Bruders Hüter / Bruders Mörder
Is the figure of the intellectual still relevant in and for society in the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st century? The essays of this book from various disciplines explore this question…
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Is the figure of the intellectual still relevant in and for society in the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st century? The essays of this book from various disciplines explore this question…
The standard work on the law on appeals on questions of law, which is now in its seventh edition, provides an excellent and thorough representation of the difficult legal area of ap-peals on…
Wie Die Abderiten (1774 - 1780) erschien auch die Geschichte des Philosophen Danischmende (1775) als Fortsetzungsroman im Teutschen Merkur. Das Werk führt Wielands politisch-utopischen…
What does the grammatical category tense have to do with “orality,” and how can this relationship be investigated in historical context? This study explores this question based on a…
In recent years religion has become a key aspect in the bioethical discourse and can encompass a wide range of different issues. These include the impact of churches and religious leaders on…
This volume is dedicated to the year 1308. Its object is to open new perspectives with an invitation to reconsider our habitual viewpoints, to sharpen and extend them - by considering the year…
Nearly one billion people worldwide suffer from hunger. This book examines the question of what inhabitants of wealthy counties owe these people. The author focuses less on the question of…
Ideas of how love is lived and how it should be lived vary depending on the different periods. In the 'bourgeois' 19th century an idea was popular which today has become quite alien that…
During the persecution of the Christians under Emperor Maximinus Thrax in 235, Origen directed an urgent call to his friends Ambrosius and Protoctetus to hold fast to the Christian faith. The work…
The East Prussian (Masurian) author Ernst Wiechert (1887?1950), whose opposition against injustice and terror resulted in his internment in a concentration camp in 1938, is well-known as the…
This study analyzes and interprets exemplary poems and prose texts from the extensive work of the pre-revolutionary (Vormärz) author Gottfried Kinkel (1815-1882) from a historical and functional…
Nikolaus Dietrich presents a general model for the understanding of space in Greek paintings, based on an analysis of landscape elements in Attic vase painting of the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Our…
Processes in which linguistic entities are 'weakened' formally and in their meaning (e.g. Kien-Föhre > Kiefer) have been well researched, but 'strengthening processes' (e.g. Caribbean hamaca…
Rudolf Borchardt’s anthologies - Deutsche Denkreden, Ewiger Vorrat deutscher Poesie [German Speeches, Eternal Supply of German Poetry] and Der Deutsche in der Landschaft [The German in the…
Following the bibliography published in 2006, this chronicle of the life and work of the author Theodor Fontane closes the second gap in Fontane research and thus satisfies a need which has been…
In dem zwischen 1934 und 1936 entstandenen Schauspiel Don Juan kommt aus dem Krieg unternimmt Ödön von Horváth eine Analyse der Inflationszeit anhand der Figur eines Kriegsheimkehrers und entwirft…
After being marginalized for a long time, creation became a central theme of the theological discussion in the second half of the 20th century. This book explores the main topics of the…
This book shows Christoph Martin Wieland’s independent position in the literature and culture of around 1800 in a new way: Wieland’s work describes a significant knowledge transfer…
This work provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles and practice of legal enforcement and forced administration. Observations are preceded by an “encyclopedia of…
Heinz Schoech, who is celebrating his 70th birthday on 20 August 2010, is one of the most respected German criminal law experts and criminologists. This commemorative publication marking the…
Slovenia has been a member of the European Union since 2004. For over 1000 years the small country with its population of not more than two million inhabitants was dependent on foreign powers.…
In this volume eminent historians compare German and British statesmen in war, from the Seven Years' War to World War II. The subjects of the biographical essays range from Frederick the Great…
Roland Michael Beckmann, Universität des Saarlandes; Oliver Brand, Universität Mannheim; Knut Höra, Johannsen Rechtsanwälte, Frankfurt am Main; Reinhard Renger, Bonn; Hans-…
In the interdisciplinary discourse between philosophy and historical, literary, and cultural studies this book explores the relationship between historical narratives and the experiences on…
The Dictionary of German Literature. The 20th Century contains authors writing in German whose main work was created in the 20th century. Volume 14 includes articles on Käte Hamburger, Peter…
Millennium überschreitet Grenzen, Grenzen zwischen den Epochen und regionalen Räumen wie auch Grenzen zwischen den Disziplinen. Die Schriftenreihe Millennium-Studien ist, genauso wie das Jahrbuch,…
The 'Onomasticon of Biblical Place Names' of the (later) Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea still represents the basis for biblical archeology and regional studies. This study investigates for the…
Klaus J. Hopt is celebrating his 70th birthday on 24 August 2010. Hopt is not only one of the most prestigious legal experts in Germany but also one of the most important German jurists active…
For more than four decades Josef Simon has given important impulses to philosophy which have attracted much international attention. Often unconventional in presentation, his works on Kant,…
The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…
The 2nd Symposium on Economy, Criminal Law, Ethics (ECLE) was held at the ILF on 20 and 21 November 2009 on the topic 'Die Finanzkrise, das Wirtschaftstrafrecht und die Moral' where current…
No physical discipline had more expectations attached to it around 1800 than the study of electricity. The literary and philosophical avant-garde of the 1790s took an active part in the debate on…
The famous standard work of Goethe research was launched in the 1950s by the German Academy of Sciences (East Berlin). Based on all accessible materials ‑ letters, diary entries and…
Advances in biotechnology have enabled interventions in the human organism (genetic, psychopharmological, and technical) that promise to increase physical and intellectual performance over the '…
Many women would like to either partly or completely dispense with their monthly menstruation and its accompanying attributes. Taking oral hormonal contraceptives (OC) is possible. However,…
gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Reformdiskussion und Gesetzgebung zum Tatbestand der Kindestötung gemäß § 217 a.F. StGB von 1870 bis zu dessen Aufhebung durch das…
the East Prussian poet Simon Dach is considered to be the master of Baroque social poetry. However, the narrative subject in his occasional poems cannot always be interpreted as the conventional…
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entstehungsgeschichte des Gesetzes über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen (IRG), welches 1983 in Kraft getreten ist. Die…
It is often believed that it is rational to behave morally because it is irrational to break moral norms. Against this commonly held view, the author argues that rationality prescribes that it…
This book offers a quick and memorable introduction to setting multiple choice questions. It explains the requirements which a good MC questions must fulfil and why MC questions have their place…
There is a long tradition in the philosophy of explaining the concept of ”meaning“ in terms of reference of the thing that our sign signifies. At the latest since Wittgenstein,…
Gegenstand des Bandes ist die 2008 restaurierte, um 1350 entstandene ?Jenaer Liederhandschrift, die bedeutendste Handschrift zur Überlieferung deutscher Sangspruchdichtung und ihrer Melodien. Der…
Unter dem Willen versteht man die Fähigkeit eines Akteurs, sich frei und überlegtermaßen Ziele zu setzen sowie sie im Handeln planmäßig und beharrlich zu verfolgen. In diesem Band werden erstmals…
Die überarbeitete 9. Auflage des erfolgreichen Handbuchs bietet als Standardwerk für Wasserfachleute einen breiten Überblick zu hydrogeologischen, chemischen, biologischen und mikrobiologischen…
Das Buch bietet eine neue Interpretation der Theorie des Guten aus Aristoteles´ Nikomachischer Ethik. In einer genauen Lektüre vor allem der ersten Kapitel zeigt der Autor, dass Aristoteles einer…
Der Sammelband dokumentiert die deutsche Rezeption der letzten Novelle von Boccaccios Decamerone. Sie handelt von Griselda, einer armen Bauerntochter, die vom Markgrafen Gualtieri geehelicht,…
theologie- und Wissenschaftshistoriker aus Nordamerika, Skandinavien und Deutschland befassen sich in vorliegendem Band mit den reformatorischen Grundlagen der Bibelhermeneutik (Luther, Melanchthon)…
Anhand einer Rekonstruktion der Teleologiekonzeptionen von Thomas von Aquin, Suárez, Descartes, Spinoza und Leibniz wird die verbreitete These, mechanistische Autoren der frühen Neuzeit hätten…
"Die sogenannte ""historische"" Dietrichepik, mittelhochdeutsche Heldenepen des 13. Jahrhunderts um Dietrich von Bern, die Sagenentsprechung des Ostgotenkönigs Theoderich des Großen, erzählt von…
Gefühle bestimmen nicht nur unseren Alltag, sie sind mittlerweile auch zu einem zentralen Thema der geistes- und naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung avanciert. Der Band bietet exemplarisch…
"Die Ideengeschichte der deutschsprachigen Zivilrechtswissenschaften hat nicht wirklich Konjunktur. Dennoch tut solch eine Ideengeschichte Not: für eine Besinnung auf das Gesamtbild in den…
Die Beschäftigung mit der Religion ist schon längst nicht mehr das Privileg von Theologie und Religionswissenschaften. In den Kulturwissenschaften hat sich ein weites Spektrum von Theorien und…
Die Sekundärliteratur zu dem kosmologischen Lehrgedicht des Manilius aus spätaugusteisch-frühtiberianischer Zeit nimmt in letzter Zeit ständig zu. Doch werden zumeist aus ideologisch-politischer oder…
Der Philosoph Friedrich Nietzsche und der Soziologe Norbert Elias haben in ihren Werken jeweils folgenreiche Deutungen der modernen europäischen Kultur im Ganzen vorgelegt: Nietzsches Zur Genealogie…
Der Aufsatzband enthält Studien zum Verständnis des Menschen und seiner Geschichte von Herodot bis zu Augustin mit Schwerpunkten in der spätbiblischen Weisheit, der frühjüdischen Dichtung und…
Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft gipfelt in der Erklärung der Möglichkeit von Erfahrung durch ein System von zwölf Grundsätzen des reinen Verstandes. Schliemann rekonstruiert die erste Klasse dieser…
Die Textgeschichte der Septuaginta und ihre Rezeption in den Schriften des Neuen Testaments gehören zu den spannendsten Feldern der aktuellen Textforschung. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beiträge,…
Vorgelegt werden Studien zu den biblischen Psalmen aus den letzten Jahren. Sie beschäftigen sich mit der Sprachform und dem poetischen Stil dieser Lieder und Gebete. Der erste Teil greift auf die…
Vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, von der Religion zur Philosophie und zurück, vom Christentum über das Judentum zum Islam– der Band vereinigt zu Ehren des 2005 verstorbenen Gelehrten und…
This collection of case law presents the decisions of the participating Constitutional Courts of the Federal States uniform, in a clear way. The decisions of the constitutional courts of the Federal…
Die Juristische Fakultät wurde zusammen mit der Berliner Universität im Jahre 1810 von König Friedrich Wilhelm III. eröffnet. Viele berühmte Juristen lehrten an der Berliner Universität: in der…
Mit der Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Dieter Reuter wird ein Gelehrter gewürdigt, dessen wissenschaftliches Schrifttum ungewöhnlich breit gefächert ist und der das deutsche Privat-, Handels-,…
Picture theories are today a subject of broad interest to scholars, for the relationship between concept and picture, between thought and viewing, is among the commonest themes of the history of…
The third revised edition incorporates all of the newest insights and developments regarding this prevalent disease and creates thereby the groundwork for its effective treatment. Andreas D…
This volume contains 15 so-called notebooks, written by Kierkegaard between (approx.) 1835 and 1849. The individual texts are not only revealing from a personal-biographical perspective, but also…
This volume contains 27 current research articles related to the geography of family names in Europe, providing for the first time an overview of international research in this field. The…
Collocations are frequently occurring combinations of words with a semantic motivation behind the link (e.g. brush teeth, dark night, high forehead etc.). This innovative dictionary registers for…
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer ‑ lawyer, scholar and mathematician, patrician, diplomat and judge ‑ has in recent decades become one of the most studied Baroque authors. His…
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808–1888) was one of those personalities without whom any presentation of the development of German Jewry would remain fragmentary. His name is inseparable…
The present study investigates three questions: 1.) What is responsibility? 2.) How can responsibility be founded? 3.) And how can one act responsibly? Responsibility is interpreted as a…
One of Lucian’s main topics is the critical observation of religious life. His criticism of religious ideas, however, takes place exclusively as dispute with the forms and models of…
This study propounds the thesis that in language two strategies can be found to produce reference that differ in profundity and character from one language to another: deixis and anaphor. By…
This book systematically applies the so-called principle of compositionality to substantive composition and investigates whether this semantic principle can be judged a sufficient basis for the…
The phrase 'the communion of saints' is known from the creed. ?The saints' refers to all Christians - a sense already used by Paul. This study presents a comprehensive account of Paul's use of…
In word formation, the French suffixes -ment and -age have similar meanings (e.g. gonflement - swelling, gonflage - inflating). This book analyses the abstract meaning of the two suffixes and…
This work aims to develop the Kantian concept of self, or rather consciousness of self, in terms of its specific epistemological meaning. The author approaches this fundamental topic, which is…
This volume contains essays and discussions from the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Instructors held September, 29 - October 2, 2010 in Berlin.
The present textbook gives an impressive account of the significance of fibulae for costumes, chronology and craftsmanship from the Bronze Age to the Viking period, but also for ethnic and…
Volume 2 is introduced by an essay by Werner Williams and Regina D. Schiewer and covers German-language religious literature of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era up to 1500, with…
These case studies from early modern literature ‑ mainly German ‑ are dealing with larger-scale narrative forms of the novel/romance and chronicle variety and with farcical…
This book on chemistry, microbiology and the sustainable use of water was conceived as supplement to Karl Höll's successful handbook 'Water'. The interdisciplinary work provides a…
This new compendium of laws governing universities/higher education and research/scholarship is intended to be a handbook for scholarship and practice. In contrast to other legal works on the…
Millennium transcends boundaries - between epochs and regions, and between disciplines. Like the Millennium-Jahrbuch, the journal Millennium-Studien pursues an international, interdisciplinary…
The book series Theatrum Scientiarum presents original contributions at the interface of philosophy, history of the humanities, cultural and theater studies. This 5th volume focuses on the…
This comprehensive handbook covers the diverse aspects of chemical transport reactions from basic research to important practical applications, for instance how halogen lamps function.…
The reader is introduced to higher mathematics in an experimental way. He works with numerous interactive Java- simulations treating mathematical topics from number theory to infinitesimal…
Imagination in conversations: This book explores a mental phenomenon from a conversation analytic perspective. It analyses sequences from interactions in which the speakers assume the roles of…
Medieval Nordic legal sources are to be found from Greenland, the Scandinavian countries to Russia. The acceptance of Christianity led to decisive changes in these legal sources, the polity,…
This book contains the first complete presentation of the protection of socialist property under criminal law in the GDR. According to GDR principles, socialist property was considered to be the…
In just one volume, this works presents commentary on international civil procedure law as it appears in the ZPO. The provisions of German international civil procedure law are dispersed…
Band 9 der 9. Auflage des Bruck/Möller befasst sich mit der privaten Unfallversicherung. Diese hat sowohl in wirtschaftlicher als auch rechtlicher Hinsicht eine enorme praktische Bedeutung…
Bernried, an abbey of Augustinian canons founded in the 12th century, was home to a chapter of Augustinian canons until its secularization in 1803. A foundation of Count Otto and his wife…
The Bishops of Würzburg from 1617 to 1684 by Winfried Romberg is the latest volume in the Germania Sacra series on the bishops of Würzburg, which was begun by Alfred Wendehorst. This…
This monograph on the verb have in the function of a full verb asserts that have-constructions in the syntactic analysis are to be placed in relationship with absolute with-constructions (cf.…
The presentation on Heinrich Heine to the Berlin Legal Association summarizes the stations of his life, the path of a German European in French exile. Ursula Stein, Technische Universit…
The volume is devoted to the study of the history of the Roman-Iberian relationship against the backdrop of ecclesiastical and cultural structures of the Iberian Peninsula, which in many cases…
This book (the author's revised dissertation) analyzes the history of the concept of magic spanning about 2,500 years. Following an introduction discussing the problem of academic definitions of…
Building up free trade unions was exceptionally important for the successful nonviolent process of German reunification. Manfred Scharrer analyzes the establishment of the ÖTV, the public…
For quite some time, Stefan George and his circle have attracted considerable attention. The main focus is generally on the persons who belonged to his circle ‑ their individual…
This commemorative publication is dedicated to the undisputed authority on German criminal law studies, whose appeal extended beyond Germany to numerous other legal cultures as well. Bernd…