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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Kreolisch und Französisch

E-Book Kreolisch und Französisch

Französische Kreolsprachen werden heute von ca. 9 Millionen Menschen in der Karibik und im westlichen indischen Ozean gesprochen. Ihre Eigenständigkeit gründet sich sowohl auf ihre Struktur als…

Chronos und Thanatos

E-Book Chronos und Thanatos

Die Untersuchung behandelt die von 1945/46 bis 1962 erschienenen Romane Claude Simons (* 1913). Ihr liegt ein fiktiver Dialog zwischen dem nouveau romancier und Jean-Paul Sartre zugrunde. Den…

Ins Ungebundene

E-Book Ins Ungebundene

Maurice Blanchot a exercé une influence indiscutable dans les débats littéraires de l'après-guerre. L'analyse de son oeuvre accentue sa présence aux discussions structuralistes,…

Spanischer Naturalismus

E-Book Spanischer Naturalismus

Naturalism is one of the last white patches on the historical map of Spanish literature. Up to now it was mainly the reference to the idealistically oriented history of ideas in Spain, and…

Gesualdo Bufalino

E-Book Gesualdo Bufalino

Between 1981, when the 60-year-old author won the prestigious Premio Campiello with his first novel »Diceria dell'untore«, and his death in 1996, Bufalino published novels, short stories, plays…

Reisen zum Ursprung

E-Book Reisen zum Ursprung

The study discusses J.M.G. Le Clézio's (*1940) travel writings from the period 1985-1995 (»Le chercheur d'or«, »Voyage à Rodrigues«, »La quarantaine«) as a project geared to poetological self-…

Ich, Region, Nation

E-Book Ich, Region, Nation

Maurice Barrès (1862--1923), forgotten as a writer, but still remembered as a nationalist, is discussed here for the first time in terms of his three-tiered construction of identity and the…

'Satura' und 'pasticcio'

E-Book 'Satura' und 'pasticcio'

The study is the first to engage in a detailed examination of imagery in the works of the Milanese engineer, philosopher, and writer Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893-1973). It explores different kinds…

Der Edelmann am Schreibpult

E-Book Der Edelmann am Schreibpult

The subject of this study is the understanding of literature displayed by important French and Italian authors from Castiglione and Montaigne to Chateaubriand and Alfieri, who as members of the…

Spanien und die Sepharden

E-Book Spanien und die Sepharden

One writer wrote recently that from the 8th to the 15th century, the Iberian peninsula was a 'locus of encounter' without parallel in the history of the world. Only in Spain did Moors, Jews, and…

Spanien und der Holocaust

E-Book Spanien und der Holocaust

Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs lebten etwa 4.500 Juden spanischer Staatsangehörigkeit im deutschen Machtbereich. Bis 1942 waren sie wie andere ausländische Juden von den Deportationen in die…

Der realistische Weg

E-Book Der realistische Weg

In Einzeluntersuchungen, Längs- und Querschnitten entsteht ein für die deutsche, englische und französische Literatur tragfähiger Begriff des literarischen Realismus im 19. Jahrhundert. Neben…

Fiktion und Vieldeutigkeit

E-Book Fiktion und Vieldeutigkeit

Die einzigen Begriffe, mit denen die Literaturwissenschaft zur Zeit hoffen kann, ihren Gegenstand - 'Literatur' - abzugrenzen, dürften Fiktion und Vieldeutigkeit sein. Diesen Begriffen wird hier…

Ästhetischer Katholizismus

E-Book Ästhetischer Katholizismus

The social power of rituals is a function of their aesthetic fascination; the one is unimaginable without the other. In modern German literature, Stefan George's works (1868-1933) represent the…

Literarische Gruppenbildung

E-Book Literarische Gruppenbildung

The circle of like-minded litterati that formed around the poet Stefan George (1868-1933) at the turn of the century represented one of the most outspoken and controversial responses to what at…

Das Streben nach Wissen

E-Book Das Streben nach Wissen

The form and function of popular encyclopedias went through very considerable changes in the 19th century. The study outlines the emergence of the general reference work as a genre in its own…

Weimaraner Weltbewohner

E-Book Weimaraner Weltbewohner

Goethe's concept of Weltliteratur ('world literature') made its first appearance in his periodical »Über Kunst und Altertum« and displays three dimensions: historical diagnosis,…

Literarische Leben

E-Book Literarische Leben

The term 'literary lives' defines the specific focus on the question of role designs that runs throughout this volume. The focus is on literature, albeit in a broadly conceived sense of the term…

Ritual und Inszenierung

E-Book Ritual und Inszenierung

The volume contains papers on religious and secular drama in the Middle Ages and the early modern age presented at a symposium in Cologne and centering on plays in Latin, Middle High German,…


E-Book Titurel

Wolfram's »Titurel« is one of the most important works of medieval literature. This new publication provides critical editions of the texts of the three versions that have come down to…


E-Book Lancelot

The »Prose Lancelot« still represents a major challenge for research on medieval literature. The Middle High German romance is a translation of an Old French original that may have…

Dietrichs Flucht

E-Book Dietrichs Flucht

This volume presents the first of the Bremen editions of the historical epics on Dietrich of Berne. The text of »Dietrichs Flucht« (13th century) is an epic description of Dietrich's…


E-Book Rabenschlacht

This is the second of the new Bremen editions of epic poems centring around Dietrich von Bern. In its content, the text of the »Rabenschlacht« (13th century) takes up where »…

Die schöne Jüdin

E-Book Die schöne Jüdin

Beautiful Jewesses have been among the stock figures featuring in literature in German for centuries. The present study is the first consistent attempt to typify the figure of the 'beautiful Jewess'…

Würde im Widerspruch

E-Book Würde im Widerspruch

Jewish literature blossomed in Germany during the years 1933 to 1938. It was tolerated by the National Socialists and served German Jews as a means of self-ascertion and frequently also provided…

Georg Hermann

E-Book Georg Hermann

In the first third of the 20th century, Georg Hermann (1871-1943) was an internationally well-known and popular author. His gentle irony and the bitter-sweet cachet of his atmospheric…


E-Book Ghettoliteratur

In the eight decades after the 1830s, ghetto literature became the most important genre in the development of Jewish literature in German. In its first section, this documentation outlines the…


E-Book Funkensuche

The rediscovery of the works of the Galician writer Soma Morgenstern only took place after his death. They are marked by the quest for identity embarked on by Jewish intellectuals in the 20th…

Theatralia Judaica II

E-Book Theatralia Judaica II

The analyses in this volume represent a continuation of those presented in »Theatralia Judaica I« on the Jewish contribution to central European theatre from the beginnings of Jewish…

Leonide Massine

E-Book Leonide Massine

Leonide Massine (1896-1979), next to Fokine and Nijinsky the moving spirit behind the Ballets Russes, collaborated with almost all the major artists of the age and is held by dance experts to be…

Tanz als BewegungsText

E-Book Tanz als BewegungsText

The study is devoted to the problem of motion analysis and centers on 20th century social dancing and dance theatre. The main focus is on the motorics of the body-in-motion. Analytic observation…


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