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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Ausgewählte Texte

E-Book Ausgewählte Texte

Paul Tillich is among the 20th century's most prominent Protestant theologians and religious philosophers. His influence extends far beyond the field of specialist theology. The present textbook…

Nag Hammadi Deutsch

E-Book Nag Hammadi Deutsch

Most of the Nag Hammadi texts originated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They form one of the most important manuscript rediscoveries of the 20th century, and their importance for Biblical…


E-Book Ideen

The notion of “idea” is a key concept in early modern philosophy. From Descartes’ seminal works at the beginning of the 17th century to the work of Thomas Reid in the closing…


E-Book Religionsphilosophie

Religionsphilosophie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin ist ein Ergebnis philosophischer Theologiekritik in der europäischen Aufklärungsepoche (um 1800). Seither sind ganz unterschiedlich orientierte…


E-Book Sprachphilosophie

Every philosophical involvement with language centres on the notion of representation. There is controversy over what language represents. The answers can be classified and used as a basis for a…

Klassische Mechanik

E-Book Klassische Mechanik

In diesem einzigartigen Lehrbuch werden anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen die Grundkonzepte der Mechanik vorgestellt. Es setzt nur wenige mathematische Vorkenntnisse voraus. Insbesondere für…

Klassische Mechanik

E-Book Klassische Mechanik

The new softcover edition of thisunique textbook introduces the basic concepts of mechanics using practical examples. It only assumes a small amount of prior mathematical knowledge. Rainer…

Sterne und Weltraum

E-Book Sterne und Weltraum

Die erweiterte und komplett überarbeitete 2. Auflage ist ein modernes Lehrbuch für Astrophysik-Vorlesungen. Der Bergmann-Schaefer-Reihe angemessen, stehen experimentelle Methoden und Messungen…


E-Book Stochastik

The fourth German edition of this textbook presents the fundamental ideas and results of both probability theory and statistics. It comprises the material of a one-year course, and is addressed to…

Numerische Methoden

E-Book Numerische Methoden

Elementary textbook introducing several topics from numerical mathematics, with many exercises and solutions. For students and practitioners from engineering and natural sciences. Hermann…


E-Book Maßanalyse

The 17th edition of this standard textbook includes the theoretical and instrumentational foundations as well as numerous practical applications of volumetric analysis. A new layout highlights…


E-Book Chemie

This introductory textbook offers chemistry students (BA, Chemistry minor) a compact overview of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. Peter Paetzold, Technische Hochschule Aachen


E-Book Übungsbuch

This tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to the textbooks Riedel/…

Chemische Thermodynamik

E-Book Chemische Thermodynamik

This unique textbook is a concise and precise presentation of the foundations of chemical thermodynamics that is easy to read and understand. More than 400 problems, e.g. on ideal and real gases…

Anorganische Chemie

E-Book Anorganische Chemie

'Riedel' - a student favorite - is now available in the revised 8th edition. The textbook addresses students with a major in chemistry and all who require a solid basic knowledge of inorganic…


E-Book Übungsbuch

The 2nd edition of this tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to…


E-Book Tensoranalysis

This textbook represents an extensive and easily understood introduction to tensor analysis, which is to be construed here as the generic term for classical tensor analysis and tensor algebra, and…

Europäische Methodenlehre

E-Book Europäische Methodenlehre

This handbook presents methodological questions of European law, especially questions relating to European private law, in a thoroughly systematic manner suited for instruction and practice.…


E-Book Völkerrecht

The 5th edition of this textbook offers a comprehensive and highly topical representation of the law of nations in its entirety in one volume. Michael Bothe, Universität Frankfurt am…


E-Book Erbrecht

This third edition is aimed to serve as a reference work not only for law students (from the start of law school up to final exams) but also legal trainees as well as legal practitioners. It…


E-Book Sachenrecht

The purpose of the work is to systematically cover the law of property as a component of private law in general, with its constitutional and European-law foundations, as well as the issues of…


E-Book Urheberrecht

The textbook on copyright law offers a didactic three-step-model to aid the acquisition and deepening of copyright law knowledge. Significant German Federal Court of Justice decisions are drawn…


E-Book Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht

Wilhelm, Law of Companies, covers many legal areas that have undergone intense reform over the last few years. Following an introduction to the system of the law of companies and the history of…


E-Book Urheberrecht

The new textbook on copyright law offers a didactic three-step-model to aid the acquisition and deepening of copyright law knowledge. Significant German Federal Court of Justice decisions are…


E-Book Jugendgerichtsgesetz

This definitive work on juvenile court law (JGG: Jugendgerichtsgesetz) is fully brought up to date in the 12th edition. The commentary's guiding principles remain focused on the basic ideas of…

Officina Hippocratica

E-Book Officina Hippocratica

It has long been appreciated that ancient medicine, and above all Hippocrates and Galen, played a significant role in the development of medicine until the Age of Enlightenment, and the last…

Hans Fallada

E-Book Hans Fallada

This collective volume interprets the texts of Fallada as an expression of the “ideology of life” which was typical for the beginnings of the modern period (c. 1890‑…

Imagination und Evidenz

E-Book Imagination und Evidenz

The archeological and source-critical research of ancient history in the 19th century confronted its aesthetic realization with a general problem: literary and visual art imaginations cannot…

Niemand ist eine Insel

E-Book Niemand ist eine Insel

This volume views human existence from various perspectives and asks what its purpose is. The underlying thesis is that humans are creatures of relationships. Any anthropology that fails to take…

Vor der Klassik

E-Book Vor der Klassik

At no other time has the role of art been subjected to such intense reflection as in the period of radical upheaval around 1800. Following on from the French Revolution, aesthetics became an…

Alfred Andersch 'revisited'

E-Book Alfred Andersch 'revisited'

Although W.G. Sebald established a link between the life and work of Alfred Andersch, which became the subject of a scandal, his approach was strongly rejected by many, especially in Germany, as…

Das Allgemeine bei Locke

E-Book Das Allgemeine bei Locke

The issue of the status of the general has been a subject of philosophical debate since antiquity. John Locke's treatment of this theme is not only of central importance for the understanding of…


E-Book 2010/2011

Die EditionBenn ForumBeiträge zur literarischen Moderne [Jahrbuch]Im Auftrag von Gottfried-Benn-GesellschaftHrsg. v. Dyck, Joachim / Korte, Hermann / Schmidt, Nadine JessicaISSN 1868-2758Das Benn…

Deutsche Idiomatik

E-Book Deutsche Idiomatik

The dictionary is the only comprehensive and up-to-date record of German idiomatic expressions. The idioms are arranged alphabetically according to specific principles reflecting language…

Versionen Montezumas

E-Book Versionen Montezumas

The cultural philosopher Oswald Spengler was the first universal historian of the 20th century. His work The Decline of the West was devoted to analyzing eight 'high cultures' ?the Classical and…


E-Book 'Vernatürlichung'

A classical option in philosophical thought is to view the human as a naturally cultural being. This can easily run the risk of turning into reductionism. Its epistemic boundary and its…

'Recht ist Streit'

E-Book 'Recht ist Streit'

Using linguistic instruments this work sets out to give a transparent description of the text-supported and discourse-based legal dispute in the process of reaching a legal judgement. It…

Ludwig Tieck

E-Book Ludwig Tieck

With his own literary production and his literary scholarship and criticism, Ludwig Tieck (1773‑1853) was a determining figure in literature and cultural activity around 1800 and in the…


E-Book Aemulatio

The articles in this anthology examine cultures of competition in visual-art and literary depictions and in socio-cultural practices in the period from 1450 to 1620. The main focus is on aspects…


E-Book Kriminalprognostik

Like-minded criminal policy practitioners of the time are coming to rely more often on the principle “in dubio Prognose” in the context of criminal law legislative hyperactivity.…


E-Book Vertriebsrecht

The new edition of “The Right of Sale: Commentary on §§ 84 to 92c HGB (German Commercial Code)” brings the comprehensive commentary on §§ 84-92c HGB up to date.…

Die Anderen im Spiegel

E-Book Die Anderen im Spiegel

Based on a detailed literary critical analysis of the books of the prophets Nahum, Zephaniah, Obadiah and Joel, this study investigates the relations of Israel to the peoples. The classical…

Gut des Menschen

E-Book Gut des Menschen

This study analyses the theoretical connections between the conception of happiness, the theory of the good, and an ethical-practical conception of human nature in Aristotle’s Ethics and…

Die Wirkung der Götter

E-Book Die Wirkung der Götter

The modern viewer is familiar with winged human figures in pictures, above all angels. Winged figures are also frequent on Greek vases. However, here, they must be seen in a very…


E-Book PfandBG

The German Pfandbrief Act of 22 May 2005 replaced the Mortgage Bank Act, which had been applicable up to that point. The specialized principle for pfandbrief banks was thus eliminated, and today…


E-Book 1810-1813

The third volume of letters to Pestalozzi covers the years 1810 to 1813 and contains over 600 letters. They show how Pestalozzi's methods awakened interest in the different countries of Europe (…


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