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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Die gestohlenen Jahre

E-Book Die gestohlenen Jahre

In einem ersten, theoretischen Teil enthält diese Studie eine ausführliche Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Forschungsentwicklungen auf den Gebieten der Biographischen Forschung,…

Der Paul Zsolnay Verlag

E-Book Der Paul Zsolnay Verlag

The Paul Zsolnay publishing house was established in Vienna in the late fall of 1923. It was Austria's leading literary publisher in the years between the two World Wars and focused on…

Zensur und Kultur

E-Book Zensur und Kultur

An international team of literary and social historians investigate here diverse forms of formal and informal censorship practices. In this context censorship designates a complex and tension-…

Zeichen und Zeit

E-Book Zeichen und Zeit

'Sign and Time' identifies crucial components of the 19th century conception of realism and reconstructs their interplay in narrative texts written between 1840 and 1910. Selective analyses of…

Typographische Kultur

E-Book Typographische Kultur

The study takes up the ongoing discussion on the material aspects of communication and the relationship between scriptural and pictorial media. It proceeds from the thesis that the typographic…

Das Buch der Seele

E-Book Das Buch der Seele

With analyses of the diaries of Haller, Gellert, Lavater, La Roche, von der Recke, Goethe, Leisewitz, Lichtenberg, etc., and taking full account of culture-historical aspects, the media, and…

Rückkehr des Autors

E-Book Rückkehr des Autors

Theoretical debate has declared the author obsolete. In practice, however, certain usages of the author concept are repeatedly demonstrated as being legitimate. This discrepancy suggests that…

Soldat und Kriegserlebnis

E-Book Soldat und Kriegserlebnis

The study examines 216 memoirs on the Second World War by former German combatants, published mostly in West Germany between 1945 and 1961. The aim is to describe the attitudes identifiable in…

Ästhetik im Umbruch

E-Book Ästhetik im Umbruch

What happened around 1900 to universal semantic systems like aesthetics and ethics when German society underwent a radical change from a stratificational to a functional form of social…

Rechts und links der Seine

E-Book Rechts und links der Seine

With more than 2,000 daily issues between 1933 and 1940, the »Pariser Tageblatt« / »Pariser Tageszeitung« is one of the key sources for research on the political, cultural, and everyday life of…

Mythos Schweiz

E-Book Mythos Schweiz

Drawing upon more than 500 literary and journalistic texts, this study is the first post-war discussion of the phenomenon of German enthusiasm for Switzerland across a period of 150 years. The…

Text und Feld

E-Book Text und Feld

In Germany, the debate about the pros and cons of advanced literary sociology sparked off by Pierre Bourdieu's basic work »The Rules of Art« has mostly taken place on an abstract level…

Beseelte Töne

E-Book Beseelte Töne

Klopstock's mythological skating odes are an especially graphic instance of his role as a key poet in the literary revolution that took place in the 18th century. In their rhythmic complexion…

Der Autor im Nachruf

E-Book Der Autor im Nachruf

Obituaries always do more than sum up the life of someone who has just died. They fulfil various functions ranging from canonisation to propaganda, and they do so in the service of a huge…

Bekannte Fremde

E-Book Bekannte Fremde

With its groundings in social psychology and linguistics, this study sets out (a) to provide a theoretical characterization of national stereotypes as a topic in literary studies, (b) to cast…

Stereotype Paradiese

E-Book Stereotype Paradiese

The South Seas play a major part in 19th century German literature and journalism, where they figure as a paradise representing the object of desire, research, and colonial conquest. This book…


E-Book Wörterbuch

The lexicon pertaining to Brother Berthold's »Rechtssumme« is an integral part of the overall edition. Its function is to provide a dictionary of definitions based on the three…

Meister Eckhart in Melk

E-Book Meister Eckhart in Melk

The present study deals with the reception of the works of Meister Eckhart during the first half of the 15th century at the Benedictine monastary of Melk (Austria). Eckhart's work is to be found…

Der Winterteil

E-Book Der Winterteil

The prose legendry »Lives of the Saints« written in the Dominican monastery in Nuremberg around 1400 was the most widely disseminated vernacular legendry of the European Middle Ages. It has been…

Bucolica - Fünf Eklogen

E-Book Bucolica - Fünf Eklogen

One of the most neglected areas of German humanism is the tradition of pastoral poetry in New Latin modeled on Virgil`s eclogues. Among the most prominent New Latin bucolic poets is Simon…

Die Haymonskinder

E-Book Die Haymonskinder

This is the first scholarly edition of the High German prose rendering of the French source text by Renaud de Montauban in the 1535 Simmern version. The anonymous author is Johann II of Simmern…


E-Book Briefwechsel

Johann Georg Wille (1715-1808) was a German engraver from Hesse who settled in Paris in 1736 and practiced his art there until his death in 1808. He soon became the central figure in a wide-…

Philologie und Erkenntnis

E-Book Philologie und Erkenntnis

The volume assembles the papers given at the international and interdisciplinary conference »Concept and Problem of Philology 1580-1730« held in July 1998. They provide insight into the…

Die Ordnung der Praxis

E-Book Die Ordnung der Praxis

Key events like the discovery of America, the collapse of denominational unity, the increasing significance of new trade relations, and the centralization of state power stand for the complex…

Reichsstadt und Schauspiel

E-Book Reichsstadt und Schauspiel

The Baroque Age was one of the undisputed peaks in the history of European theatre, opera, and festive stage production. The assumption so far (at least for the German-speaking territories) has…

Das Stammbuch

E-Book Das Stammbuch

The album amicorum is generally considered a transdisciplinary research field par excellence. The present volume is the first attempt to unite the various approaches into a systematic overall…

Johann Beer

E-Book Johann Beer

This is the first full-length monograph on the Baroque novelist Johann Beer (1655-1700) since Richard Alewyn's discovery of the author in 1933, and is the first study presenting Beer's entire…

Götter im Exil

E-Book Götter im Exil

The volume traces the cognitive changes to which the understanding of literature was exposed from the late 16th century onwards. Engagement with the literature of antiquity was determined by the…

Ikonographie und Sprachbild

E-Book Ikonographie und Sprachbild

The study focuses on the largely neglected anonymous flysheet »Der gestryfft Schwitzer Baur«, printed in 1522 by Pamphilus Gengenbach in Basel. Following an outline of the conditions governing…

Schau-Spiele des Geldes

E-Book Schau-Spiele des Geldes

Many comedies are instances of 'money on the stage' and not merely because their subject matter revolves around 'filthy lucre'. Numerous features characteristic of the genre serve to illustrate…


E-Book Religionsstreitigkeiten

This study deals with religious controversies of Reformation Germany. The first part focuses on the rhetorical structure of single pamphlets and on the way the pamphlets build up to a…


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