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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Kleine Prosa

E-Book Kleine Prosa

Whether as aphorisms or fragments, thought figures or feuilletons, prose poems, micro-stories or autobiographical jottings, different manifestations of short prose have greatly influenced the…

»Steine in Potenzen«

E-Book »Steine in Potenzen«

Starting from a discussion of selected characteristic 18th century theories of empirical research and (nature) philosophy, the study undertakes an analysis of mineralogical motifs in the works…


E-Book Anamnesis

The life-stories of problematic central figures as recounted in Moritz' »Anton Reiser«, Keller's »Der grüne Heinrich« and Raabe's »Akten des Vogelsangs« serve as a basis for mapping out…

Die Blutstropfen im Schnee

E-Book Die Blutstropfen im Schnee

The study proceeds from a close reading of the 'blood in the snow' episode in Wolfram von Eschenbach's 'Parzival'. The perception and knowledge-formation processes described in this scene are…

Dürers kleinere Texte

E-Book Dürers kleinere Texte

The study discusses Albrecht Dürer's (1471-1528) minor writings (family records, letters, poems in rhyming couplets, dedications, and the »Diary of a Journey to the Netherlands«) against the…

Babylon und Jerusalem

E-Book Babylon und Jerusalem

The study analyzes strategies serving the constitution of meaning in »Reinfried and Apollonius«, proceeding from there to propose a new definition of what it is that significantly distinguishes…

Klios Medien

E-Book Klios Medien

The subject of this volume is historicist practice in the perception of history and the development that superseded it. Both Ranke and Droysen as well as Fontane in his texts on the war of 1870/…

Androgyne Autorschaft

E-Book Androgyne Autorschaft

The present study examines authorship identity patterns in the works of Clemens Brentano (1778-1842), inquiring specifically into the function of poetological and transcendental-philosophical…

Goethes Musiktheater

E-Book Goethes Musiktheater

Goethe's libretti represent one of the last major lacunae in scholarly research on the author. Throughout his life Goethe took a keen and productive interest in all the European varieties of…

Fliehkräfte der Moderne

E-Book Fliehkräfte der Moderne

The study traces a development extending from Nietzsche to Brecht in which traditional identities lost their sustaining power. The ongoing disintegration of ordered structures, traditional faith…


E-Book Archivpoetik

One of the striking features of »Faust II« is the way Goethe has incorporated a multiplicity of knowledge elements into this work of his old age. The study examines the function of this…

Die Poetik der Adaptation

E-Book Die Poetik der Adaptation

The study conveys insights into the creative strategies employed by German romance authors of the high Middle Ages in the adaptation of their usually French sources. With reference to Heinrich…

Krieg im Visier

E-Book Krieg im Visier

Against the background of the recent revival of interest evinced by Germanic studies in the medieval Order of German Knights, this study sets out to cast light on the various insights to be…

Die Päpstin Johanna

E-Book Die Päpstin Johanna

Ludwig Achim von Arnim's adaptation of the medieval saga of the female pope Johanna is typically romantic in the way it combines epic, lyrical, and dramatic elements. This is the first edition…

Briefwechsel I (1788-1801)

E-Book Briefwechsel I (1788-1801)

The volume is an annotated collection of the extant and reconstructed letters written (107) and received (94) by Arnim in his school and university years up to the beginning of his educative…


E-Book Briefsteller

Volume 9 of the critical edition of Karl Philipp Moritz' complete works provides renewed access to Moritz' guides to letter-writing: Anleitung zum Briefschreiben (1783) and Allgemeiner deutscher…

Das Narrenschiff

E-Book Das Narrenschiff

Before Goethe's »Werther« arrived on the scene, Sebastian Brant's (1457-1521) central work »The Ship of Fools« (1494ff.) was the most successful book ever published in German. In 112 chapters,…


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