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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Evangelium und Gesetz

E-Book Evangelium und Gesetz

The study is concerned with a dogmatic figure which placed Karl Barth in the centre of programmatic statements but also inflamed massive criticism of his theology - namely the relationship of the…


E-Book Text

Der vorliegene Band enthält die schriftstellerische Bilanz aus Wielands höchst produktiver Zeit als Professor der Erfurter Universität. Seine Beschäftigung mit den…

Griff nach dem Ich?

E-Book Griff nach dem Ich?

Are we allowed to do what we are able to do? What principles should we use to decide?These questions have accompanied medical treatment from the beginning. Yet they are particularly salient when…


E-Book Medienrecht

This handbook introduces an overall presentation on an academic basis above all of private law media processes that arise in connection with the production and marketing, or use, of characters,…

Der Sozialwert der Religion

E-Book Der Sozialwert der Religion

In light of the current popularity enjoyed by the subject of religion and questions about the consequences arising from this situation, especially for practical theology, the early essays on the…

Recht und Praxis der GEMA

E-Book Recht und Praxis der GEMA

In this volume, the basic principles of the administrative functions carried out by the Society for Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights (GEMA) are presented comprehensively and…


E-Book 1764-1804

The first volume of letters written to Pestalozzi contains 713 letters written between 1764 and 1804 by illustrious correspondents such as Karl Viktor von Bonstetten, Philipp Emanuel von…

Medizinische Schreibweisen

E-Book Medizinische Schreibweisen

The volume examines the interrelationships between the history of medicine and literature from the 17th until the 19th centuries. The papers in the volume analyse these interrelationships using…

Formen der Anschauung

E-Book Formen der Anschauung

What are pure geometric forms? In what sense are there an infinite number of points on a line? What is the relationship between empirically correct statements about real bodily figures (or…


E-Book Kommentar

This commentary on the 6th book of the Iliad concentrates on the interpretation of two episodes which have received a great deal of scholarly attention: the encounter between Diomedes and Glaukos…

Empedokles 'Physika' I

E-Book Empedokles 'Physika' I

The central section of Empedocles, On Nature I is reconstructed by combining the Strasburg Papyrus of Empedocles with a series of quotations from Simplicius that comes from the same section…

Nomen et Fraternitas

E-Book Nomen et Fraternitas

This Festschrift celebrates the 65th birthday of Dieter Geuenich, who held the Chair of Medieval History at the University of Duisburg-Essen from 1988 to 2008; it contains 41 papers dedicated to…

Spurensuche nach Gott

E-Book Spurensuche nach Gott

There has been a trend towards a growing interest in religion, and with it has come increased interest in questions of the perceptibility and reality of God. In this search, semiotics, i.e. the…

Heideggers Wahrheiten

E-Book Heideggers Wahrheiten

A statement is true, when what is said is actually the case. Heidegger is often accused of wanting to undermine this triviality as well as criteria of rational thinking and speaking along with it…

Zeit und Gott

E-Book Zeit und Gott

This work deals with concepts of time in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry and in the Koran, placing them in relation to Hellenistic conceptions of time in Late Antique poetry. The analysis shows that…

Alpha - Gamma

E-Book Alpha - Gamma

This encyclopaedia, compiled around 530 AD, is more or less the Byzantine Encyclopaedia Britannica of the ancient world. It lists some 3,600 names of places, mountains, lakes, rivers,…

Bacon und Kant

E-Book Bacon und Kant

Anyone interested in establishing an intellectual connection between Kant and Bacon must first ask the question as to what similarity could exist between Kant, who carried out a transcendental…

Theurgisches Denken

E-Book Theurgisches Denken

In the rich reception history of Dionysius Areopagita (approx. 500 AD), the writing  On the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy is the only text that has not been given philosophical attention. The…

Metaphysik / Metaphysics

E-Book Metaphysik / Metaphysics

Der Deutsche Idealismus gehört zu den bedeutendsten und wirkungsmächtigsten Epochen der neuzeitlichen Philosophie. Die Verständigung über den Begriff der Philosophie und über das, was philosophische…


E-Book Endzeiten

Millennium überschreitet Grenzen, Grenzen zwischen den Epochen und regionalen Räumen wie auch Grenzen zwischen den Disziplinen. Die Schriftenreihe Millennium-Studien ist, genauso wie das Jahrbuch,…

Theologiae Facultas

E-Book Theologiae Facultas

Protestant theologians played a significant role in the modernisation of academic scholarship at 19th century German universities. This comparative study of four important German faculties shows…


E-Book Wissensästhetik

The constitution, transmission and preservation of all knowledge about antiquity have always been highly mediated acts. As an epoch long past, antiquity can only be constituted through the…

Konzepte des Hochdeutschen

E-Book Konzepte des Hochdeutschen

This study in the history of language and culture is concerned with the discourse on the German Standard language in the 18th century, called High German by contemporary linguists and grammarians…

Das Thomasevangelium

E-Book Das Thomasevangelium

St. Thomas’s Gospel is one of the most hotly debated documents from Early Christianity. No other piece of extra-canonical scripture has given rise to such controversy about whether it…

Realitäten des Glaubens

E-Book Realitäten des Glaubens

Virtual realities are computer-mediated communication spaces. They are also to be found in religion. In its first part, the volume contains contributions to a practical theological understanding…

Solus Deus

E-Book Solus Deus

In previous exegesis of the Epistle to the Romans, God has scarcely ever been presented as a separate object of study. The present study is devoted to this central topic, and by analysing…


E-Book Religion

This book offers a succinct and comprehensible presentation of what religion is about and how it is related to other intellectual areas (particularly to science). It emphasizes the practical side…

Seneca als Theologe

E-Book Seneca als Theologe

The relationship between 'Seneca philosophus' and 'Seneca tragicus' is still fundamental to any interpretation of his tragedies. The author focuses on this problem within the field of theology.…

Körperkultur und Moderne

E-Book Körperkultur und Moderne

This study investigates the presentation, evaluation, and literary appropriation of sport, physical education, and physical exercise in the works of Robert Musil. In Musil’s day the modern…


E-Book Normativität

The book deals with a central question for the understanding of reality and the way in which human beings relate to it. Humans are creatures that can deliberate and define their actions by virtue…

Streben und Bewegen

E-Book Streben und Bewegen

How do animals make themselves move? Unlike most modern theories, Aristotle answers this question through a general theory of animal movement valid for both humans and animals. This book…

Moralische Selbstachtung

E-Book Moralische Selbstachtung

This work is to be understood from the systematic perspective as an extension of John Rawl’s Theory of Justice . Constituting a normative vanishing-point, the individual’s moral self-…


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