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Paul Tillich is among the 20th century's most prominent Protestant theologians and religious philosophers. His influence extends far beyond the field of specialist theology. The present textbook…
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Paul Tillich is among the 20th century's most prominent Protestant theologians and religious philosophers. His influence extends far beyond the field of specialist theology. The present textbook…
Most of the Nag Hammadi texts originated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They form one of the most important manuscript rediscoveries of the 20th century, and their importance for Biblical…
The notion of “idea” is a key concept in early modern philosophy. From Descartes’ seminal works at the beginning of the 17th century to the work of Thomas Reid in the closing…
Religionsphilosophie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin ist ein Ergebnis philosophischer Theologiekritik in der europäischen Aufklärungsepoche (um 1800). Seither sind ganz unterschiedlich orientierte…
Every philosophical involvement with language centres on the notion of representation. There is controversy over what language represents. The answers can be classified and used as a basis for a…
In diesem einzigartigen Lehrbuch werden anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen die Grundkonzepte der Mechanik vorgestellt. Es setzt nur wenige mathematische Vorkenntnisse voraus. Insbesondere für…
An elementary introduction to quantum theory Gernot Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster.
The new softcover edition of thisunique textbook introduces the basic concepts of mechanics using practical examples. It only assumes a small amount of prior mathematical knowledge. Rainer…
Die erweiterte und komplett überarbeitete 2. Auflage ist ein modernes Lehrbuch für Astrophysik-Vorlesungen. Der Bergmann-Schaefer-Reihe angemessen, stehen experimentelle Methoden und Messungen…
This textbook introduces both to the theory and numerics of partial differential equations (PDEs) which is rather unique for German textbooks.For all basic types of PDEs and boundary conditions,…
This textbook for the basic lecture course of the same name deals with selected topics of multidimensional analysis. It is also an introduction to the theory of ordinary differential equations and…
The fourth German edition of this textbook presents the fundamental ideas and results of both probability theory and statistics. It comprises the material of a one-year course, and is addressed to…
Elementary textbook introducing several topics from numerical mathematics, with many exercises and solutions. For students and practitioners from engineering and natural sciences. Hermann…
A comprehensive and rigorous introduction to optimization and approximation, including many exercises and examples. Peter Kosmol , Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel
This textbook presents an introduction to the differential geometry of curves and surfaces. This second, revised edition has been expanded to include solutions and applications in cartography.…
The 17th edition of this standard textbook includes the theoretical and instrumentational foundations as well as numerous practical applications of volumetric analysis. A new layout highlights…
The basic calculating operations in analytical and physical chemistry are provided in this 106th edition. The book contains data and calculating examples for the analysis of quantitative chemical…
This introductory textbook offers chemistry students (BA, Chemistry minor) a compact overview of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. Peter Paetzold, Technische Hochschule Aachen
This completely revised 3rd edition offers an excellent introduction to organic chemistry for students pursuing a chemistry minor (life sciences, engineering) or teaching certification.…
This tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to the textbooks Riedel/…
This unique textbook is a concise and precise presentation of the foundations of chemical thermodynamics that is easy to read and understand. More than 400 problems, e.g. on ideal and real gases…
'Riedel' - a student favorite - is now available in the revised 8th edition. The textbook addresses students with a major in chemistry and all who require a solid basic knowledge of inorganic…
The revised 10th edition contains the theoretical foundations, a concise overview of material chemistry and discusses current environmental problems. With its clear illustrations and concise…
The 2nd edition of this tutorial highlights the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry with hundreds of challenging and diverse problems and solutions. It is an ideal companion to…
The fourth edition of this textbook on organic chemistry has been completely revised, both with regard to didactics as well as to content. Using topical examples, the book takes the increasing…
This textbook represents an extensive and easily understood introduction to tensor analysis, which is to be construed here as the generic term for classical tensor analysis and tensor algebra, and…
The textbook offers the comprehensive presentation and analysis of international commercial law. The fundamentals of international commercial law will be treated as well as the special…
This book contains an introduction to the exam process and 18 model exams with detailed answers to test the student at Bar Exam level. The student can make himself/herself familiar with the exam…
This handbook presents methodological questions of European law, especially questions relating to European private law, in a thoroughly systematic manner suited for instruction and practice.…
The 5th edition of this textbook offers a comprehensive and highly topical representation of the law of nations in its entirety in one volume. Michael Bothe, Universität Frankfurt am…
This book of exercises offers students helpful tips and support pertaining to handling cases in criminal law throughout their entire course of studies.
This third edition is aimed to serve as a reference work not only for law students (from the start of law school up to final exams) but also legal trainees as well as legal practitioners. It…
The purpose of the work is to systematically cover the law of property as a component of private law in general, with its constitutional and European-law foundations, as well as the issues of…
The textbook on copyright law offers a didactic three-step-model to aid the acquisition and deepening of copyright law knowledge. Significant German Federal Court of Justice decisions are drawn…
Wilhelm, Law of Companies, covers many legal areas that have undergone intense reform over the last few years. Following an introduction to the system of the law of companies and the history of…
The new textbook on copyright law offers a didactic three-step-model to aid the acquisition and deepening of copyright law knowledge. Significant German Federal Court of Justice decisions are…
The goal of this textbook is to provide the first complete overview of the issue of legal protection under international, European and German public law including the reciprocal interconnections…
Four years after the last edition, a revision of this well-established textbook is set for release. The 14th edition covers the current trends in legislation, case-law and academic discussion in…
European Law is increasingly displacing and replacing national law. Previous presentations of European law have focused mainly on the institutions. Citizens and their legal positions have been too…
This edited volume, which has its origins in a Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich) in Dresden, 'Institutionality and Historicity', deals with the relationship between Roman…
Since the early period of German Idealism, the phenomenon of the tragic has been in the focus of philosophical self-understanding in that an emphasis on the tragic character of human life has…
This definitive work on juvenile court law (JGG: Jugendgerichtsgesetz) is fully brought up to date in the 12th edition. The commentary's guiding principles remain focused on the basic ideas of…
It has long been appreciated that ancient medicine, and above all Hippocrates and Galen, played a significant role in the development of medicine until the Age of Enlightenment, and the last…
This concise reference work for pathologists and orthopedists contains many illustrations and also, for the first time, an ICD scoring system in book form for joint disorders. Veit Krenn,…
This collective volume interprets the texts of Fallada as an expression of the “ideology of life” which was typical for the beginnings of the modern period (c. 1890‑…
The archeological and source-critical research of ancient history in the 19th century confronted its aesthetic realization with a general problem: literary and visual art imaginations cannot…
This volume views human existence from various perspectives and asks what its purpose is. The underlying thesis is that humans are creatures of relationships. Any anthropology that fails to take…
Herodotus is often criticised for his mythical representation of historical events. However, this offers an important key to the understanding of the text. Starting with the reconstruction of a…
This publication considers important legal questions concerning acquisition in good faith of shares and of rights to shares in a GmbH. In particular, the requirements, legal consequences and the…
This volume, occasioned by the centenary of the Fritz Haber Institute, formerly the Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, covers the institute's scientific and institutional…
The two volumes of this work provide the first comprehensive interpretation of the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius. The central thesis is that a particular combination of form and content is…
Murder and manslaughter, eye gouging, suicide, human sacrifice - Greek tragedy is full of horrible acts which disturb and fascinate, but are never directly presented on stage. But how are they…
Published 1982‑1996 by Artemis & Winkler in Zurich, Goethe’s Life: From Day to Day is a documentary style chronicle in eight volumes. This index volume finally enables a systematic…
In the 16th century philological competence and theological dynamics led to a new appreciation of the Bible as the foundation of the Christian Church. As a result the question of hermeneutics…
It may seem odd to an outsider - but clearly obvious to the seasoned practitioner - that during criminal proceedings, it is not the law that is debated, but primarily the facts of the case. The…
This study documents for the first time the scientific and cultural-historical significance of the Gesellschaft für deutsche Literatur (1888–1938) in Berlin, with which the educated…
Manichaeism is a world religion that was widespread between Europe and China in various periods between the 3rd and 12th/13th centuries. Sources in Central Asia led scholars to realize that…
Dante's Divine Comedy is one of the most important works in the history of world literature. Although the theme of justice is of central importance in this work, studies of its content from a…
In this work the author shows why and how Masonic lodges were persecuted during the Nazi era and how they were deprived of their assets. He describes how, following the end of the Nazi era, the…
The University of Basel was founded in 1460 on the basis of a privilege from Pope Pius II. As a young man, this pope had spent several years in the town and felt a strong affinity with it…
At no other time has the role of art been subjected to such intense reflection as in the period of radical upheaval around 1800. Following on from the French Revolution, aesthetics became an…
Although W.G. Sebald established a link between the life and work of Alfred Andersch, which became the subject of a scandal, his approach was strongly rejected by many, especially in Germany, as…
The issue of the status of the general has been a subject of philosophical debate since antiquity. John Locke's treatment of this theme is not only of central importance for the understanding of…
The challenges of Late Modernism form the shared horizon of Christian and Buddhist religious-hermeneutic efforts to demonstrate the relevance to everyday life of their respective transmitted…
Die EditionBenn ForumBeiträge zur literarischen Moderne [Jahrbuch]Im Auftrag von Gottfried-Benn-GesellschaftHrsg. v. Dyck, Joachim / Korte, Hermann / Schmidt, Nadine JessicaISSN 1868-2758Das Benn…
The dictionary is the only comprehensive and up-to-date record of German idiomatic expressions. The idioms are arranged alphabetically according to specific principles reflecting language…
In her study Miriam Montag-Erlwein investigates the entire monastic source material of the Heilsbronn Abbey from 1132 to 1321. This provides information about the connections within the Order,…
In many aspects, James Cook's voyages of discovery in the South Pacific are part of the revolution of knowledge of the Age of Enlightenment. However, they not only laid the geographical…
The new edition explains the Cooperative Societies Act (GenG) and the law regulating the transformation of the German Cooperative Bank. It contains an elaborate statement of the legal…
The German language is not uniform, but rather has prominent national and regional differences. This book focuses on how much this so-called pluricentricism is reflected in the lexicography, how…
The development of a Burgundian church with an “Arian”-homoian profile led to disputes, but also to an intensive theological exchange with the predominantly Nicene Gallo-Roman…
The author reconstructs the adventurous life of the Kabbalist Abraham Cohen de Herrera (d. 1635) in the context of his mystic works. Herrera wrote a synthesis between Christian-oriented…
The cultural philosopher Oswald Spengler was the first universal historian of the 20th century. His work The Decline of the West was devoted to analyzing eight 'high cultures' ?the Classical and…
This study explores the various aspects of cultural exchange between three find areas (Southern Germany, England and Scandinavia) during the transition from the Migration Period to the Early…
A classical option in philosophical thought is to view the human as a naturally cultural being. This can easily run the risk of turning into reductionism. Its epistemic boundary and its…
Die zweite Auflage berücksichtigt die zum 30. Dezember 2009 in Kraft getretene Anhebung der Haftungshöchstbeträge und kommentiert die aktuelle Rechtsprechung des Europäischen…
The marketability of the popular church, its growth, criticism and theological legitimacy have been the subject of an ecclesiastical discourse since the early 1990s. This study not only deals…
The single-tier administrative system with non-managing directors has been an option in Germany since the introduction of the Societas Europaea (SE). The particular relevance of the examination…
Using linguistic instruments this work sets out to give a transparent description of the text-supported and discourse-based legal dispute in the process of reaching a legal judgement. It…
The new German fee system for psychiatry and psychosomatics was introduced in 2010 in a law on hospital finance. In-patient treatments are now coded using surgical and procedural codes. Driven…
This book is a collection of presentations held at the third symposium of the project “Economy, Criminal Law, Ethics”.The presentations in the first section of this work clearly show…
Only recently have researchers gradually begun to consider the categories of freedom developed by Kant in his Critique of Practical Reason. This treatise is the first to examine the topic…
With his own literary production and his literary scholarship and criticism, Ludwig Tieck (1773‑1853) was a determining figure in literature and cultural activity around 1800 and in the…
The articles in this anthology examine cultures of competition in visual-art and literary depictions and in socio-cultural practices in the period from 1450 to 1620. The main focus is on aspects…
This volume examines a comprehensive range of aspects of Paul Tillich's theology of culture from the perspective of the history of his work and its problems. The themes discussed are the…
In commemoration of Husserl’s many years of teaching and research in Göttingen, the Göttingen Academy of Science staged an international symposium in Husserl’s jubilee year…
The study investigates the influence of the two visual media photography and painting on the works of Theodor Fontane. Firstly, the author analyzes images that can be properly acknowledged only…
Like-minded criminal policy practitioners of the time are coming to rely more often on the principle “in dubio Prognose” in the context of criminal law legislative hyperactivity.…
The new edition of “The Right of Sale: Commentary on §§ 84 to 92c HGB (German Commercial Code)” brings the comprehensive commentary on §§ 84-92c HGB up to date.…
Volume 3 contains works on historical consciousness (e.g. chronicles, biographical writings and historical songs) and spatial experience (e.g. narratives of pilgrims, fictional descriptions of…
This book addresses the legal background of the derivative business. The author analyses existing rules and comes to the conclusion that further regulation is superfluous. The European legal…
Based on a detailed literary critical analysis of the books of the prophets Nahum, Zephaniah, Obadiah and Joel, this study investigates the relations of Israel to the peoples. The classical…
In October 1816 Therese Huber became editor of the Kunstblatt, an art supplement to Cotta's Morgenblatt für gebildete Stände [morning paper for the educated classes]. In the middle of the…
For the new edition of the Gynaecologist's Pocket Book, numerous new case examples of contraception in problem situations have been added and the 111 examples from the previous edition have been…
This study analyses the theoretical connections between the conception of happiness, the theory of the good, and an ethical-practical conception of human nature in Aristotle’s Ethics and…
Researchers have long debated which role the aristocracy played in society, politics and the economy during the 19th century. Did the aristocracy succeed in staying “at the top”, or…
The modern viewer is familiar with winged human figures in pictures, above all angels. Winged figures are also frequent on Greek vases. However, here, they must be seen in a very…
The contributions to volume 8 of the Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism pursue from various perspectives the multifarious relations of…
The German Pfandbrief Act of 22 May 2005 replaced the Mortgage Bank Act, which had been applicable up to that point. The specialized principle for pfandbrief banks was thus eliminated, and today…
The third volume of letters to Pestalozzi covers the years 1810 to 1813 and contains over 600 letters. They show how Pestalozzi's methods awakened interest in the different countries of Europe (…