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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Vergleiche und Vergleichen

E-Book Vergleiche und Vergleichen

On the basis of an extensive corpus the study analyzes comparative structures in German. Proceeding from an examination of the elements necessary for a comparison, their formal characteristics…

Die Grammatik der Metapher

E-Book Die Grammatik der Metapher

The study is concerned with fundamental aspects of figurative speech. The methodology underlying the approach is a concept of communicative grammar which has found its way into linguistics via…

Frühe Mehrsprachigkeit

E-Book Frühe Mehrsprachigkeit

This monograph sets out to establish a theoretical framework for the study of childhood linguistic acquisition processes in multilingual contexts, taking account both of natural and guided…

Lexikalische Dynamik

E-Book Lexikalische Dynamik

Computing is among the fields which have been contributing most to the expansion of the English vocabulary in recent decades. The aim of this study - which is based on a corpus comprising over…


E-Book Präpositionalattribute

Proceeding from fundamental considerations on grammar research, notably in the sectors of prepositions and noun valency, the study examines a large text corpus with a view to identifying the…

Kategorien des Nomens

E-Book Kategorien des Nomens

The leitmotif of this study is economy, both at the linguistic and the analytic level. It explores the following subjects: definite articles in Bulgarian, Romanian, and Albanian and their suffix…

Progressiv im Deutschen

E-Book Progressiv im Deutschen

Is there such a thing as progressive in German? Basing its arguments on the evaluation of various corpora, the study discusses potentially progressive constructions (am/beim/im V sein, dabei…

Sprachliche Affektivität

E-Book Sprachliche Affektivität

This study is devoted to the micro- and macro-structural facets of emotional expression in speech. Central aspects are the semiotic status of this phenomenon, the perspective from which its…

Nominalisierte Infinitive

E-Book Nominalisierte Infinitive

Nominalized infinitives are generally considered to be bona fide event nouns that, unlike result nouns, inherit the argument structure of the base verbs in an almost unrestricted way. The…


E-Book Hilfsverben

This study is an application of Chomsky's minimalist program (1995) to the universally relevant phenomenon of auxiliarity, restricted here to verb auxiliarity. It provides detailed minimalist…

Aktionsarten im Deutschen

E-Book Aktionsarten im Deutschen

The study proposes a comprehensive classification of action types in German. It revolves crucially around the distinction of three classes of state verbs. Actional features relate to the…

Lexikon und Text

E-Book Lexikon und Text

This collection of papers stems from a workshop 'Lexicon and Text' that was held at the University of Tübingen on February 17-18, 1994. The papers focus on the development of tools for maschine…

Criolisches Wörterbuch

E-Book Criolisches Wörterbuch

This is an edition of the first dictionary of a Creole language, compiled in 1767/8, together with a more or less contemporaneous vocabulary of that same language, the Negerhollands spoken on…


E-Book Laien-Linguistik

This study looks into the forms taken and the functions performed by lay theories of language and communication implicit in publications of a linguistic nature designed for the general reader.…

Schreiben als Handlung

E-Book Schreiben als Handlung

This study proceeds from the working assumption that writing may plausibly be regarded as a form of complex linguistic action. On this basis concrete processes characteristic of text production…


E-Book StilGestalten

An overview of the evolution of discourse on style since the end of the Enlightenment period is followed by a second section systematically reviewing present-day philological, psychological and…

Vernakuläre Wissenschaft

E-Book Vernakuläre Wissenschaft

With reference to existing fruits of research on Christian Wolff (1679-1754) and the methods employed to describe languages for special purposes, the study analyzes the conditions conducive to…


E-Book Volksetymologie

This broadly conceived study of popular etymology combines an overview of the history of research into the subject, a discussion of its theoretical aspects (on the basis of examples) and a…


E-Book Satzverknüpfung

The subject of this monograph is clause connection in texts (with the emphasis on adverbial structures). It transpires that specific features in the structure of clauses can be related partly to…

Parlando in Texten

E-Book Parlando in Texten

This is a study of changes in writing patterns displayed by young German adults (secondary school leavers). The study draws on two corpora, one of texts written at school in the 1990s, the other…

Negation und Interrogation

E-Book Negation und Interrogation

The volume looks into selected aspects of negation and interrogation and the way they interrelate. After a comparative investigation of negation in German, Serbian and Turkish offering a number…


E-Book Wirtschaftskommunikation

The volume describes the highly varied forms of linguistic action involved in business contexts and encounters. It provides an overview of central exchange types: sales and complaint exchanges,…

Schreiben und Denken

E-Book Schreiben und Denken

Difficult assignments and long texts force writers to adopt strategic behaviours. This study looks at strategies employed by adult writers composing long texts, i.e. thinking as they write,…


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