Frontmatter | 1 |
Inhaltsverzeichnis | 7 |
Vorwort | 11 |
A New Web for Arachne | 15 |
The Invention of Mythic Truth in Antiquity | 39 |
Under Which Conditions Did the Greeks “Believe” in Their Myths? The Religious Criteria of Adherence | 52 |
Die Religion im modernen Europa erhält eine Vorgeschichte | 69 |
Meta-mythology of “Baetyl Cult”. The Mediterranean Hypothesis of Sir Arthur Evans and Fritz Graf | 87 |
Prométhée fonde-t-il le sacrifi ce grec? En relisant Jean Rudhardt | 95 |
Equus October und ludi Capitolini: Zur rituellen Struktur der Oktober-Iden und ihren antiken Deutungen | 110 |
Théologie romaine et représentation de l’action au début de l’Empire | 136 |
Influencia del mito hesiódico de la sucesión en los textos astrológicos grecorromanos | 149 |
The Portrait of a Seer. The Framing of Divination Paradigms through Myth in Archaic and Classical Greece | 172 |
The Philosopher and the Magician (Porphyry, Vita Plotini 10.1–13). Magic and Sympathy | 203 |
Does Tantalus Drink the Blood, or Not? An Enigmatic Series of Inscribed Hematite Gemstones | 217 |
The Laments of Horus in Coptic: Myth, Folklore, and Syncretism in Late Antique Egypt | 243 |
Gentrifying Genealogy: On the Genesis of the Athenian Autochthony Myth | 265 |
Récits étiologiques argiens du temps des hommes | 290 |
Zeus’ Own Country: Cult and Myth in the Pride of Halicarnassus | 306 |
Myths and Contexts in Aphrodisias | 327 |
Sacred Precinct: Cattle, Hunted Animals, Slaves, Women | 353 |
The Great Medieval Mythogenesis: Why Historians Should Look Again at Medieval Heroic Tales | 370 |
In Praise of the Chaotic | 386 |
Dogs as Dalits in Indian Literature | 405 |
The Fluttering Soul | 420 |
Mythe et émotion. Quelques idées anciennes | 429 |
Bubbling Blood and Rolling Bones: Agency and Teleology in Rabbinic Myth | 446 |
Orpheus und die Buchrolle | 467 |
Orpheus als Lehrer des Musaios, Moses als Lehrer des Orpheus | 483 |
Mopsos and Cultural Exchange between Greeks and Locals in Cilicia | 501 |
Sardanapal zwischen Mythos und Realität: Das Grab in Kilikien | 516 |
Biographical Mythology | 530 |
Imago mortis – imago vitae: Senecas Aufführung von Sokrates’ Tod – Repräsentation, Performance, Theatralität | 546 |
Iolaos | 579 |
The Libation of Oinomaos | 590 |
Penélope en la Odisea | 613 |
The Motif of the Exiled Killer | 642 |
The Abduction of Helen and the Greek Poetic Tradition: Politics, Reinterpretations and Controversies | 659 |
A Hermeneutic Commentary on the Eschatological Passage in Pindar Olympian 2 (57–83) | 676 |
Troy and Tragedy: The Conscience of Hellas | 692 |
Ursprungsfragen. Aristoteles über die Genese der dramatischen Gattungen | 710 |
Der griechische Roman – ein Mythos? Gedanken zur mythischen Dimension von Longos’ Daphnis und Chloe | 723 |
Stoff und Performance in pantomimischen Mytheninszenierungen der Antike | 754 |
Backmatter | 771 |