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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Sodom als Symptom

E-Book Sodom als Symptom

Why is Christianity so stubborn in its rejection of same-sex sexuality? The Bible does not give an unequivocal answer to this question. The key to the explanation is to be found rather in the…

Mystik und Natur

E-Book Mystik und Natur

Nowadays there is a tension between science and religion which is scarcely capable of resolution. This has a long tradition, going back to Antiquity and the Middle Ages - as too does its…


E-Book 2009

Up-to-date information on some 2,000 institutions and approx. 4,000 persons in public life in Saarland: authorities and departments of local, state and federal administration; jurisdiction;…

Umstrittene Vergangenheit

E-Book Umstrittene Vergangenheit

Millennium transcends boundaries - between epochs and regions, and between disciplines. Like the Millennium-Jahrbuch, the journal Millennium-Studien pursues an international, interdisciplinary…

Unsicheres Wissen

E-Book Unsicheres Wissen

In this book, authors from a variety of disciplines examine how the interpretative disciplines deal with the lack or loss of certainty for their signs and texts. The focus is on forms of…


E-Book 2009

Up-to-date information on some 5,500 institutions and approx. 8,000 persons in public life in Hesse: authorities and departments of local, state and federal administration; jurisdiction;…

Der Wille zum Willen

E-Book Der Wille zum Willen

The end of the 19th century, which declared progress and the technical and scientific mastering of life as guiding maxims, saw a human capacity moving into prominence - the force of will. In the…

Geist, Recht und Geld

E-Book Geist, Recht und Geld

This work was published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the VG WORT. It begins with an introduction to the collecting society's development and goes on to describe the collecting society's…


E-Book Mammakarzinom

This book provides up-to-date information on topics including the care of breast cancer patients, medical prevention, new diagnostic procedures, operating strategies (including neurosurgery) as…

E. T. A. Hoffmann

E-Book E. T. A. Hoffmann

E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) was a universally gifted artist, musician, lawyer and writer whose fantastic tales and romantic fairy stories have had a decisive influence on world literature. This…

Das Jüdische Eherecht

E-Book Das Jüdische Eherecht

This book gives a concise introduction into Jewish Law as a whole and its development within the different denominations of Judaism. It offers an overview of betrothal, engagement and marriage,…


E-Book Endoprothetik

This book describes the whole field of endoprosthetics, with all its potential, for practicing clinicians. The following aspects are dealt with in particular: indications and contraindications,…

Populäres Judentum

E-Book Populäres Judentum

The volume deals with popular German-Jewish and Yiddish culture from the second half of the 19th century until the post-war era. Main issues are the participation of German-Jews in modern mass…

Mediale Erregungen?

E-Book Mediale Erregungen?

The debate on the use and drawbacks of the sociology of literature unleashed by Bourdieu’s seminal work “The Rules of Art” was mainly conducted here on an abstract level. The…

Doxologische Entzogenheit

E-Book Doxologische Entzogenheit

This study, which links into the most recent research on Karl Barth, deals with the significance of prayer for Karl Barth's theology. A key role is played in the analysis by the term 'reciprocity…

Recht und Landschaft

E-Book Recht und Landschaft

Annette Hoff examines agricultural information contained in the oldest Danish, Swedish, English, Irish and Frankish law books to present an important study of the development of cultivation…

Ecclesia est in re publica

E-Book Ecclesia est in re publica

This collected volume contains thirteen papers by Hanns Christof Brennecke demonstrating how Christianity in the Imperial Age and Late Antiquity is embedded in the context of the Imperium Romanum…

Religion und Disziplin

E-Book Religion und Disziplin

This monograph takes the example of the German Franciscans to examine the role of mendicant friars in social change in the late Middle Ages. In the later Middle Ages, the mendicant friars…

Herrschaft und Schrift

E-Book Herrschaft und Schrift

The study examines late medieval society's cultural practice in dealing with texts, enquiring into how in a principally oral society texts are made public, stored, damaged or even destroyed.…

Was ist und was sein soll

E-Book Was ist und was sein soll

The articles on life and work of Immanuel Kant are expressions of a contemporary, critical understanding of Kant. They give the reader courage to enter into a fruitful debate with the…

Gewalt und Ästhetik

E-Book Gewalt und Ästhetik

Violence and the forms of its representation are a long neglected central element of Classical Greece. After reviewing the history of the 5th century BC with its intensive experience of violence…


E-Book Natürlichkeit

In everyday morality, “naturalness” definitely continues to be a positively charged term.  It plays a significant role wherever technical progress opens up natural  processes…

Das Spiel in der Ästhetik

E-Book Das Spiel in der Ästhetik

How is the aesthetic appreciation of objects to be understood? According to Kant, not as a case of cognitive knowledge. Using the free play of cognitive ability, he provides an answer which…


E-Book Konfliktverläufe

The portrayal of conflicts transmits norms governing the mutual behaviour of men and women. This critical literary study identifies patterns of conflictual processes in such disparate 17th…

Aus Gründen handeln

E-Book Aus Gründen handeln

[Doing Things for Reasons] What exactly are the reasons for our actions, and how are they related to the results of these actions? The conventional doctrine is that these reasons are mental…

Wissen über Grenzen

E-Book Wissen über Grenzen

Present-day medievalists regard it as an undisputed fact that Arabic culture – especially science – influenced the Latin Middle Ages in a multitude of ways. However,…

Volume 3: Biologie

E-Book Volume 3: Biologie

This third Part (62) of Volume VIII (Mammalia) of the Handbook of Zoology completes the series on bats. In this volume Erwin Kulzer presents the biology of bats, drawing on the profound…

Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl

E-Book Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl

Transcending both disciplinary boundaries and the boundary between theory and practice, this is the first book to present a summary of the present-day debate on the emotions in the arts . The…

Natur, Technik, Geist

E-Book Natur, Technik, Geist

We still follow the definitions of Nature already laid down by Aristotle and Descartes who saw Nature as being delineated from the non-natural (e.g. culture, technology). Schiemann defends the…

Bilder machen Räume

E-Book Bilder machen Räume

In this analysis of mythological paintings in the houses of Pompeii, Katharina Lorenz produces a stimulating model of the contextual relationship between observer and object in the early Roman…


E-Book Duktoskopie

Ductoscopy is a relatively recent, minimally invasive special procedure for the early detection of breast cancer. It enables the inspection of the milk ducts to the eighth ramification thus…

Petrus in Rom

E-Book Petrus in Rom

The present volume undertakes a systematic study of the ancient texts testifying to St Peter’s time in Rome. It evaluates inter alia texts by Early Christian Church teachers (Justin Martyr,…

Zurück in den Beruf

E-Book Zurück in den Beruf

In this book the individual occupational diseases are described with regard to clinical picture (diagnosis, therapy, course), need for intervention, prospects of integration, gradual…


E-Book 1.7.-31.12.2004

The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding…

Realia Byzantina

E-Book Realia Byzantina

This volume combines twenty-six contributions on Byzantine literature in which well-known Byzantine scholars approach subjects from epistolography, historiography, hagiography, philology and…

Text und Übersetzung

E-Book Text und Übersetzung

Dem eigentlichen Homerkommentar, der im jeweils zweiten Faszikel eines Bandes geboten wird, geht im jeweils ersten Faszikel der griechische Text (von M . L. West) und die Übersetzung von J…

Nietzsche und Frankreich

E-Book Nietzsche und Frankreich

Friedrich Nietzsche held France in high esteem throughout his life. France was at the same time the country in which he allowed himself to believe to be understood. Nietzsche and France…

Griechische Studien

E-Book Griechische Studien

In a broad sweep, the Greek Studies treat important moments in Greek history from its beginnings up to the 4th century BC. Working in collaboration with the Old Testament scholar Klaus Seybold…


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