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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden


E-Book 1.1.-30.6.2007

The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…

50 Jahre GVL

E-Book 50 Jahre GVL

The 50-year anniversary of the German collecting society for performing artists, record producers and organizers, the “German Collecting Society for Performance Rights (GVL)”, was…


E-Book Bühnenpuritaner

The aim of this study is a revision of the hitherto prevailing conceptions of the relationship between the Puritans and the theater in England during the Early Modern Age in several fields of…

Schaubühne I

E-Book Schaubühne I

The 'Schaubühne', the 13th volume in the series, contains the first printing of the ten dramas from the 'Schaubühne' andhandwritten drafts of the plays; in addition, it presents and explicates…

Visuelle Evidenz

E-Book Visuelle Evidenz

During the 19th century, photography was almost absolutely considered to represent a medium guaranteeing authenticity. By contrast, in literature and film of the 20th century, it was precisely…

Antike und Moderne

E-Book Antike und Moderne

The work shows the extent to which the thinking of Friedrich Schlegel was characterized by an intense examination of the literature, philosophy and religion of the ancient world? not only in the…


E-Book Uterusfehlbildungen

Uterinemalformations may causemiscarriages and sterility. The book provides insights about etiology, diagnostics, and therapy of uterine malformations. This includes information about…

Warum noch Philosophie?

E-Book Warum noch Philosophie?

Is philosophy endangered by a scientific culture increasingly influenced by demands of utility and efficiency? What are the goals and intentions of philosophy, and what are the reasons that one…

Heinemann - Henz

E-Book Heinemann - Henz

The Dictionary of German Literature. The 20th Century contains authors writing in German whose main work was created in the 20th century. Volume 16 includes articles onJutta Heinrich, Hans-…

Poetik der Oberfläche

E-Book Poetik der Oberfläche

This collective volume undertakes an appraisal and literary-historical localization of German-language pop literature of the 1990s, which is associated with such writers as Joachim…

Das Haus

E-Book Das Haus

How is the continuity of family enterprises and of aristocratic and bourgeois dynasties ensured? This is the question given close attention in German-language novels at the end of the 19th…

Leibniz und Kant

E-Book Leibniz und Kant

Leibniz and Kant are two of the most important founders of modern philosophy, and their thought continues to be relevant to philosophy and intellectual culture even today. This volume deals with…

Wettbewerbs- und Werberecht

E-Book Wettbewerbs- und Werberecht

Media law as a regulatory framework also includes provisions regarding a company's marketing strategies in order to ensure that media products are profitably sold in an arena of fair competition…


E-Book Bildung

Education, knowledge, equal opportunity, autonomy and a good life. These are the keywords shaping current social debate. Is education just an economic program or does knowledge have a value in…

Der Leib

E-Book Der Leib

The entity in this book is neither soul nor body. It is that which has been forgotten since Greek classicism, that which can be perceived without the help of sight or touch, in shock, in - for…

Linguistik / Linguistics

E-Book Linguistik / Linguistics

Salomo A. Birnbaum (1891‑1989) is the uncontested pioneer in two large closely related research areas, namely historical Jewish linguistics and the palaeography of Hebrew and all…

Konflikt und Bewältigung

E-Book Konflikt und Bewältigung

Millennium transcends boundaries - between epochs and regions, and between disciplines. Like the Millennium-Jahrbuch, the journal Millennium-Studien pursues an international, interdisciplinary…

Poema / Gedicht

E-Book Poema / Gedicht

Between 1730 and 1770 the philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten and the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock described in their writings the characteristic features of literary texts using…


E-Book Sinn

The question of meaning is perceived as being at the root of religion. Philosophy presents secular competition with its radical criticism of the concretizations used in theological language and…


E-Book 1.7.-31.12.2007

The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…


E-Book Diskurshandlungen

This work examines discourse analysis in terms of its theory and methodology and their empirical implementation. The linguistics of discourse is seen as being based in action theory. A…


E-Book Lauterkeitsrecht

This case- and workbook systematically presents all significant case types concerning the law of fair trading by means of recent decisions by Germany's highest courts. It contains examination…

Religion und Gesundheit

E-Book Religion und Gesundheit

The contributors to this anthology present a fascinating spectrum of research, dealing partly with Theophrast von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) and partly with the scientific discourse on health and…


E-Book Decorum

Appropriateness is the key to persuasion: a speech can only be convincing when it takes into account the opinions of the audience and the concrete situation. But how can rhetorical theory- which…

§§ 222-240

E-Book §§ 222-240

Der Großkommentar zum AktG bietet die umfassendste und vollständigste Darstellung des geltenden Aktienrechts, die in deutscher Sprache erhältlich ist. Sein hohes Ansehen beruht vor allem auf einer…

JURA Examensklausurenkurs

E-Book JURA Examensklausurenkurs

The fourth edition of JURA Examination Preparatory Course contains up-to-date exams, including numerous original exams, and thereby offers essential assistance to those preparing for the state…


E-Book Miete

This commentary on tenancy presents the entire law of tenancy in a systematic, reliable and up-to-date manner and is specifically designed for the daily legal practice. Legislation, case law,…

Ich und die anderen

E-Book Ich und die anderen

Whoever has thoughts, feelings, perceptions, wishes or impressions also knows that he himself has these states. This assumption has a long history in philosophical discussion of self-…

Die hellenistischen Utopien

E-Book Die hellenistischen Utopien

Despite their marginal existence in research, Utopian novels written in the Hellenistic period were very popular in Antiquity and inspired a number of authors in the modern period (Th. Morus, T…


E-Book 1823-1824

This volume covers the years 1823/24, focusing on Goethe’s last sojourn in Marienbad and his love for the 18-year-old Ulrike von Levetzow as well as his intensive contacts to…

Übungen im Medienrecht

E-Book Übungen im Medienrecht

Media law is a portmanteau term for various areas that cover individual and mass communication as information and entertainment media. The aims of this book of exercises are to systematize the…


E-Book Examensklausurenkurs

The newly published special edition Bar Exam Course, which is made up entirely of exercises and model exams with answer keys, provides the law student with an additional study resource for the…

Einführung in die Logik

E-Book Einführung in die Logik

The successful Introduction to Logic, now appearing in its third edition, has retained its tried-and-tested textbook concept. The work is designed both for beginning students as well as for…

Funktionale Grammatik

E-Book Funktionale Grammatik

Over recent decades, linguistic theory has gone through many decisive innovations and developments. A particular role in all these developments has been played by what are known as functional…


E-Book Sprachwissenschaft

The book contains classic and introductory texts to the core areas of linguistics, for example by Humboldt, de Saussure, Bloomfield, Bühler, Wittgenstein, Chomsky, Austin, Grice, Tomasello…


E-Book Sprachkritik

This textbook provides an introduction into linguistically based language criticism for students of German studies and other philologies as well as for general readers interested in language…

Theorie der Biographie

E-Book Theorie der Biographie

This textbook is an anthology of the most important basic texts on the theory of biography. The authoritative programmatic texts are presented chronologically from the 18th to the 20th century,…


E-Book Hebräisch

The Grammar is intended as a textbook to support Hebrew classes which gives the teachers the maximum latitude for the selection and application of different teaching methods and for the students…


E-Book Ethik

Following his Dogmatics (1995, 2007, 3rd ed) Wilfried Härle, professor of systematic theology at the University of Heidelberg, has now published Ethics. Written in a clear and easy-to-…

Der christliche Glaube

E-Book Der christliche Glaube

The critical edition of Schleiermacher's major work, the Glaubenslehre ['Doctrine of Faith'] (published in 2003 in two part-volumes 13/1 and 13/2 of the Critical Edition of Schleiermacher's…


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