience and how we behave. The aim of this volume is…
This volume is a collection of studies on the history of theology and the world of the New Testament. Particular weight is given to the synoptic Jesus tradition, Paul’s letters and John…
The development and legal purchase of 'know-how' are costly. Accordingly, for companies in possession of 'know-how' it is of vital interest to ensure that competitors do not gain access to their…
The author explores the differing forms of unity in the transcendental conditions for the synthesis of experience. His results shed light on Kant’s understanding of synthesis. The three main…
This book gives an account of the relationship between rational requirements and overriding reasons for action. The author argues that whereas the former are governed by a standard of intra-…
This standard commentary is a commentary for practitioners by practitioners and also sufficiently examines the judicature and the academic opinion. The editors and contributors have acquired an…
Using exemplary historical scenarios, the present cultural history traces the transdisciplinary development of a psychosomatic discourse between the 18th and 20th centuries, thus closing a gap in…
This book describes in a simple and precise way all known emergency situations which might occur in the delivery room and gives practical advice on how to deal with them for all physicians and…
With its 60 articles on some 200 terms, the dictionary provides a description of the individual concepts in which 17th and 18th century thinking on language was represented in texts. Account is…
The Artemidorus papyrus, originating from Alexandria at the beginning of the 1st century A.D., contains on its verso 41 drawings by one hand, thereof 38 sketches of animals (some comprising two…
Human existence and its temporal limits are central themes of western culture. In addition to discussing fundamental metaphysical questions (what distinguishes a living from a dead thing?) and…
The regulation of the capital market has been in crisis since the start of the new millennium. A series of cases of fraud and company insolvencies on a scale never before experienced in Europe and…
With his appointment as Preacher at the Charité (1796) Friedrich Schleiermacher enters the cultural life of Berlin. For him, an important role is played by sociability, which he theorises…
De incarnatione by Theodore of Mopsuestia (350–428), written at the beginning of the Christological controversies, was repeatedly at the centre of debate until Theodore’s condemnation…
Taboos are expressive indicators of the location of a society in its cultural history. Linguistic taboos in particular can be approached via euphemisms, which are observed and interpreted here in…
After 1945, the Soviet secret services made a significant contribution to the formation of the GDR along Soviet lines. Mass arrests and 'purges' accompanied the activities of the military branches…
The philosophical treatment of space and time has had a long history. This continuing interest stems not least from the fact that space and time form the basis of movement. Space-time philosophy…
Within a private law system, whose fundamental principle is private autonomy, content control raises significant and fundamental questions. Over the past few decades the trend of strengthening…
In the late 16th century France rose to be a great power after decades of religious civil war. For this, King Henri IV depended on highly qualified envoys and correspondents. Jaques Bongars (1554?…
The well-known Judaic scholar and historian, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007), started his academic career in 1940 at the Berlin College for Judaic Studies. In 1943 he successfully fled from…
The current and comprehensive commentary on sections 84-92c by Raimond Emde from the Staub, the extensive commentary on the Commercial Law Code in its 5th edition, is now made available…
This standard work on prosecuting abroad considers all aspects of conducting cases abroad. Since the previous edition's publication, the number of Member States of the European Union has more than…
This collected volume is dedicated to Prof Hans Otto Horch on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Prof. Horch has done much to enrich the academic processing of the history of German-Jewish…
Tacitus’ works still have a profound effect on the way we see the early Roman Principate. However, the level of truth in this picture must be examined critically. For on closer analysis, in…
As a result of the reform of nursing care, nursing structures and processes will change. This comprehensive volume on nursing care insurance also deals with private nursing care insurance and its…
Humans are being that not only lead their lives but also experience them. Why? This volume examines this question from the perspective of multiple disciplines in the natural and social sciences.…
The practical meaning of probate proceedings for insolvent estates and probate administration is enormous due to the fact that they can lead to the liability limitation of the heir. Despite this…
This work considers the legal techniques used in the German Criminal Code for penalty increases, especially the standard example method for severe criminal offences. The advantage of the…
A standard reference work for all who prepare, order, appraise, or evaluate reports on the consequences of accidents. Friedrich Mehrhoff, Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung, Berlin,…
In Christian tradition, sanctification and sanctity are terms often associated with ethical progress and idealism. This study, however, demonstrates that in Paul's First Epistle to the…
Saint Theodosia of Constantinople enjoys a special place among the martyrs of the iconoclastic persecutions. Her cult reached its zenith under the Byzantine dynasty of the Palaiologoi (1259…
The current corporate social responsibility debate on the ethical, social and ecological significance and responsibility of companies are significantly determined by two central concepts -…
Using significant examples, this volume offers an overview of the ever growing range of electronic information resources for scholars of German studies. Modern forms of library catalogues,…
Discussion regarding the origin of the concept of monads from Pythagorean, Hermetic, and Neo-Platonistic sources took place in the context of multitude of differing debates from the Renaissance to…
The remarkable variety and irony of Petronius’ Satyrica today amaze scholars and readers alike. However, a complete commentary on this important example of the ancient novel is still lacking…
The Nubian Museum (Aswan) houses the Kasr el-Wizz Codex, which was copied around the middle of the IX century in a Southern scriptorium. It contains two Coptic apocryphals. The first - a secret…
Miklos Zrínyi the Elder (died 1566) and his great-grandson and namesake (died 1664), the general, politician, poet and educated man of the world, are the topics of this work, not only as…
This book is the only work so far to describe the sarcoma class of uterine sarcomas. Possible errors by physicians in diagnosis are identified and the author provides precise instructions for…
based on a legal comparative analysis of the corporate legal systems of the economically most significant EC Member States, i.e. France, Great Britain, and Germany, this work considers the extent…
For a long time Romanticism stood in the shadow of German Idealism. Hegel's criticisms were particularly decisive. Lately, Romanticism has been rehabilitated, above all as a philosophically…
A new form of organizing knowledge was adopted during the time of the Roman Empire, with works such as the Cesti of Julius Africanus (3rd century AD) playing a central role in the process. It…
Das Werk bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über das aktuelle Grund- und Forschungswissen im Bereich der Anatomie der Pflanze. Für Studierende leicht verständlich dargestellt, werden Struktur,…
This study pursues two goals: On the one hand, it examines the origins of a part of the Old Testament books of Samuel (the so-called “Story of David’s Rise”, and in particular…
The present volume produced in honour of the turcologist Petra Kappert (Hamburg) concentrates on the subject of social upheavals. The papers range widely, historically from the beginnings of the…
On the one hand this book presents unique source material about the history of the Academy Leopoldina and on the other it serves to extend our knowledge in the fields of medicine and history of…
The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…
The book of Job raises one of the most important and complicated questions of Old Testament exegesis. The three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar demand that Job reflect on the relationship…
In the 17th century a profound change took place in the depiction of the body and the erotic. Whilst the metaphysics of Donne and Crashaw represented theology under the sign of the erotic and…
The study concerns itself with the Künstlerdrama [Drama of the artist], a genre with which research in literary and drama studies has so far scarcely concerned itself, despite its popularity. The…
Die vorliegende Bibliographie ist als erste ausschließlich Kafkas Werken und deren Übersetzungen gewidmet. Sie wurde in den USA zusammengestellt und soll dem Benutzer rasche Information über den…
This conference transcript discusses the far-reaching and intense controversies surrounding current company law and economic matters affecting the fundamental questions of the State economic…
Human ageing is always subject to cultural interpretation. The continuous process of maturing and decline thus only becomes recognisable and significant with the idea of life stages. Here, topoi…
The Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren covers the Jewish contribution to German-speaking cultural history in some 1,300 biographical-bibliographic articles. Besides authors of literature in the…
This volume documents the contributions of the conference 'Digital Editions between Experiment and Standardization', which took place on December 6?8, 2007 in the Heinz Nixdorf Museum Forum in…
Literary historians, paleographers and historians use case studies to discuss ways in which an approach based on the history of transmission can be expanded using aspects from the history of…
“Incitement to class conflict” and “incitement to hatred” - two terms for one statue: § 130 of the German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch: StGB). This work traces their…
Since the 19th century (at the latest), concern about the ability of ones own industry to compete was frequently the object of mournful glances at ones own weaknesses and the strengths of others.…
Current discussions on the meaning and objective of religious education in schools are also debating the denominational profile of such education. This study aims to determine this profile more…
Part 2 of the Biographical Handbook of Rabbis indexes the Rabbinate of the German Reich between 1871 and 1945 using Rabbinic Hebrew sources and material written in German and various other…
Thomas Mann is regarded as the best-known representative of modern German literature. This exceptional status is the result of very conscious work on his own profile. How did Thomas Mann manage to…
As a patron, Albert, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1819-1861) successfully promoted the effectiveness of scientific institutions. For the first time, newly discovered sources in the state…
Das Wort "Gen" wurde 1909 geprägt. Im Rahmen des hierauf aufbauenden Forschungszweigs der Genetik wurden in den letzten 100 Jahren zahlreiche Kenntnisse über Struktur und Funktion von…
Contrary to a widely held belief, Hippocratic surgery did not just cover orthopaedics, it also included therapy for serious injuries to soft tissue. This was generally forgotten, since Hippocrates…
This book is the first systematic study of Neo-Platonist philosopher Proclus' theory of the bad. Examining Proclus' overall system demonstrates that his critique of Plotinus' attribution of all…
This study examines the significance of Nietzsche’s references to his own life. They are related to the objective intentions of Nietzsche’s philosophy, and are interpreted as being a…
Fifty years after the Treaties of Rome were signed and especially in view of the failed constitutional referendum in France and the Netherlands on 29 May and 1 June 2005 respectively, in which the…
Up-to-date information on more than 5,000 institutions and approx. 10,000 persons in public life in Rhineland-Palatinate: authorities and departments of local, state and federal administration;…
This lecture addresses the question of when and under what conditions the reception of Oriental traditions took place in ancient Greek culture. As a result of spectacular theories about the…
The new edition of this standard work on payment and payment securities in international trade is equally appealing to the importer and exporter, the banker and attorney dealing with international…
A church service is concerned with the renewal of life. Thus art, e.g. music, plays a central role: it gives scope to deal with different perspectives on life and reaches beyond every-day…
In der Chronik Thietmars von Merseburg fließen die Erfahrungen und Probleme des zehnten und frühen elften Jahrhunderts zusammen, sie werden in ihr aufgegriffen und zu einer Epoche geformt: Die '…
The creation of a civil code in the Peoples’ Republic of China has been underway for quite some time. Debates have arisen within this process, one of which relates to the manner in which…
Up-to-date information on more than 8,000 institutions and some 14,000 persons in public life in North Rhine-Westphalia: authorities and departments of local, state and federal administration;…
Die Urogynäkologie ist eine Teildisziplin der Gynäkologie und Urologie, die sich speziell mit Diagnostik und Therapie gynäkologisch- oder schwangerschaftsbedingter Erkrankungen der unteren…
Gegenstand des vorliegenden Bandes sind Sichtweisen und Wahrnehmungen des 'Anderen'(d.h. Fremde, Feinde, aber auch Kurioses) innerhalb der islamischen Welt sowie im Wechselspiel von islamischer…
This work provides a critical analysis of the inquiry and intervention rights of investigation committees investigating in the private sphere based on references to criminal procedure regulations…
This work considers the most important EC directive in corporate law since the Take-Over Directive in 2002, i.e. the Directive on Shareholders' Rights and its implementation under German law. This…
Breviaries, brief accounts of Roman history, are the main element of the historiographical output of the second half of the 4th century AD. The knowledge they contain reflects the various needs…
This study touches on the vexed issue concerning the relationship of magic and religion. Ancient Greek and Latin curses written on lead tablets reveal a demarcation in terms of legitimacy and…
This publication is based on presentations given at the 4th Insolvency Law Symposium in Kiel (Germany) on current issues of German and international insolvency law. The following topics were…
The Act regarding the Reform of Proceedings in Family Matters and Matters of Non-Contentious Jurisdiction (FFG-Reformgesetz), which will take effect on 1 September 2009, includes the new Family…
Up-to-date information on some 7,000 institutions and approx. 12,000 persons in public life in Bavaria: authorities and departments of local, state and federal administration; jurisdiction;…
What is Romanticism? To answer this question, it is not enough to perpetuate the established views propagated in literary studies. Instead, this volume is concerned with making readable a…
This volume introduces the concept of late Renaissance philosophy to cover those intellectual currents in pre-mid 17th century Germany that saw themselves as inheritors of the (Italian)…
Ernst Troeltsch (1865–1923) is one of the most significant Protestant theologians in Wilhelmine Imperial Germany and the early Weimar Republic; his works cover a wide variety of fields, and…